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Integumentary System
14. Identify characteristics of the skin such as area, weight, and thickness varying by
15. Describe and locate the underlying structures of the integumentary system
a. Hypodermis
b. Superficial fascia
16. Describe the epidermis
a. Characteristic features
b. Location
Anatomy and Physiology Course of Study 21
c. Describe the process of keratinization
d. Describe function of types of skin cells
1. Keratinocytes
2. Melanocytes
3. Merkel cells
4. Langerhans cells
17. Name and describe characteristics of layers of the epidermis
a. basal layer
b. prickly layer
c. granular layer
d. clear layer
e. horny layer
18. Describe the dermis
a. Characteristic features
b. Location
c. Describe location and characteristics of layers of the dermis
1. Papillary layer
2. Reticular layer
19. Describe the difference in skin color as a result of
a. melanin
b. carotene
c. hemoglobin
20. Identify locations and functions of the skin appendages
a. Sweat (sudoriferous) glands
b. Sebaceous (oil) glands
c. Hair and hair follicles
1. Shaft
2. Root
3. Cuticle
d. Nails
e. Sensory receptors
f. Blood vessels
g. Smooth muscle
21. Describe the functions of the integumentary system
a. Protection
1. Chemical barrier (e.g. melanin)
2. Physical barrier (e.g. epidermis, dermis)
b. Body temperature regulation
1. Cutaneous sensation (sense receptors)
2. Metabolic function
3. Blood reservoir
4. Prevent water loss
5. Excretion of waste
22. Describe common abnormal homeostatic skin imbalances
a. Skin cancer (e.g. basal cell, squamous cell, melanoma)
b. Burns
23. Describe the relationship between homeostasis and the skin
24. Describe the classification of covering and lining membranes
a. Cutaneous membranes
b. Mucous membranes
c. Serous membranes
d. Synovial membranes
25. Identify types of visceral and parietal membranes (e.g. pericardial, peritoneal, pleural)
26. Describe the regenerative capacity of the skin
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