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AP Biology: Cellular Processes
Investigation 6: Cellular Respiration
______Big Idea 2
What factors affect the rate of cellular respiration in multicellular organisms?
(Read the background in the AP lab packet and summarize for your lab notebook; also
read through the background in the Ward’s Cell Respiration Lab packet)
General Safety Precautions:
The Investigations:
Getting Started:
(Answer all the getting started questions in your lab notebooks. Make sure your
responses are full sentence answers that would make sense to you and the reader)
Procedures: See Ward’s packet procedures.
(Disregard the procedures in the AP lab packet; we will be using the procedures from
the Ward’s Cell Respiration Lab Packet and filing it into the lab binder)
(We will be using the data table from the Ward’s Cell Respiration Lab Packet for the
investigation and attaching it into your lab notebook)
(In your lab notebook create a graph of your results from the corrected difference
column in Table 1 for the germinating peas and dry peas, in both the room temperature
and chilled water baths. Plot the time in minutes. Make sure that the graph is correctly
structured and is of appropriate size.)
Analyzing Results:
1. What was the independent and dependent variables in this experiment? What
was the purpose of the chamber with only glass beads?
2. What was the role of the KOH in this experiment? How did the KOH affect the
water movement in the respirometer?
3. Describe sources of error that occurred during the experiment and how to
remedy these errors if you were to repeat the experiment.
4. According to your graph, what happens to the rate of oxygen consumed by
germinating peas over time? What does this indicate to you?
5. Which of the two pea types, germinating or non-germinating consumes the most
oxygen? Why?
6. What was the effect of temperature on germination rate? Cite data to support
your statements.
7. If you were to repeat the experiment what would you test? What would you
predict the results to be? Include your reasoning. (Read through your AP Cell
Respiration packet pg. S81 for ideas).