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Temperature Heat and The Particle Theory (pages 84-85)
The particle theory
1. All matter is made up of tiny particles.
2. They are always moving.
3. The more energy the have, the faster they move.
4. They are attracted to each other.
The hotter an object is, the faster the particles in it are moving,
and the higher their average kinetic energy
Temperature is the measure of this energy. Not all particles have
the same amount of kinetic energy. There is a range of energy
values; the temperature indicates the average energy of the
Three states of matter
Solid-they have a definite shape and volume. In the particle
theory, solids are made up in am orderly arrangement of particles.
Strong attraction forces hold the particles together. When
heated, particles vibrate rapidly around the same time fixed
Liquid-they have no definite shape (the take the shape of the
container they are in) but have a definite volume. The
particles in a liquid are less orderly because they are
farther apart, the weaker attraction forces permit the
particles to move around each other. When heated, the speed of
the particles increases.
Gas – they have no definite shape or volume (they fill the
container they are in). The particles have even more energy and
move rapidly through out the container. The attraction is so weak
that individual particles are far apart. This leaves the particles
free to move in any direction, they are constantly moving.
1. What is the particle theory based on?
2. What is temperature?
3. What is heat?
4. What expands or contracts as are heated or cooled?
5. What are the 3 states of matter?
1. The particle theory is based on the assumption that all
matter is made up of particle with spaces between them.
2. Temperature is the measure of the average energy of
motion of the particles of a solution.
3. Heat is the energy that is transferred from a hotter
substance to a cooler substance.
4. The spaces between the particles expand or contact when a
substance is heated or cooled.
5. The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Their
properties are:
 Solid *has a definite shape
*the particles have a strong attraction to each other
* the particles on vibrate in the same spot
 Liquid * has volume but no definite shape (takes the
shape of its container)
* Particles move more freely
* They can flow around each other
 Gas * has no shape or volume (Takes the shape of its
* the particles are always moving in all directions
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