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Oceans 11: Review of Unit 1… Structure and Motion
KEY vocabulary words you should be able
to use
OSM-1 identify oceans
and related water areas
in the world
Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian and southern
OSM-2 analyse the
basic structure of the
Earth’s waters
18 seas, including 3 landlocked seas.
Continental shelf, slope and rise. Seamount,
guyot, mid-ocean ridge, abyssal plain, trench,
subduction, sea-floor spreading, submarine
List 1 class activity or demo used to teach this
Pie and bar graphs, fill in maps, sort out the seas by ocean
into which they empty
Ocean and sea
mapping quiz
Big old powerpoint and notes.
Mapping the ocean
floor graph
Videos on mapping the ocean floor.
OSM-3 identify and
describe the unique
properties of water
Cohesion, adhesion, heat capacity, viscosity,
latent heat of fusion, density, expansion,
surface tension, hydrogen bonding
Hula hoop demonstration
“red-rover” kids’ game
Summary chart from powerpoint notes
OSM-5 explain the role
of the Coriolis Effect in
the relationship between
wind and current
OSM-6 explain how
thermohaline currents
are produced
Gyre, Coriolis effect, CW, CCW, northern and
southern hemisphere, surface current
Hula-hooping demonstration in the five main gyres
Graphic organizer package
Currents video clip
OSM-8 describe current
tide theory
Lunar, solar, neap, spring, flood, ebb, tidal
bulge, tidal range
Density, salinity, conveyor belt, vertical
that was “marked”…
Fish tank and colored water demonstration
That crazy day where Ms. C. made you all line up and conga
around the classroom, rising and sinking as you moved
around the earth!
Galileo video clip
Current theory tide video clip
Globe, sun, moon demonstration
OSM-9 identify and
describe types of tides
Dinurnal, semi-diurnal, mixed semi-diurnal
Handout notes
OSM-10 identify and
describe wave motion
found in the marine
environment and in
everyday situations
Crest, trough, wavelength, wave height,
period, energy, plunging, spilling, surging,
Video clips
Breaking wave animation
assignment (the
one with the actors
in the picture)
Acrostic poem
Cohesion lab
Currents quiz
which YOU created
Tide table graphing
Create a crossword
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