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Psych 30 Glossary Terms (Chapter 11) Tobacco
chewing tobacco -- tobacco leaves shredded and twisted into strands for chewing purposes
environmental tobacco smoke -- the mixture of predominantly sidestream smoke and exhaled
mainstream smoke that is inhaled by the passive smoker
gateway drugs -- alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana - types of drugs that, when used excessively, may
lead to using other and often more addictive drugs such as hallucinogens, cocaine, heroin, or crack;
drug whose use leads to the use of other drugs; alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana are considered
gateway drugs
mainstream smoke -- smoke drawn directly through the mouthpiece of a cigarette
nicotine -- a colorless, highly volatile liquid alkaloid
passive smoking -- nonsmoker's inhalation of tobacco smoke
secondhand smoke -- smoke released into the air from a lighted cigarette, cigar, or pipe tip and
exhaled mainstream smoke
snuff -- finely ground smokeless tobacco that can be moist or dry
snuff dippers -- placing a pinch of tobacco between the gums and the cheek
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) -- unexpected and unexplainable death that occurs while
infants are sleeping
tobacco chewing -- the absorption of nicotine through the mucous lining of the mouth