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Biology 11
Human Anatomy
Second Examination Practice Questions on Digestive System
1. The lining of the lumen of the GI tract (innermost layer) is the
a. tunica submucosa b. tunica muscularis
c. tunica serosa
d. tunica mucosa
2. The chemical digestion of proteins takes place in the
a. stomach only
b. mouth only
c. small intestines only
d. stomach and small intestines
e. colon
3. The organ located in the curve of the duodenum is the
a. gall bladder
b. liver
c. pancreas
d. spleen
e. stomach
4. The 3 longitudinal bands of smooth muscle that are found on the colon
a. plicae semilunares
b. plicae circulares
c. teniae coli
d. trabeculae carnea e. haustra
5. The ampula of Vader empties into the
a. stomach
b. duodenum
c. jejenum
d. colon
e. cecum
6. The parotid glands are examples of
a. merocrine glands
b. endocrine glands
c. sebaceous glands
d. sudoriferous glands
7. The lowermost part of the stomach is the
a. cardiac region
b. fundus
c. body
d. pylorus
e. duodenum
8. The uppermost part of the esophagus is under voluntary control
a. true
b. false
9. The tunica muscularis consists of ________ muscle.
a. smooth
b. cardiac c. skeletal
10. The muscularis mucosa is part of the
b. tunica submucosa c. tunica muscularis
a. tunica mucosa
d. tunica serosa
11. In the digestive system, the adventitia is another name for
a. tunica mucosa
b. tunica serosa
c. tunica muscularis
d. tunica submucosa
12. Of the following, most digestion takes place in the
a. mouth b. duodenum
c. pancreas
d. colon
e. caecum
13. The greater omentum is attached to the greater curvature.
a. true
b. false
14. The sphincter of Odi controls the passage of material from the
duodenum into the ampula of Vader.
a. true
b. false
15. Bile aids in the emulsification of fats.
16. The lamina propria is part of the
b. tunica serosa c. tunica muscularis
a. true
b. false
a. tunica mucosa
d. tunica submucosa
17. The pancreas produces enzymes primarily for the digestion of
a. fats
b. starch
c. proteins
d. fiber
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