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Discussion Questions for Revelation
Do you think Mrs. Turpin is judgmental?
Is it fair for Mrs. Turpin to judge others and not to examine herself?
How does O’Connor’s writing compare to William Faulkner’s?
As I Lay Dying
How does O’Connor’s writing compare to Alice Walker’s?
“Everyday Use”
How does O’Connor’s writing compare to Eudora Welty?
What is the first similarity or difference that struck you when comparing this book to
“Why I Live at the P.O.”?
How does this story relate to others we read?
What is the relationship between the mother and the son in the story?
How is the story rooted in the Bible?
How does the story impart values?
How does the setting work to create a particular mood?
Is the character racist? Is the story racist? Both or neither?
What is the significance of the title? What do you believe Mrs. Turpin’s revelation really
Do you think the ugly girl’s attack on Mrs. Turpin was justified?
If you were the ugly girl would you have done the same, or would you have taken a stand
in a different manner?
Mrs. Turpin repeatedly puts herself in other people’s shoes and is always very grateful to
not be that person in the end. Do you believe Mrs. Turpin feeds her own ego by putting
others down, or do you feel that she is honestly happy being who she is?
Do you think Mrs. Turpin honestly loves her life (even though she is overweight,
complains about slaves doing her farm work, etc.) or do you believe she simply accepts
her situation because she has ended up living a life in which she is dissatisfied?
What is the point of the story?
Why did the author choose to focus on characterization rather than plot? Why did the
author use first-person narration?
Is the “white trash” woman living a more honest form of ignorance?
Does Claud share the same beliefs as his wife?
How is the assault on Mrs. Turpin a form of catharsis?
Is Mrs. Turpin like Job?
Is the assault God’s doing or her own fault? Does she take responsibility for inciting such
a violent act?
Do you think Mrs. Turpin will or could ever change?
Do you identify with any of the characters in the story?
How does the use of grammar and syntax compare with Why I Live at the P.O.? Does it
convey the feeling of “being in the south” equally?