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Chapter 10 Review
You will be quizzed on Lesson ½ and then Lesson ¾.
Directions: This sheet is intended to help you in your understanding of each
of the four lessons.
You are encouraged to create digital flashcards using
Prior to the quiz, you will be given class time to use your electronic device for
this purpose.
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Chapter 10, Lesson 1 Review: The Role of the Catholic Church
Can you explain the importance/significance/details of each?
Pope Gregory VII
Emperor Henry IV
Religious Order
Francis of Assisi
Thomas Aquinas
Hierarchy of the Church
Cathedral Schools
Conflict Between Church/Holy Roman Emperor
Chapter 10, Lesson 2 Review: The Crusades
Can you explain the importance/significance/details of each?
Seljuk Turks
First Crusade
Second Crusade
Third Crusade
Fourth Crusade
Effect of the Crusades
King Ferdinand
Chapter 10, Lesson 3 Review: Plague and the Hundred Years’ War
Can you explain the importance/significance/details of each?
Bubonic Plague
Hundred Years’ War
Joan of Arc
Longbow and gunpowder
William the Conqueror
King Louis XIV
The Crusades
Chapter 10, Lesson 4 Review: Changes in Government and Economics
Can you explain the importance/significance/details of each?
King John
Magna Carta
Habeas Corpus
Common Law
Power of the King
Representative Government