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@c -*-texinfo-*@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------@node PLURAL, Data types BR_PLURAL_BR, , Non-commutative subsystem
@section PLURAL
@cindex PLURAL
@table @strong
@item @strong{What is and what does @sc{Plural}?}
@sc{Plural} is a kernel extension of @sc{Singular},
providing many algorithms for computations within certain noncommutative
(see see @ref{G-algebras} and @ref{Mathematical background BR_PLURAL_BR}
for detailed information on algebras and algorithms).
@sc{Plural} is compatible with @sc{Singular}, since it uses the
same data structures, sometimes interpreting them in a different way
and/or modifying them for its own purposes.
In spite of such a difference, one can always transfer
objects from commutative rings of @sc{Singular}
to noncommutative rings @sc{Plural} and back.
With @sc{Plural}, one can set up a noncommutative @math{G}-algebra with
a Poincar@'e-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) basis, say, @math{A} (see @ref{Galgebras} for step-by-step building instructions and also @ref{Noncommutative libraries}
for procedures for setting many important algebras easily).
Functionalities of @sc{Plural} (enlisted in @ref{Functions
BR_PLURAL_BR}) are accessible as soon as the basering becomes
noncommutative (see @ref{nc_algebra}).
One can perform various computations with polynomials and ideals in
@math{A} and with
vectors and submodules of a free module
@end tex
@end ifinfo
One can work also within factor-algebras of @math{G}-algebras (see
@ref{qring BR_PLURAL_BR} type)
by two-sided ideals (see @ref{twostd}).
@end table
@table @strong
@item @strong{What @sc{Plural} does not:}
@sc{Plural} does not perform computations in free algebra or in its
general factor algebras (instead, this computations can be possibly done
with @ref{LETTERPLACE}).
In @sc{Plural} one can only work with @math{G}-algebras and with their
by two-sided ideals (@math{GR}-algebras).
@item @sc{Plural} requires a monomial ordering but it does not work with
local and mixed orderings.
Right now, one can use only global orderings in @sc{Plural}
(see @ref{General definitions for orderings}).
This will be enhaced in the future by providing the possibility of
computations in a tensor product of a noncommutative algebra (with a
global ordering)
@* with a commutative algebra (with any ordering).
@item @sc{Plural} does not handle noncommutative parameters.
Defining parameters, one @strong{cannot} impose noncommutative relations
on them. Moreover, it is impossible to introduce
@* parameters which do not commute with variables.
@end itemize
@end table
@table @strong
@item @sc{Plural} conventions
@item *-multiplication
in the noncommutative case, the correct multiplication of @code{y} by
@code{x} must be written as @code{y*x}.
@* Both expressions @code{yx} and @code{xy} are equal, since they are
interpreted as commutative expressions. See example in @ref{poly
expressions BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@* Note, that @sc{Plural} output consists only of monomials, hence the
signs @code{*} are omitted.
@end itemize
@code{ideal} BR_PLURAL_BR
Under an @code{ideal} @sc{Plural} understands a list of generators
of a @strong{left} ideal. For more information see @ref{ideal
@* For a @strong{two-sided ideal} @code{T}, use command @ref{twostd} in
order to compute
the two-sided Groebner basis of @code{T}.
@c ( at the same time it is a left Groebner basis).
@end itemize
@item @code{module} BR_PLURAL_BR
Under a @code{module} @sc{Plural} understands
@strong{either} a fininitely generated @strong{left} submodule of a free
module (of finite rank)
@* @strong{or} a factor module of a free module (of finite rank) by its
left submodule (see @ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR} for details).
@end itemize
@item ordering BR_PLURAL_BR
@sc{Plural} works with @strong{global} orderings only.
@ifset singularmanual
See @ref{ General definitions for orderings }
@end ifset
@ifclear singularmanual
See @sc{Singular} manual section General definitions for orderings.
@end ifclear
@end itemize
@item @code{qring} BR_PLURAL_BR
In @sc{Plural} it is only possible to build factor-algebras modulo
@strong{two-sided} ideals (see @ref{qring BR_PLURAL_BR}).
@end itemize
@end table
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------@node Data types BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR, PLURAL, Noncommutative subsystem
@section Data types BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex Data types BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex expression list
This chapter explains all data types of @sc{Plural} in
alphabetical order. For every type, there is a description of the
declaration syntax
@* as well as information about how to build expressions of certain
The term "expression list" in @sc{Plural} refers to any comma separated
list of expressions.
For the general syntax of a declaration see @ref{General command syntax}.
* ideal BR_PLURAL_BR::
* map BR_PLURAL_BR::
* module BR_PLURAL_BR::
* poly BR_PLURAL_BR::
* qring BR_PLURAL_BR::
* resolution BR_PLURAL_BR::
* ring BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
@c --------------------------------------@node ideal BR_PLURAL_BR, map BR_PLURAL_BR, Data types BR_PLURAL_BR, Data
@section ideal BR_PLURAL_BR
@c @cindex ideal
@cindex untyped definitions
For @sc{Plural} ideals are @strong{left} ideals.
@* Ideals are represented as lists of polynomials which are interpreted
left generators of the ideal.
@* For the operations with two-sided ideals see
Like polynomials, ideals can only be defined or accessed with respect to
a basering.
@strong{Note:} @code{size} counts only the non-zero generators of an
whereas @code{ncols} counts all generators.
* ideal declarations BR_PLURAL_BR::
* ideal expressions BR_PLURAL_BR::
* ideal operations BR_PLURAL_BR::
* ideal related functions BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
@c --------------------------------------@node ideal declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, ideal expressions BR_PLURAL_BR,
@subsection ideal declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ideal declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @strong
@item Syntax:
@code{ideal} name @code{=} list_of_poly_and_ideal_expressions @code{;}
@*@code{ideal} name @code{=} ideal_expression @code{;}
@item Purpose:
defines a left ideal.
@item Default:
@item Example:
@c example
ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp;
def R=nc_algebra(-1,0); // an anticommutative algebra
setring R;
poly s1 = x2;
poly s2 = y3;
poly s3 = z;
ideal i = s1, s2-s1, 0,s2*s3, s3^4;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c -----------------------------@node ideal expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, ideal operations BR_PLURAL_BR,
ideal declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, ideal BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection ideal expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ideal expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
An ideal expression is:
an identifier of type ideal
a function returning an ideal
a combination of ideal expressions by the arithmetic operations
@code{+} or @code{*}
a power of an ideal expression (operator @code{^} or @code{**})
@*Note that the computation of the product @code{i*i} involves
all products of generators of @code{i} while @code{i^2} involves
only the different ones, and is therefore faster.
a type cast to ideal
@end enumerate
@c example
ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp;
def R=nc_algebra(-1,0); // an anticommutative algebra
setring R;
ideal m = maxideal(1);
poly f = x2;
poly g = y3;
ideal i = x*y*z , f-g, g*(x-y) + f^4 ,0, 2x-z2y;
ideal M = i + maxideal(10);
i = M*M;
i = M^2;
vector v = [x,y-z,x2,y-x,x2yz2-y];
ideal j = ideal(v);
@c example
@end smallexample
@c -----------------------------@node ideal operations BR_PLURAL_BR, ideal related functions
BR_PLURAL_BR, ideal expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, ideal BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection ideal operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ideal operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @asis
@item @code{+}
addition (concatenation of the generators and simplification)
@item @code{*}
multiplication (with ideal, poly, vector, module; in case of
multiplication with ideal, the result will be simplified)
@item @code{^}
exponentiation (by a non-negative integer)
@item ideal_expression @code{[} intvec_expression @code{]}
are polynomial generators of the ideal, index 1 gives the first
@end table
@ifset singularmanual
@strong{Note:} For simplification of an ideal, see also
@end ifset
@ifclear singularmanual
@strong{Note:} For simplification of an ideal, see also section simplify
in @sc{Singular} manual.
@end ifclear
@c example
ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp;
matrix D[3][3];
D[1,2]=-z; D[1,3]=y; D[2,3]=x;
def R=nc_algebra(1,D); // this algebra is U(so_3)
setring R;
ideal I = 0,x,0,1;
I + 0;
// simplification
ideal J = I,0,x,x-z;
I * J;
// multiplication with simplification
vector V = [x,y,z];
ideal m = maxideal(1);
ideal II = I[2..4];
@c example
@end smallexample
@c -----------------------------@node ideal related functions BR_PLURAL_BR, , ideal operations
@subsection ideal related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ideal related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item eliminate
elimination of variables (see @ref{eliminate BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item intersect
ideal intersection (see @ref{intersect BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item kbase
vector space basis of basering modulo the leading ideal
(see @ref{kbase BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item lead
leading terms of a set of generators (see @ref{lead})
@item lift
lift-matrix (see @ref{lift BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item liftstd
left Groebner basis and transformation matrix computation (see
@ref{liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item maxideal
generators of a power of the maximal ideal at 0 (see @ref{maxideal})
@item modulo
$(h1+h2)/h1 \cong h2/(h1 \cap h2)$
@end tex
(h1+h2)/h1=h2/(h1 intersect h2)
@end ifinfo
(see @ref{modulo BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item mres
minimal free resolution of an ideal and a minimal set
of generators of the given ideal
(see @ref{mres BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item ncols
number of columns (see @ref{ncols})
@item nres
computes a free resolution of an ideal resp.@: module M which is
minimized from the second free module on (see @ref{nres BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item oppose
creates an opposite ideal of a given ideal from the given ring into a
basering (see @ref{oppose})
@item preimage
preimage under a ring map (see @ref{preimage BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item quotient
ideal quotient (see @ref{quotient BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item reduce
left normal form with respect to a left Groebner basis (see @ref{reduce
@item simplify
simplify a set of polynomials (see @ref{simplify})
@item size
number of non-zero generators (see @ref{size})
@item slimgb
left Groebner basis computation with slim technique (see @ref{slimgb
@item std
left Groebner basis computation (see @ref{std BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item subst
substitute a ring variable (see @ref{subst BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item syz
computation of the first syzygy module (see @ref{syz BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item twostd
two-sided Groebner basis computation (see @ref{twostd})
@item vdim
vector space dimension of basering modulo the leading ideal (see
@ref{vdim BR_PLURAL_BR})
@end table
@c --------------------------------------@node map BR_PLURAL_BR, module BR_PLURAL_BR, ideal BR_PLURAL_BR, Data
@section map BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex map BR_PLURAL_BR
Maps are ring maps from a preimage ring into the basering.
@itemize @bullet
the target of a map is @strong{ALWAYS} the actual basering
the preimage ring has to be stored "by its name", that means, maps can
only be
used in such contexts, where the name of the preimage ring can be
resolved (this has to be considered in subprocedures).
@c (i.e., there might be problems for rings/maps defined in
@ifset singularmanual
See also @ref{Identifier resolution}, @ref{Names in procedures}.
@end ifset
@end itemize
Maps between rings with different coefficient fields are
possible and listed below.
Canonically realized are
@itemize @bullet
$Q \rightarrow Q(a, \ldots)$
@end tex
Q -> Q(a,..)
@end ifinfo
(@math{Q}: the rational numbers)
$Q \rightarrow R$
@end tex
Q -> R
@end ifinfo
(@math{R}: the real numbers)
$Q \rightarrow C$
@end tex
Q -> C
@end ifinfo
(@math{C}: the complex numbers)
$Z/p \rightarrow (Z/p)(a, \ldots)$
@end tex
Z/p ->(Z/p)(a,...)
@end ifinfo
(@math{Z}: the integers)
$Z/p \rightarrow GF(p^n)$
@end tex
Z/p -> GF(p^n)
@end ifinfo
(@math{GF}: the Galois field)
$Z/p \rightarrow R$
@end tex
Z/p -> R
@end ifinfo
$R \rightarrow C$
@end tex
R -> C
@end ifinfo
@end itemize
Possible are furthermore
@itemize @bullet
% This is quite a hack, but for now it works.
$Z/p \rightarrow Q,
[i]_p \mapsto i \in [-p/2, \, p/2]
\subseteq Z$
@end tex
Z/p -> Q : [i]_p -> i in [-p/2, p/2] in Z
@end ifinfo
$Z/p \rightarrow Z/p^\prime,
[i]_p \mapsto i \in [-p/2, \, p/2] \subseteq Z, \;
i \mapsto [i]_{p^\prime} \in Z/p^\prime$
@end tex
Z/p -> Z/p' : [i]_p in Z/p -> i in [-p/2,p/2] in Z, i -> [i]_p' in Z/p'
@end ifinfo
$C \rightarrow R, \quad$ by taking the real part
@end tex
C -> R by taking the real part.
@end ifinfo
@end itemize
Finally, in @sc{Plural} we allow the mapping from rings
with coefficient field Q to rings whose ground fields
have finite characteristic:
@itemize @bullet
$Q \rightarrow Z/p$
@end tex
Q -> Z/p
@end ifinfo
$Q \rightarrow (Z/p)(a, \ldots)$
@end tex
Q -> (Z/p)(a,..)
@end ifinfo
@end itemize
In these cases the denominator and the numerator
of a number are mapped separately by the usual
map from Z to Z/p, and the image of the number
is built again afterwards by division. It is thus
not allowed to map numbers whose denominator is
divisible by the characteristic of the target
ground field, or objects containing such numbers.
We, therefore, strongly recommend using such
maps only to map objects with integer coefficients.
* map declarations BR_PLURAL_BR::
* map expressions BR_PLURAL_BR::
* map operations BR_PLURAL_BR ::
* map related functions BR_PLURAL_BR ::
@end menu
@c @iftex
@c See @ref{imap}; @ref{fetch}; @ref{subst}.
@c @end iftex
@c -----------------------------@node map declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, map expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, map
@subsection map declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex map declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @strong
@item Syntax:
@code{map} name @code{=} preimage_ring_name @code{,} ideal_expression
@*@code{map} name @code{=} preimage_ring_name @code{,}
list_of_poly_and_ideal_expressions @code{;}
@*@code{map} name @code{=} map_expression @code{;}
@item Purpose:
defines a ring map from @code{preimage_ring} to basering.
@* Maps the variables of the @code{preimage ring} to the generators of
the ideal.
@* If the ideal contains less elements than the number of variables in
@code{preimage_ring}, the remaining variables are mapped to 0.
@* If the ideal contains more elements, extra elements are ignored.
@* The image ring is always the current basering.
For the mapping of coefficients from different fields see @ref{map
@item Default:
@item Note:
There are standard mappings for maps which are close to the identity
map: @code{fetch BR_PLURAL_BR} and @code{imap BR_PLURAL_BR}.
The name of a map serves as the function which maps objects from the
preimage_ring into the basering. These objects must be defined
by names (no evaluation in the preimage ring is possible).
@item Example:
@c example
// an easy example
ring r1 = 0,(a,b),dp; // a commutative ring
poly P = a^2+ab+b^3;
ring r2 = 0,(x,y),dp;
def W=nc_algebra(1,-1); // a Weyl algebra
setring W;
map M = r1, x^2, -y^3;
// note: M is a map and not a morphism
// now, a more interesting example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def Usl2 = makeUsl2();
// this algebra is U(sl_2), generated by e,f,h
setring Usl2;
poly P = 4*e*f+h^2-2*h; // the central el-t of Usl2
poly Q = e^3*f-h^4;
// some polynomial
ring W1 = 0,(D,X),dp;
def W2=nc_algebra(1,-1);
setring W2;
// this algebra is the opposite Weyl algebra
map F = Usl2, -X, D*D*X, 2*D*X;
F(P); // 0, because P is in the kernel of F
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{fetch BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ideal expressions BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{imap BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{map BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ring BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c -----------------------------@node map expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, map operations BR_PLURAL_BR, map
declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, map BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection map expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex map expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
A map expression is:
an identifier of type map
a function returning map
map expressions combined by composition using parentheses (@code{(},
@end enumerate
@c -----------------------------@node map operations BR_PLURAL_BR, map related functions BR_PLURAL_BR,
map expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, map BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection map BR_PLURAL_BR operations
@cindex map operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @asis
@item @code{( )}
composition of maps. If, for example, @code{f} and @code{g} are maps,
then @code{f(g)} is a map expression giving the composition
$f \circ g$
@end tex
@code{f} @bullet{} @code{g}
@end ifinfo
of @code{f} and @code{g},
@* provided the target ring of @code{g} is the basering of @code{f}.
@item map_expression @code{[} int_expressions @code{]}
is a map entry (the image of the corresponding variable)
@end table
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def Usl2 = makeUsl2(); // this algebra is U(sl_2)
setring Usl2;
map F = Usl2, f, e, -h; // endomorphism of U(sl_2)
map G = F(F);
poly p = (f+e*h)^2 + 3*h-e;
(G(p) == p); // G is the identity on p
@c example
@end smallexample
@c -----------------------------@node map related functions BR_PLURAL_BR, , map operations BR_PLURAL_BR,
@subsection map related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex map related functions
@table @code
@item fetch BR_PLURAL_BR
the identity map between rings and qrings (see @ref{fetch BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item imap BR_PLURAL_BR
a convenient map procedure for inclusions and projections of rings (see
@ref{imap BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item preimage BR_PLURAL_BR
preimage under a ring map (see @ref{preimage BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item subst
substitute a ring variable (see @ref{subst BR_PLURAL_BR})
@end table
@c --------------------------------------@node module BR_PLURAL_BR, poly BR_PLURAL_BR, map BR_PLURAL_BR, Data
@section module BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex module BR_PLURAL_BR
Modules are @strong{left} submodules of a free module over the basering
with basis
@code{gen(1)}, @code{gen(2)}, @dots{}, @code{gen(n)} for some natural
number @code{n}.
@* They are represented by lists of vectors, which generate the left
Like vectors, they can only be defined or accessed with respect to a
If @math{M} is a left submodule of
@end ifinfo
@end tex
(where @math{R} is the basering) generated by vectors
v_1, @dots{}, v_k, then
@end ifinfo
$v_1, \ldots, v_k$, then
@end tex
these generators may be considered as
@* the generators of relations of
@end ifinfo
@end tex
between the canonical generators @code{gen(1)},@dots{},@code{gen(n)}.
Hence, any finitely generated @math{R}-module can be represented in
by its module of relations.
@* The assignments @code{module M=v1,...,vk; matrix A=M;}
create the presentation matrix of size
n x k
@end ifinfo
$n \times k$
@end tex
@end ifinfo
@end tex
i.e. the columns of A are the vectors
v_1, @dots{}, v_k which generate M.
@end ifinfo
$v_1, \ldots, v_k$ which generate $M$.
@end tex
* module
* module
* module
* module
declarations BR_PLURAL_BR::
expressions BR_PLURAL_BR::
operations BR_PLURAL_BR::
related functions BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
@c -----------------------------@node module declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, module expressions BR_PLURAL_BR,
module BR_PLURAL_BR, module BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection module declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex module declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @strong
@item Syntax:
@code{module} name @code{=} list_of_vector_expressions (which are
interpreted as
left generators of the module) @code{;}
@*@code{module} name @code{=} module_expression @code{;}
@item Purpose:
defines a left
@item Default:
@item Example:
@c example
ring r=0,(x,y,z),(c,dp);
matrix D[3][3];
D[1,2]=-z; D[1,3]=y; D[2,3]=x;
def R=nc_algebra(1,D); // this algebra is U(so_3)
setring R;
vector s1 = [x2,y3,z];
vector s2 = [xy,1,0];
vector s3 = [0,x2-y2,z];
f = -x*y;
module m = s1, s2-s1,f*(s3-s1);
// show m in matrix format (columns generate m)
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c -----------------------------@node module expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, module operations BR_PLURAL_BR,
module declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, module BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection module expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex module expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
A module expression is:
an identifier of type module
a function returning module
module expressions combined by the arithmetic operation @code{+}
multiplication of a module expression with an ideal or a poly expression:
a type cast to module
@end enumerate
@c -----------------------------@node module operations BR_PLURAL_BR, module related functions
BR_PLURAL_BR, module expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, module BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection module operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex module operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @asis
@item @code{+}
addition (concatenation of the generators and simplification)
@item @code{*}
right or left multiplication with ideal or poly (but not `module` *
@item module_expression @code{[} int_expression @code{,} int_expression
is a module entry, where the first index indicates the row and
the second the column
@item module_expressions @code{[} int_expression @code{]}
is a vector, where the index indicates the column (generator)
@end table
@c example
ring A=0,(x,y,z),Dp;
matrix D[3][3];
D[1,2]=-z; D[1,3]=y; D[2,3]=x; // this algebra is U(so_3)
def B=nc_algebra(1,D);
setring B;
module M = [x,y],[0,0,x*z];
module N = (x+y-z)*M - M*(x+y-z);
@c example
@end smallexample
@c -----------------------------@node module related functions BR_PLURAL_BR, poly declarations
BR_PLURAL_BR, module operations BR_PLURAL_BR, module BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection module related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex module related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item eliminate
elimination of variables (see @ref{eliminate BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item freemodule
the free module of given rank (see @ref{freemodule})
@item intersect
module intersection (see @ref{intersect BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item kbase
vector space basis of free module over the basering modulo the module of
leading terms (see @ref{kbase BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item lead
initial module (see @ref{lead})
@item lift
lift-matrix (see @ref{lift BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item liftstd
left Groebner basis and transformation matrix computation (see
@ref{liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item modulo
$(h1+h2)/h1 \cong h2/(h1 \cap h2)$
@end tex
(h1+h2)/h1=h2/(h1 intersect h2)
@end ifinfo
(see @ref{modulo BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item mres
minimal free resolution of a module and a minimal set
of generators of the given ideal module
(see @ref{mres BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item ncols
number of columns (see @ref{ncols})
@item nres
computes a free resolution of an ideal resp.@: module M which is
minimized from the second free module on (see @ref{nres BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item nrows
number of rows (see @ref{nrows})
@item oppose
creates an opposite module of a given module from the given ring into a
basering (see @ref{oppose})
@item print
nice print format (see @ref{print})
@item prune
minimize the embedding into a free module (see @ref{prune})
@item quotient
module quotient (see @ref{quotient BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item reduce
left normal form with respect to a left Groebner basis (see @ref{reduce
@item simplify
simplify a set of vectors (see @ref{simplify})
@item size
number of non-zero generators (see @ref{size})
@item std
left Groebner basis computation (see @ref{std BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item subst
substitute a ring variable (see @ref{subst BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item syz
computation of the first syzygy module (see @ref{syz BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item vdim
vector space dimension of free module over the basering modulo module
of leading terms (see @ref{vdim BR_PLURAL_BR})
@end table
@c --------------------------------------@node poly BR_PLURAL_BR, qring BR_PLURAL_BR, module BR_PLURAL_BR, Data
@section poly BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex poly BR_PLURAL_BR
Polynomials are the basic data for all main algorithms in
@sc{Plural}. They consist of finitely many terms
(coefficient*monomial) which are combined by the usual polynomial
operations (see @ref{poly expressions BR_PLURAL_BR}).
Polynomials can only be defined
or accessed with respect to a basering which determines the coefficient
type, the names of the indeterminants and the monomial ordering.
@c example
ring r=32003,(x,y,z),dp;
poly f=x3+y5+z2;
@c example
@end smallexample
@strong{Remark:} Remember the conventions on polynomial
multiplication we follow (@code{*}-multiplication in @ref{PLURAL}).
* poly declarations BR_PLURAL_BR::
* poly expressions BR_PLURAL_BR::
* poly operations BR_PLURAL_BR::
* poly related functions BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
@c -----------------------------@node poly declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, poly expressions BR_PLURAL_BR,
module related functions BR_PLURAL_BR, poly BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection poly declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex poly declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @strong
@item Syntax:
@code{poly} name @code{=} poly_expression @code{;}
@item Purpose:
defines a polynomial.
@item Default:
@item Example:
@c example
ring r = 32003,(x,y,z),dp;
def R=nc_algebra(-1,1);
setring R;
// ring of some differential-like operators
// not correct input
// correct input
poly s1 = x3y2+151x5y+186xy6+169y9;
poly s2 = 1*x^2*y^2*z^2+3z8;
poly s3 = 5/4x4y2+4/5*x*y^5+2x2y2z3+y7+11x10;
int a,b,c,t=37,5,4,1;
poly f=3*x^a+x*y^(b+c)+t*x^a*y^b*z^c;
short = 0;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ---------------------------@node poly expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, poly operations BR_PLURAL_BR, poly
declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, poly BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection poly expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex poly expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
A poly expression is (optional parts in square brackets):
a monomial (there are NO spaces allowed inside a monomial)
[coefficient] ring_variable [exponent] [ring_variable [exponent] @dots{}]
@end smallexample
monomials which contain an indexed ring variable
must be built from @code{ring_variable} and @code{coefficient}
with the operations @code{*} and @code{^}
an identifier of type poly
a function returning poly
poly expressions combined by the arithmetic operations @code{+}, @code{}, @code{*}, @code{/}, or @code{^}.
a type cast to poly
@end enumerate
@c example
ring r=0,(x,y),dp;
def R=nc_algebra(1,1); // make it a Weyl algebra
setring R;
// not correct input
// correct input
poly f = 10x2*y3 + 2y2*x^2 - 2*x*y + y - x + 2;
// normalize leading coefficient
@c example
@end smallexample
@c -----------------------------@node poly operations BR_PLURAL_BR, poly related functions BR_PLURAL_BR,
poly expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, poly BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection poly operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex poly operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @asis
@item @code{+}
@item @code{-}
negation or subtraction
@item @code{*}
@item @code{/}
division by a monomial, non divisible terms yield 0
@item @code{^}, @code{**}
power by a positive integer
@item @code{<}, @code{<=}, @code{>}, @code{>=}, @code{==}, @code{<>}
comparison (of leading monomials w.r.t. monomial ordering)
@item poly_expression @code{[} intvec_expression @code{]}
the sum of monomials at the indicated places w.r.t. the monomial ordering
@end table
@c -----------------------------@node poly related functions BR_PLURAL_BR, , poly operations
@subsection poly related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex poly related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item bracket
computes the Lie bracket of two polinomials (see @ref{bracket})
@item lead
leading term (see @ref{lead})
@item leadcoef
coefficient of the leading term (see @ref{leadcoef})
@item leadexp
the exponent vector of the leading monomial (see @ref{leadexp})
@item leadmonom
leading monomial (see @ref{leadmonom})
@item oppose
creates an opposite poly of a given poly from the given ring into a
basering (see @ref{oppose})
@item reduce
left normal form with respect to a left Groebner basis (see @ref{reduce
@item simplify
normalize a polynomial (see @ref{simplify})
@item size
number of monomials (see @ref{size})
@item subst
substitute a ring variable (see @ref{subst BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item var
the indicated variable of the ring (see @ref{var})
@end table
@c --------------------------------------@node qring BR_PLURAL_BR, resolution BR_PLURAL_BR, poly BR_PLURAL_BR,
Data types BR_PLURAL_BR
@section qring BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex qring BR_PLURAL_BR
@sc{Plural} offers the possibility to compute within
factor-rings modulo two-sided ideals. The ideal has to be given
as a two-sided Groebner basis (see @ref{twostd} command).
@* For a detailed description of the concept of rings and quotient rings
@ifclear singularmanual
in @sc{Singular} manual section Rings and orderings.
@end ifclear
@ifset singularmanual
@ref{Rings and orderings}.
@end ifset
* qring declaration BR_PLURAL_BR::
* qring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
we highly recommend to turn on
@code{option(redSB); option(redTail);}
while computing in qrings. Otherwise results may have a difficult
@c --------------------------------------@node qring declaration BR_PLURAL_BR, qring related functions
@subsection qring declaration BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex qring declaration BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @strong
@item Syntax:
@code{qring} name @code{=} ideal_expression @code{;}
@item Default:
@item Purpose:
declares a quotient ring as the basering modulo an
@code{ideal_expression} and sets
it as current basering.
@item Note:
reports error if an ideal is not a two-sided Groebner basis.
@item Example:
@c example error
ring r=0,(z,u,v,w),dp;
def R=nc_algebra(-1,0); // an anticommutative algebra
setring R;
ideal i=z^2,u^2,v^2,w^2;
qring Q = i; // incorrect call produces error
kill Q;
setring R; // go back to the ring R
qring q=twostd(i); // now it is an exterior algebra
poly k = (v-u)*(zv+u-w);
k; // the output is not yet totally reduced
poly ek=reduce(k,std(0));
ek; // the reduced form
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c --------------------------------------@node qring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR, , qring declaration
@subsection qring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex qring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item envelope
enveloping ring (see @ref{envelope})
@item nvars
number of ring variables (see @ref{nvars})
@item opposite
opposite ring (see @ref{opposite})
@item setring
set a new basering (see @ref{setring})
@end table
@c --------------------------------------@node resolution BR_PLURAL_BR, ring BR_PLURAL_BR, qring BR_PLURAL_BR,
Data types BR_PLURAL_BR
@section resolution BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex resolution BR_PLURAL_BR
The type resolution is intended as an intermediate representation which
internally retains additional information obtained during computation of
resolutions. It furthermore enables the use of partial results to
compute, for example, Betti numbers or minimal resolutions. Like ideals
and modules, a resolution can only be defined w.r.t.@: a basering.
to access the elements of a resolution, it has to be assigned to a list.
This assignment also completes computations and may therefore take time,
(resp.@: an access directly with the brackets @code{[ , ]} causes
implicitly a cast to a list).
* resolution declarations BR_PLURAL_BR::
* resolution expressions BR_PLURAL_BR::
* resolution related functions BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
@c --------------------------------------@node resolution declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, resolution expressions
BR_PLURAL_BR, resolution BR_PLURAL_BR, resolution BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection resolution declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex resolution declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @strong
@item Syntax:
@code{resolution} name @code{=} resolution_expression @code{;}
@item Purpose:
defines a resolution.
@item Default:
@item Example:
@c example
ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp;
matrix D[3][3];
def R=nc_algebra(1,D); // it is a Heisenberg algebra
setring R;
ideal i=z2+z,x+y;
resolution re=nres(i,0);
list l = re;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c -----------------------------@node resolution expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, resolution related functions
BR_PLURAL_BR, resolution declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, resolution
@subsection resolution expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex resolution expressions BR_PLURAL_BR
A resolution expression is:
an identifier of type resolution
a function returning a resolution
a type cast to resolution from a list of ideals, resp.@: modules.
@end enumerate
@c -----------------------------@node resolution related functions BR_PLURAL_BR, , resolution
expressions BR_PLURAL_BR, resolution BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection resolution related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex resolution related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item betti
Betti numbers of a resolution (see @ref{betti BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item minres
minimizes a free resolution (see @ref{minres BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item mres
computes a minimal free resolution of an ideal resp.
module and a minimal set of generators of the given ideal
resp. module (see @ref{mres BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item nres
computes a free resolution of an ideal resp.@: module M which is
minimized from the second module on (see @ref{nres BR_PLURAL_BR})
@c @item res
@c free resolution of an ideal resp.@: module but not changing the given
ideal resp.@: module(see @ref{res BR_PLURAL_BR})
@end table
@c --------------------------------------@node ring BR_PLURAL_BR, , resolution BR_PLURAL_BR, Data types
@section ring BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ring BR_PLURAL_BR
Rings are used to describe properties of polynomials, ideals etc.
Almost all computations in @sc{Plural} require a basering.
For a detailed description of the concept of rings see
@ifset singularmanual
@ref{Rings and orderings}.
@end ifset
@ifclear singularmanual
@sc{Singular} manual (Chapter: General Concepts, Section: Rings and
@end ifclear
@*@strong{Note:} @sc{Plural} works with global orderings
only (@pxref{PLURAL}).
* ring declarations BR_PLURAL_BR::
* ring operations BR_PLURAL_BR::
* ring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
@c --------------------------------------@node ring declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, ring operations BR_PLURAL_BR, ring
@subsection ring declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ring declarations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @strong
@item Syntax:
@code{ring} name @code{= (} coefficient_field @code{),}
@code{(} names_of_ring_variables @code{),}
@code{(} ordering @code{);}
@item Default:
@item Purpose:
declares a ring and sets it as the actual basering.
@end table
The coefficient_field is given by one of the following:
a non-negative int_expression less or equal 2147483629.
an expression_list of an int_expression and one or more names.
the name @code{real}.
an expression_list of the name @code{real} and an int_expression.
an expression_list of the name @code{complex}, an optional int_expression
and a name.
@end enumerate
'names_of_ring_variables' must be a list of names or indexed names.
'ordering' is a list of block orderings where each block ordering is
@code{lp}, @code{dp}, @code{Dp},
optionally followed by a size parameter in parentheses.
@code{wp}, @code{Wp}, or @code{a} followed by a
weight vector given as an intvec_expression in parentheses.
@code{M} followed by an intmat_expression in parentheses.
@code{c} or @code{C}.
@end enumerate
If one of coefficient_field, names_of_ring_variables, and ordering
consists of only one entry, the parentheses around this entry may be
@strong{In order to create the non-commutative extension, use}
@c ---------------------------------------
@node ring operations BR_PLURAL_BR, ring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR,
ring declarations BR_PLURAL_BR, ring BR_PLURAL_BR
@subsection ring operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ring operations BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @asis
@item @code{+}
construct a tensor product
C = A\otimes_k B
@end ifinfo
$C = A\otimes_{\bf{K} } B$
@end tex
of two
G-algebras A and B
@end ifinfo
$G$-algebras $A$ and $B$
@end tex
over the groung field.
A=k1<x_1,...,x_n | @{x_j x_i=c_@{ij@}x_i x_j + d_@{ij @} @}, 1 =<i <j =<
n >,
B=k2<y_1,...,y_m | @{y_j y_i=q_@{ij@}y_i y_j + r_@{ij @} @}, 1 =<i <j =<
m >
@end ifinfo
$A= k_1 \langle x_1, \ldots ,x_n
$\{ x_j x_i=c_{ij} \cdot x_i x_j
$B= k_2 \langle y_1, \ldots ,y_m
$\{ y_j y_i=q_{ij} \cdot y_i y_j
@end tex
+ d_{ij}\}, 1 \leq i <j \leq n \rangle$,
+ r_{ij}\}, 1 \leq i <j \leq m \rangle$
be two @math{G}-algebras, then @math{C} is defined to be the algebra
C = K<x_1,...,x_n, y_1,...,y_m |
@{x_j x_i=c_@{ij@}x_i x_j + d_@{ij @}, 1 =<i <j =< n @},
@{y_j y_i=q_@{ij@}y_i y_j + r_@{ij @}, 1 =<i <j =< m @},
@{y_j x_i = x_i y_j, 1 <= j <= m, 1 <= i <= n @}>
@end ifinfo
$C = K \langle x_1, \ldots ,x_n, y_1, \ldots ,y_m \mid$
$\{ x_j x_i=c_{ij} \cdot x_i x_j + d_{ij}, 1 \leq i <j \leq n\}$,
$\{ y_j y_i=q_{ij} \cdot y_i y_j + r_{ij}, 1 \leq i <j \leq m\}$,
$\{ y_j x_i = x_i y_j, 1 \leq j \leq m, 1 \leq i \leq n\} \rangle$.
@end tex
@end table
Concerning the ground fields @math{k_1} resp. @math{k_2} of @math{A}
resp. @math{B}, take the
following guide lines for
A\otimes_k B
@end ifinfo
$A\otimes_{\bf{K} } B$
@end tex
into consideration:
@itemize @bullet
@item Neither @math{k_1} nor @math{k_2} may be @math{R} or @math{C}.
@item If the characteristic of @math{k_1} and @math{k_2} differs, then
one of them must be @math{Q}.
@item At most one of @math{k_1} and @math{k_2} may have parameters.
@item If one of @math{k_1} and @math{k_2} is an algebraic extension of
@math{Z/p} it may not be defined by a @code{charstr} of type
@end itemize
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def a = makeUsl2();
// U(sl_2) in e,f,h presentation
ring W = 0,(x,d),dp;
// 1st Weyl algebra in x,d
def S = a+W;
setring S;
@c example
@end smallexample
@c --------------------------------------@node ring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR, , ring operations
@subsection ring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ring related functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item charstr
description of the coefficient field of a ring (see @ref{charstr})
@item envelope
enveloping ring (see @ref{envelope})
@item npars
number of ring parameters (see @ref{npars})
@item nvars
number of ring variables (see @ref{nvars})
@item opposite
opposite ring (see @ref{opposite})
@item ordstr
monomial ordering of a ring (see @ref{ordstr})
@item parstr
names of all ring parameters or the
name of the n-th ring parameter (see @ref{parstr})
@item qring
quotient ring (see @ref{qring BR_PLURAL_BR})
@item ringlist
decomposes a ring into a list of its components (see @ref{ringlist
@item setring
set a new basering (see @ref{setring})
@item varstr
names of all ring variables or the
name of the n-th ring variable (see @ref{varstr})
@end table
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------@node Functions BR_PLURAL_BR, Mathematical background BR_PLURAL_BR, Data
types BR_PLURAL_BR, Non-commutative subsystem
@section Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex commands BR_PLURAL_BR
This chapter gives a complete reference of all functions and commands of
the @sc{Plural} kernel, i.e. all built-in commands
(for the @sc{Plural} libraries see @ref{Non-commutative libraries}).
The general syntax of a function is
[target =] function_name (<arguments>);
@end format
Note, that both @strong{Control structures} and @strong{System variables}
@sc{Plural} are the same as of @sc{Singular}
(see @ref{Control structures}, @ref{System variables}).
* betti BR_PLURAL_BR::
* bracket::
* eliminate BR_PLURAL_BR::
* envelope::
* fetch BR_PLURAL_BR::
* imap BR_PLURAL_BR::
* intersect BR_PLURAL_BR::
* kbase BR_PLURAL_BR::
* lift BR_PLURAL_BR::
* liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR::
* minres BR_PLURAL_BR::
* modulo BR_PLURAL_BR::
* mres BR_PLURAL_BR::
* nc_algebra::
* ncalgebra::
* nres BR_PLURAL_BR::
* oppose::
* opposite::
* preimage BR_PLURAL_BR::
* quotient BR_PLURAL_BR::
* reduce BR_PLURAL_BR::
* ringlist BR_PLURAL_BR::
* slimgb BR_PLURAL_BR::
* std BR_PLURAL_BR::
* subst BR_PLURAL_BR::
* syz BR_PLURAL_BR::
* twostd::
* vdim BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
@c ----------------------------@node betti BR_PLURAL_BR, bracket, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions
@section betti BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex betti BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{betti (} list_expression @code{)}
@*@code{betti (} resolution_expression @code{)}
@*@code{betti (} list_expression @code{,} int_expression @code{)}
@*@code{betti (} resolution_expression @code{,} int_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Note:}
in the noncommutative case, computing Betti numbers makes sense only if
the basering @math{R} has homogeneous relations
@item @strong{Purpose:}
with 1 argument: computes the graded Betti numbers of a minimal
resolution of
$R^n/M$, if $R$ denotes the basering and
$M$ a homogeneous submodule of $R^n$ and the argument represents a
resolution of
@end tex
@end iftex
The entry d of the intmat at place (i, j) is the minimal number of
generators in degree i+j of the j-th syzygy module (= module of
relations) of $R^n/M$ (the 0th (resp.\ 1st) syzygy module of $R^n/M$ is
$R^n$ (resp.\ $M$)).
@end tex
R^n/M, if R denotes the basering and
M a homogeneous submodule of R^n and the argument represents a resolution
@*The entry d of the intmat at place (i,j) is the minimal number of
generators in degree i+j of the j-th syzygy module
@c (= module of relations)
of R^n/M (the 0th (resp.@: 1st) syzygy module of R^n/M is R^n
(resp.@: M)).
@end ifinfo
The argument is considered to be the result of a @code{mres} or
command. This implies that a zero is only allowed (and counted) as a
generator in the first module.
@*For the computation @code{betti} uses only the initial monomials. This
could lead to confusing results for a non-homogeneous input.
If the optional second argument is non-zero, the Betti numbers will be
@c The optional second argument is a switch for the minimization of the
@c numbers. If it is 0 then the Betti numbers correspond exactly to the
input @c otherwise the command is identical to the one-argument form.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
int i;int N=2;
ring r=0,(x(1..N),d(1..N),q(1..N)),Dp;
matrix D[3*N][3*N];
for (i=1;i<=N;i++)
{ D[i,N+i]=q(i)^2; }
def W=nc_algebra(1,D); setring W;
// this algebra is a kind of homogenized Weyl algebra
ideal I = x(1),x(2),d(1),d(2),q(1),q(2);
resolution R = mres(I,0);
// thus R will be the full length minimal resolution
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ----------------------------@node bracket, eliminate BR_PLURAL_BR, betti BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions
@section bracket
@cindex bracket
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{bracket (} poly_expression, poly_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
Computes the Lie bracket @code{[p,q]=pq-qp} of the first polynomial with
the second. Uses special routines, based on the Leibniz rule.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
ring r=(0,Q),(x,y,z),Dp;
matrix C[3][3]; matrix D[3][3];
C[1,3]=1/Q2; C[2,3]=Q2;
D[1,2]=-Q*z; D[1,3]=1/Q*y; D[2,3]=-Q*x;
def R=nc_algebra(C,D); setring R;
// this is a quantum deformation of U(so_3),
// where Q is a 6th root of unity
poly p=Q^4*x2+y2+Q^4*z2+Q*(1-Q^4)*x*y*z;
// p is the central element of the algebra
p=p^3; // any power of a central element is central
poly q=(x+Q*y+Q^2*z)^4;
// take q to be some big noncentral element
size(q); // check how many monomials are in big poly q
bracket(p,q); // check p*q=q*p
// a more common behaviour of the bracket follows:
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c --------------------------------------@node eliminate BR_PLURAL_BR, envelope, bracket, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section eliminate BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex eliminate BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{eliminate (} ideal_expression@code{,}
@*@code{eliminate (} module_expression@code{,}
@item @strong{Type:}
the same as the type of the first argument
@item @strong{Purpose:}
eliminates variables occurring as factors of the
ideal (resp.@: a submodule of a free module), by
(resp. each component of the submodule) with the
these variables.
@item @strong{Note:}
@code{eliminate} does not need neither a special
nor a Groebner basis as input.
second argument from an
intersecting it
subring not containing
ordering on the basering
@item @strong{Remark:}
in a noncommutative algebra, not every subset of a set of variables
a proper subalgebra. But if it is so, there may be cases, when no
elimination is possible.
In these situations error messages will be reported.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example error
ring r=0,(e,f,h,a),Dp;
matrix d[4][4];
d[1,2]=-h; d[1,3]=2*e; d[2,3]=-2*f;
def R=nc_algebra(1,d); setring R;
// this algebra is U(sl_2), tensored with K[a] over K
poly p = 4*e*f+h^2-2*h - a;
// p is a central element with parameter
ideal I = e^3, f^3, h^3-4*h, p; // take this ideal
// and intersect I with the ring K[a]
ideal J = eliminate(I,e*f*h);
// if we want substitute 'a' with a value,
// it has to be a root of this polynomial
// now we try to eliminate h,
// that is we intersect I with the subalgebra S,
// generated by e and f.
// But S is not closed in itself, since f*e-e*f=-h !
// the next command will definitely produce an error
// since a commutes with e,f,h, we can eliminate it:
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{std BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node envelope, fetch BR_PLURAL_BR, eliminate BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions
@section envelope
@cindex envelope
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{envelope (} ring_name @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
creates an enveloping algebra of a given algebra, that is
A_env = A tensor A_opp, where A_opp is the
opposite algebra of A.
@end ifinfo
$A^{env} = A \otimes_K A^{opp}$, where $A^{opp}$ is the
opposite algebra of $A$.
@end tex
@item @strong{Remark:}
You have to activate the ring with the @code{setring} command.
For the presentation, see explanation of @code{opposite} in
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def A = makeUsl2();
setring A; A;
def Aenv = envelope(A);
setring Aenv;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node fetch BR_PLURAL_BR, imap BR_PLURAL_BR, envelope, Functions
@section fetch BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex fetch BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{fetch (} ring_name@code{,} name @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
number, poly, vector, ideal, module, matrix or list
(the same type as the second argument)
@item @strong{Purpose:}
maps objects between rings.
@code{fetch} is the identity map between rings and qrings,
the i-th variable of the source ring is mapped to the i-th
variable of the basering. The coefficient fields must be compatible.
(See @ref{map BR_PLURAL_BR} for a description of possible mappings
different ground fields).
@*@code{fetch} offers a convenient way to change
variable names or orderings, or to map objects from a ring to a quotient
ring of that ring or vice versa.
@item @strong{Note:}
Compared with @code{imap}, @code{fetch} uses the position of the ring
variables, not their names.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def Usl2 = makeUsl2(); // this algebra is U(sl_2)
setring Usl2;
poly C = 4*e*f+h^2-2*h; // the central element of Usl2
ideal I = e^3,f^3,h^3-4*h;
ideal J = twostd(I);
matrix M = matrix(J);
// print a compact presentation of J:
print(matrix(ideal(J[1..5]))); // first 5 generators
print(matrix(ideal(J[6..size(J)]))); // last generators
ideal QC = twostd(C-8);
qring Q = QC;
ideal QJ = fetch(Usl2,J);
QJ = std(QJ);
// thus QJ is the image of I in the factor-algebra QC
print(matrix(QJ)); // print QJ compactly
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{imap BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{map BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{qring BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ring BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node imap BR_PLURAL_BR, intersect BR_PLURAL_BR, fetch BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section imap BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex imap BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{imap (} ring_name@code{,} name @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
number, poly, vector, ideal, module, matrix or list
(the same type as the second argument)
@item @strong{Purpose:}
identity map on common subrings. @code{imap} is the map between rings
and qrings with compatible ground fields which is the identity on
variables and parameters of the same name and 0 otherwise.
(See @ref{map BR_PLURAL_BR} for a description of possible mappings
different ground fields).
Useful for mappings from a homogenized ring to the original ring or
for mappings from/to rings with/without parameters. Compared with
@code{fetch}, @code{imap} uses the names of variables and parameters.
Unlike @code{map} and @code{fetch}, @code{imap} can map parameters to
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
ring ABP=0,(p4,p5,a,b),dp; // a commutative ring
def Usl3 = makeUsl(3);
def BIG = Usl3+ABP;
setring BIG;
poly P4 = 3*x(1)*y(1)+3*x(2)*y(2)+3*x(3)*y(3);
P4 = P4 +h(1)^2+h(1)*h(2)+h(2)^2-3*h(1)-3*h(2);
// P4 is a central element of Usl3 of degree 2
poly P5 = 4*x(1)*y(1) + h(1)^2 - 2*h(1);
// P5 is a central element of the subalgebra of U(sl_3),
// generated by x(1),y(1),h(1)
ideal J = x(1),x(2),h(1)-a,h(2)-b;
// we are interested in the module U(sl_3)/J,
// which depends on parameters a,b
ideal I = p4-P4, p5-P5;
ideal K = I, J;
ideal E = eliminate(K,x(1)*x(2)*x(3)*y(1)*y(2)*y(3)*h(1)*h(2));
E; // this is the ideal of central characters in ABP
// what are the characters on nonzero a,b?
ring abP = (0,a,b),(p4,p5),dp;
ideal abE = imap(BIG, E);
abE = std(abE);
// here come characters (indeed, we have only one)
// that is a maximal ideal in K[p4,p5]
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{fetch BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{map BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{qring BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ring BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c -----------------------------------------------@node intersect BR_PLURAL_BR, kbase BR_PLURAL_BR, imap BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section intersect BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex intersect BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{intersect (}expression_list of ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{intersect (}expression_list of module_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
ideal, resp. module
@item @strong{Purpose:}
computes the intersection of ideals, resp. modules.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c // 1. from [BGV], p.213, Ex.2.5. answer: [0,xy^2],[y^2,-xy]
@c // 2. from [BGV], p.148, Ex.3.8
@c example
ring r=0,(x,y),dp;
def R=nc_algebra(-1,0);
setring R;
module M=[x,x],[y,0];
module N=[0,y^2],[y,x];
module Res;
kill r,R;
//-------------------------------LIB "ncalg.lib";
ring r=0,(x,d),dp;
def RR=Weyl(); // make r into Weyl algebra
setring RR;
ideal I = x+d^2;
ideal J = d-1;
ideal H = intersect(I,J);
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c -----------------------------------------------@node kbase BR_PLURAL_BR, lift BR_PLURAL_BR, intersect BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section kbase BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex kbase BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{kbase (} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{kbase (} module_expression @code{)}
@*@code{kbase (} ideal_expression@code{,} int_expression@code{)}
@*@code{kbase (} module_expression@code{,} int_expression@code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
the same as the input type of the first argument
@item @strong{Purpose:}
computes the vector space basis of the
factor-module that equals
ring (resp. free module) modulo the ideal (resp. submodule),
generated by the initial terms of the given generators.
@* If the factor-module is not of finite dimension, -1 is returned.
If the generators form a Groebner basis,
this is the same as the vector space basis of the
@item @strong{Note:}
in the noncommutative case, a ring modulo an ideal has a ring stucture
if and only if the ideal is two-sided.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp;
matrix d[3][3];
d[1,2]=-z; d[1,3]=2x; d[2,3]=-2y;
def R=nc_algebra(1,d); // this algebra is U(sl_2)
setring R;
ideal i=x2,y2,z2-1;
print(matrix(i)); // print a compact presentation of i
ideal j=x,z-1;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{vdim BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c ------------------------------------------------@node lift BR_PLURAL_BR, liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR, kbase BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section lift BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex lift BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{lift (} ideal_expression@code{,} subideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{lift (} module_expression@code{,} submodule_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
computes the (left) transformation matrix which expresses the (left)
generators of a
submodule in terms of the (left) generators of a module. Uses different
algorithms for modules which are (resp.@: are not) represented by a
Groebner basis.
@* More precisely, if @code{m} is the
module, @code{sm} the submodule,
and @code{T} the transformation matrix returned by
lift, then @code{transpose(matrix(sm)) = transpose(T)*transpose(m)}
and @code{module(transpose(sm)) = module(transpose(T)*transpose(m))}.
If @code{m} and @code{sm} are ideals, @code{ideal(sm) =
@item @strong{Note:}
Gives a warning if @code{sm} is not a submodule.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
ring r = (0,a),(e,f,h),(c,dp);
matrix D[3][3];
D[1,2]=-h; D[1,3]=2*e; D[2,3]=-2*f;
def R=nc_algebra(1,D); // this algebra is a parametric U(sl_2)
setring R;
ideal i = e,h-a; // consider this parametric ideal
i = std(i);
print(matrix(i)); // print a compact presentation of i
poly Z = 4*e*f+h^2-2*h; // a central element
Z = Z - NF(Z,i); // a central character
ideal j = std(Z);
matrix T = lift(i,j);
ideal tj = ideal(transpose(T)*transpose(matrix(i)));
std(ideal(j-tj)); // test
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c ----------------------------------------@node liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR, minres BR_PLURAL_BR, lift BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{liftstd (} ideal_expression@code{,} matrix_name @code{)}
@*@code{liftstd (} module_expression@code{,} matrix_name @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
ideal or module
@item @strong{Purpose:}
returns a Groebner basis of an ideal or module and the transformation
matrix from the given ideal, resp.@: module, to the Groebner basis.
@*That is, if @code{m} is the ideal or module, @code{sm} is the Groebner
basis of @code{m}, returned by @code{liftstd}, and @code{T} is the
transformation matrix,
then @code{transpose(matrix(sm))=transpose(T)*transpose(matrix(m))} and
If @code{m} is an ideal,
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def A = makeUsl2();
setring A; // this algebra is U(sl_2)
ideal i = e2,f;
matrix T;
ideal j = liftstd(i,T);
// the Groebner basis in a compact form:
print(T); // the transformation matrix
ideal tj = ideal(transpose(T)*transpose(matrix(i)));
std(ideal(j-tj)); // test
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ring BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{std BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node minres BR_PLURAL_BR, modulo BR_PLURAL_BR, liftstd BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section minres BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex minres BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{minres (} list_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{minres (} resolution_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
minimizes a free resolution of an ideal or module
given by the list_expression, resp.@: resolution_expression.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def A = makeUsl2();
setring A; // this algebra is U(sl_2)
ideal i=e,f,h;
resolution F=nres(i,0);
print(matrix(F[1])); // print F's compactly
resolution MF=minres(F); MF;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{mres BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{nres BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node modulo BR_PLURAL_BR, mres BR_PLURAL_BR, minres BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section modulo BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex modulo BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{modulo (} ideal_expression@code{,} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{modulo (} module_expression@code{,} module_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
represents h1/(h1 intersect h2) (isomorphic to (h1+h2)/h2)
@end ifinfo
represents $h_1/(h_1 \cap h_2) \cong (h_1+h_2)/h_2$
@end tex
, where
$h_1$ and $h_2$
@end tex
h1 and h2
@end ifinfo
are considered as submodules of the same free module
@end tex
@end ifinfo
(s=1 for ideals).
$H_1$ (resp.\ $H_2$)
@end tex
H1 (resp. H2)
be the matrix of size l x k (resp.@: l x m), having the generators of
h1 (resp.@: h2)
@end ifinfo
be the matrix of size $l \times k$ (resp.\ $l \times m$), having the
generators of $h_1$ (resp.\ $h_2$)
@end tex
as columns.
@* Then
$h_1/(h_1 \cap h_2) \cong R^k / ker(\overline{H_1})$
@end tex
h1/(h1 intersect h2) is isomorphic to R^k/ker(H1)
@end format
@end ifinfo
, where
$\overline{H_1}: R^k \rightarrow R^s/Im(H_2)=R^s/h_2$
is the induced map.
@end tex
H1: R^k ----> R^l/Im(H2)=R^l/h2 is the induced map.
@end format
@end ifinfo
@*@code{modulo(h1,h2)} returns generators of
the kernel of this induced map.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def A = makeUsl2();
setring A; // this algebra is U(sl_2)
ideal I = e2,f2,h2-1;
I = twostd(I);
print(matrix(I)); // print I in a compact form
ideal E = std(e);
ideal T = modulo(E,I);
T = NF(std(I+T),I);
T = std(T);
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
See also
@ref{syz BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node mres BR_PLURAL_BR, nc_algebra, modulo BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions
@section mres BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex mres BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{mres (} ideal_expression@code{,} int_expression @code{)}
@*@code{mres (} module_expression@code{,} int_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
computes a minimal free resolution of an ideal or module M with the
Groebner basis method. More precisely, let A=@code{matrix}(M), then
computes a free resolution of
... ----> F2 ----> F1 ----> F0 --> F0/M --> 0.
@end format
@end ifinfo
$$...\longrightarrow F_2 \buildrel{A_2}\over{\longrightarrow} F_1
\buildrel{A_1}\over{\longrightarrow} F_0\longrightarrow F_0/M
\longrightarrow 0,$$
@end tex
where the columns of the matrix
@end tex
@end ifinfo
are a (possibly) minimal set of generators
of @math{M}.
If the int expression k is not zero, then the computation stops after k
and returns a list of modules
$M_i={\tt module}(A_i)$, $i= 1 \ldots k$.
@end tex
Mi=module(Ai), i=1...k.
@end ifinfo
@*@code{mres(M,0)} returns a resolution consisting of at most n+2
where n is the number of variables of the basering.
Let @code{list L=mres(M,0);}
then @code{L[1]} consists of a minimal set of generators of the input,
consists of a minimal set of generators for the first syzygy module of
@code{L[1]}, etc., until @code{L[p+1]}, such that
L[i]<>0 for i<=p,
@end ifinfo
${\tt L[i]}\neq 0$ for $i \le p$,
@end tex
but @code{L[p+1]} (the first syzygy module of @code{L[p]})
is 0 (if the basering is not a qring).
@item @strong{Note:}
Accessing single elements of a resolution may require that some partial
computations have to be finished and may therefore take some time.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def A = makeUsl2();
setring A; // this algebra is U(sl_2)
ideal i = e,f,h;
i = std(i);
resolution M=mres(i,0);
print(matrix(M[1])); // print M's in a compact way
// see the exactness at this point
// see the exactness at this point
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{minres BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{nres BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR};
@c ref
@c ----------------------------@node nc_algebra, ncalgebra, mres BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section nc_algebra
@cindex nc_algebra
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@*@code{nc_algebra(} matrix_expression C, matrix_expression D @code{)}
@*@code{nc_algebra(} number_expression n, matrix_expression D @code{)}
@*@code{nc_algebra(} matrix_expression C, poly_expression p @code{)}
@*@code{nc_algebra(} number_expression n, poly_expression p @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
Executed in the basering @code{r}, say, in k variables
$ x_1, \ldots, x_k ,\;$
@end tex
x_1,... ,x_k,
@end ifinfo
@code{nc_algebra} creates the
noncommutative extension of @code{r} subject to relations
$ \{ x_j x_i=c_{ij} \cdot x_i x_j + d_{ij}, 1 \leq i <j \leq k \}, $
where $c_{ij}$ and $d_{ij}$ must be put into two strictly upper
@end tex
@{x_j x_i=c_@{ij@} ..., x_i x_j + d_@{ij@} , 0< i <j < k+1 @}.
where c_@{ij@} and d_@{ij@ must be put into two strictly upper
@end ifinfo
triangular matrices @code{C} with entries
@end tex
@end ifinfo
from the ground field of @code{r}
and @code{D} with polynomial entries
$ d_{ij}$
@end tex
@end ifinfo
from @code{r}. See all the details in @ref{G-algebras}.
@* If
$\forall i<j$, $c_{ij} = n$
@end tex
for all i<j, c_@{ij@} = n
@end ifinfo
, one can input a number @code{n} instead of matrix @code{C}.
@* If
$\forall i<j$, $d_{ij} = p$
@end tex
for all i<j, d_@{ij@} = p
@end ifinfo
, one can input a poly @code{p} instead of matrix @code{D}.
@item @strong{Remark:}
At present, @sc{Plural} does not check the non-degeneracy conditions
(@pxref{G-algebras}) while setting an algebra.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "nctools.lib";
// ------- first example: C, D are matrices -------ring r1 = (0,Q),(x,y,z),Dp;
minpoly = rootofUnity(6);
matrix C[3][3];
matrix D[3][3];
C[1,3]=1/Q2; C[2,3]=Q2;
D[1,2]=-Q*z; D[1,3]=1/Q*y; D[2,3]=-Q*x;
def S=nc_algebra(C,D);
// this algebra is a quantum deformation U'_q(so_3),
// where Q is a 6th root of unity
setring S;S;
kill r1,S;
// ----- second example: number n=1, D is a matrix
ring r2=0,(Xa,Xb,Xc,Ya,Yb,Yc,Ha,Hb),dp;
matrix d[8][8];
d[1,2]=-Xc; d[1,4]=-Ha; d[1,6]=Yb; d[1,7]=2*Xa;
d[1,8]=-Xa; d[2,5]=-Hb; d[2,6]=-Ya; d[2,7]=-Xb;
d[2,8]=2*Xb; d[3,4]=Xb; d[3,5]=-Xa; d[3,6]=-Ha-Hb;
d[3,8]=Xc; d[4,5]=Yc; d[4,7]=-2*Ya;
d[4,8]=Ya; d[5,7]=Yb; d[5,8]=-2*Yb;
d[6,7]=-Yc; d[6,8]=-Yc;
def S=nc_algebra(1,d); // this algebra is U(sl_3)
setring S;S;
kill r2,S;
// ---- third example: C is a matrix, p=0 is a poly
ring r3=0,(a,b,c,d),lp;
matrix c[4][4];
c[1,2]=1; c[1,3]=3; c[1,4]=-2;
c[2,3]=-1; c[2,4]=-3; c[3,4]=1;
def S=nc_algebra(c,0); // it is a quasi--commutative algebra
setring S;S;
kill r3,S;
// -- fourth example : number n = -1, poly p = 3w
ring r4=0,(u,v,w),dp;
def S=nc_algebra(-1,3w);
setring S;S;
kill r4,S;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
See also
@c ref
@c ----------------------------@node ncalgebra, nres BR_PLURAL_BR, nc_algebra, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section ncalgebra
@cindex ncalgebra
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@*@code{ncalgebra(} matrix_expression C, matrix_expression
@*@code{ncalgebra(} number_expression n, matrix_expression
@*@code{ncalgebra(} matrix_expression C, poly_expression p
@*@code{ncalgebra(} number_expression n, poly_expression p
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
Works like @ref{nc_algebra} but changes the basering.
D @code{)}
D @code{)}
@item @strong{Remark:}
This function is @strong{depreciated} and should be substituted by
since it violates the general @sc{Singular} policy: only @ref{ring} and
@ref{setring} can change the basering.
@end table
@c ref
See also
@c ref
@c ---------------------------------------
@node nres BR_PLURAL_BR, oppose, ncalgebra, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section nres BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex nres BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{nres (} ideal_expression@code{,} int_expression @code{)}
@*@code{nres (} module_expression@code{,} int_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
computes a free resolution of an ideal or module which is minimized
from the second module on (by the Groebner basis method).
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def A = makeUsl2();
setring A; // this algebra is U(sl_2)
ideal i = e,f,h;
i = std(i);
resolution F=nres(i,0);
// print the resolution componentwise:
// see the exactness at this point:
// see the exactness at this point:
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{minres BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{mres BR_PLURAL_BR};
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node oppose, opposite, nres BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section oppose
@cindex oppose
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{oppose (} ring_name, name @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
poly, vector, ideal, module or matrix (the same type as the second
@item @strong{Purpose:}
for a given object in the given ring, creates its opposite object
in the opposite (@ref{opposite}) ring (the last one is assumed to be the
current ring).
@item @strong{Remark:}
for any object
$O, \; (O^{opp})^{opp} = O$.
@end tex
O, (O^opp)^opp = O.
@end ifinfo
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def r = makeUsl2();
setring r;
matrix m[3][4];
p = (h^2-1)*f*e;
vector v = [1,e*h,0,p];
ideal i = h*e, f^2*e,h*f*e;
= e,f,h,1,0,h^2, p,0,0,1,e^2,e*f*h+1;
module mm = module(m);
def b
= opposite(r);
// we will oppose these objects: p,v,i,m,mm
setring b; b;
poly P
= oppose(r,p);
vector V = oppose(r,v);
ideal I = oppose(r,i);
matrix M = oppose(r,m);
module MM = oppose(r,mm);
setring r;
// now let's check the correctness:
// print compact presentations of objects
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node opposite, preimage BR_PLURAL_BR, oppose, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section opposite
@cindex opposite
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{opposite (} ring_name @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
creates an opposite algebra of a given algebra.
@item @strong{Note:}
activate the ring with the @code{setring} command.
@* An opposite algebra of a given algebra (@math{A},.) is
an algebra (@math{A},*) with the same vectorspace but with the opposite
multiplication, i.e.
$\forall \; f,g \in A^{opp}$, a new multiplication $*$ on $A^{opp}$
is defined to be $f*g := g \cdot f$.
@end tex
for any f,g in A_opp, a multiplication @code{*} on A_opp is defined to
be f @code{*} g := gf.
@end ifinfo
@item @strong{Remark:}
Starting from the variables x_1,...,x_N and the ordering @code{<}
of the given algebra,
an opposite algebra will have variables X_N,...,X_1
(where the case and the position are reverted). Moreover, it is
equipped with an opposed ordering @code{<_opp} (it is given
by the matrix, obtained from the matrix ordering of @code{<}
with the reverse order of columns).
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def B = makeQso3(3);
// this algebra is a quantum deformation of U(so_3),
// where the quantum parameter is a 6th root of unity
setring B; B;
def Bopp = opposite(B);
setring Bopp;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
See also a Section @ref{Matrix orderings}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node preimage BR_PLURAL_BR, quotient BR_PLURAL_BR, opposite, Functions
@section preimage BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex preimage BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{preimage (} ring_name@code{,} map_name@code{,} ideal_name @code{)}
@*@code{preimage (} ring_name@code{,} ideal_expression@code{,} ideal_name
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
returns the preimage of an ideal under a given map.
The second argument has to be a map from the basering to the given ring
(or an ideal defining such a map),
and the ideal has to be an ideal in the given ring.
@item @strong{Note:}
To compute the kernel of a map, the preimage of zero has to be
Hence there is no special command for computing the kernel of a map in
@item @strong{Remark:}
In the noncommutative case, it is implemented only for maps @math{A} ->
@math{B}, where @math{A} is a commutative ring.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
R = 0,a,dp;
def Usl2 = makeUsl2();
setring Usl2;
poly C = 4*e*f+h^2-2*h;
// C is a central element of U(sl2)
ideal I = e^3, f^3, h^3-4*h;
ideal J = twostd(I); // two-sided GB
ideal K = std(I);
// left GB
map Phi = R,C;
setring R;
ideal PreJ = preimage(Usl2,Phi,J);
// the central character of J
// hence, there are two simple characters for J
ideal PreK = preimage(Usl2,Phi,K);
// the central character of K
// hence, there are three simple characters for K
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{map BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ring BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node quotient BR_PLURAL_BR, reduce BR_PLURAL_BR, preimage BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section quotient BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex quotient BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{quotient (} ideal_expression@code{,} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{quotient (} module_expression@code{,} module_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{quotient (} module_expression@code{,} ideal_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
computes the ideal quotient, resp.@: module quotient. Let @code{R} be the
basering, @code{I,J} ideals and @code{M} a module in
@end ifinfo
${\tt R}^n$.
@end tex
@{a in R | aJ in I @}
@end ifinfo
$\{a \in R \mid aJ \subset I\}$,
@end tex
@{b in R | bJ in M @}.
@end ifinfo
$\{b \in R^n \mid bJ \subset M\}$.
@end tex
@end itemize
@item @strong{Note:}
It an only be used for two-sided ideals (bimodules), otherwise the
result may have no meaning.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c // from [BGV], Ex.3.17, p.150, modified by q
@c example
//------ a very easy example -----------ring r=(0,q),(x,y),Dp;
def R=nc_algebra(q,0); // this algebra is a quantum plane
setring R;
poly f1 = x^3+2*x*y^2+2*x^2*y;
poly f2 = y;
poly f1' = x^2;
poly f2' = x+y;
ideal i = f1,f2;
ideal I = twostd(i);
ideal j = f1',f2';
ideal J = twostd(j);
kill r,R;
//------- a bit more complicated example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def Usl2 = makeUsl2();
// this algebra is U(sl_2)
setring Usl2;
ideal i = e3,f3,h3-4*h;
ideal I = std(i);
poly C = 4*e*f+h^2-2*h;
ideal H = twostd(C-8);
ideal Q = quotient(I,H);
// print a compact presentation of Q:
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node reduce BR_PLURAL_BR, ringlist BR_PLURAL_BR, quotient BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section reduce BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex reduce BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex NF
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{reduce (} poly_expression@code{,} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} poly_expression@code{,} ideal_expression@code{,}
int_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} vector_expression@code{,} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} vector_expression@code{,} ideal_expression@code{,}
int_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} vector_expression@code{,} module_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} vector_expression@code{,} module_expression@code{,}
int_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} ideal_expression@code{,} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} ideal_expression@code{,} ideal_expression@code{,}
int_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} module_expression@code{,} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} module_expression@code{,} ideal_expression@code{,}
int_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} module_expression@code{,} module_expression @code{)}
@*@code{reduce (} module_expression@code{,} module_expression@code{,}
int_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
the type of the first argument
@item @strong{Purpose:}
reduces a polynomial, vector, ideal or module to its @strong{left}
normal form with
respect to an ideal or module represented by a left Groebner basis.
Returns 0 if and only if the polynomial (resp.@: vector, ideal, module)
is an element (resp.@: subideal, submodule) of the ideal (resp.@:
The result may have no meaning if the second argument is not a left
Groebner basis.
@*The third (optional) argument 1 of type int forces a reduction which
considers only the leading term and does no tail reduction.
@item @strong{Note:}
The commands @code{reduce} and @code{NF} are synonymous.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
ring r=(0,a),(e,f,h),Dp;
matrix d[3][3];
d[1,2]=-h; d[1,3]=2e; d[2,3]=-2f;
def R=nc_algebra(1,d);
setring R;
// this algebra is a parametric U(sl_2)
ideal I = e2, f2, h2-1;
I = std(I);
// print a compact presentation of I
ideal J = e, h-a;
J = std(J);
// print a compact presentation of J
poly z=4*e*f+h^2-2*h;
// z is the central element of U(sl_2)
NF(z,I); // the central character of I:
NF(z,J); // the central character of J:
poly nz = z - NF(z,J); // nz will belong to J
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
See also
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{std BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node ringlist BR_PLURAL_BR, slimgb BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section ringlist BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex ringlist BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{ringlist (} ring_expression @code{)}
@*@code{ringlist (} qring_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
decomposes a ring/qring into a list of 6 (or 4 in
@* The first 4 components are common both for the
non-commutative cases, the 5th and the 6th appear
commutative case.
reduce BR_PLURAL_BR,
the commutative case)
commutative and for the
only in the non-
@enumerate 5
@item square matrix with nonzero upper triangle, containing
structural coefficients of a G-algebra (this corresponds to the
matrix C from the definition of @ref{G-algebras})
@item square matrix, containing structural polynomials of a G-algebra
(this corresponds to the matrix D from the definition of @ref{Galgebras})
@end enumerate
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
// consider the quantized Weyl algebra
ring r = (0,q),(x,d),Dp;
def RS=nc_algebra(q,1);
setring RS;
list l = ringlist(RS);
// now, change the relation d*x = q*x*d +1
// into the relation d*x=(q2+1)*x*d + q*d + 1
matrix S = l[5]; // matrix of coefficients
S[1,2] = q^2+1;
l[5] = S;
matrix T = l[6]; // matrix of polynomials
T[1,2] = q*d+1;
l[6] = T;
def rr = ring(l);
setring rr; rr;
// compare with the ring we started with:
setring RS; RS;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
See also
@ref{ring BR_PLURAL_BR};
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node slimgb BR_PLURAL_BR, std BR_PLURAL_BR, ringlist BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section slimgb BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex slimgb BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{slimgb (} ideal_expression@code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
returns a left Groebner basis of a left ideal with respect to the
global monomial ordering of the basering.
@item @strong{Note:}
The commutative algorithm is described in the diploma thesis of Michael
Brickenstein "Neue Varianten zur Berechnung von Groebnerbasen",
written 2004 under supervision of G.-M. Greuel in Kaiserslautern.
It is designed to keep polynomials slim (short with small coefficients).
Currently best results are examples over function fields (parameters).
The current implementation may not be optimal for weighted degree
The program only supports the options @code{prot}, which will give
protocol output and @code{redSB} for returning a reduced Groebner basis.
The protocol messages of @code{slimgb} mean the following:
@* @code{M[n,m]} means a parallel reduction of @code{n} elements with
@code{m} non-zero output elements,
@* @code{b} notices an exchange trick described in the thesis and
@* @code{e} adds a reductor with non-minimal leading term.
For a detailed commutative example see @ref{slim Groebner bases}.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def U = makeUsl(2);
// U is the U(sl_2) algebra
setring U;
ideal I = e^3, f^3, h^3-4*h;
ideal J = slimgb(I);
// compare slimgb with std:
ideal K = std(I);
// hence both Groebner bases are equal
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@ref{std BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c --------------------------------------@node std BR_PLURAL_BR, subst BR_PLURAL_BR, slimgb BR_PLURAL_BR,
Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section std BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex std BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{std (} ideal_expression@code{)}
@*@code{std (} module_expression@code{)}
@*@code{std (} ideal_expression@code{,} poly_expression @code{)}
@*@code{std (} module_expression@code{,} vector_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
ideal or module
@item @strong{Purpose:}
returns a left Groebner basis (see @ref{Groebner bases in G-algebras} for
a definition)
of an ideal or module with respect to the
monomial ordering of the basering.
@c is a set of generators such that
@c the leading terms generate the leading ideal, resp.@: module.
Use an optional second argument of type poly, resp.@: vector,
to construct the Groebner basis from an already computed one (given as
first argument) and one additional generator (the second argument).
@item @strong{Note:}
To view the progress of long running computations, use
@ifset singularmanual
@end ifset
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def R = makeUsl2();
// this algebra is U(sl_2)
setring R;
ideal I = e2, f2, h2-1;
kill R;
//-----------------------------------------def RQ = makeQso3(3);
// this algebra is U'_q(so_3),
// where Q is a 6th root of unity
setring RQ;
ideal J=x2, y2, z2;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
See also
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{ring BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c ------------------------------------------------@node subst BR_PLURAL_BR, syz BR_PLURAL_BR, std BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions
@section subst BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex subst BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{subst (} poly_expression,ring_variable, poly_expression @code{)}
@*@code{subst (} vector _expression,ring_variable, poly_expression
@*@code{subst (} ideal_expression,ring_variable, poly_expression
@*@code{subst (} module _expression,ring_variable, poly_expression
@item @strong{Type:}
poly, vector, ideal or module (corresponding to the first argument)
@item @strong{Purpose:}
substitutes a ring variable by a polynomial.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def R = makeUsl2();
// this algebra is U(sl_2)
setring R;
poly C = e*f*h;
poly C1 = subst(C,e,h^3);
poly C2 = subst(C,f,e+f);
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
@c ref
@c ------------------------------------------------@node syz BR_PLURAL_BR, twostd, subst BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions
@section syz BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex syz BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{syz (} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{syz (} module_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
computes the first syzygy (i.e., the module of relations of the given
generators) of the ideal, resp.@: module.
@item @strong{Note:}
if @code{S} is a matrix of a left syzygy module of left submodule given
by matrix @code{M}, then
@code{transpose(S)*transpose(M) = 0}.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def R = makeQso3(3);
setring R;
// we wish to have completely reduced bases:
ideal tst;
ideal J = x3+x,x*y*z;
ideal K = x+y+z,y+z,z;
module S = syz(K);
tst = ideal(transpose(S)*transpose(K));
// check the property of a syzygy module (tst==0):
// now compute the Groebner basis of K ...
K = std(K);
// ... print a matrix presentation of K ...
S = syz(K); // ... and its syzygy module
tst = ideal(transpose(S)*transpose(K));
// check the property of a syzygy module (tst==0):
// but the "commutative" syzygy property does not hold
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
See also
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{module BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{mres BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{nres BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{minres BR_PLURAL_BR};
@c ref
@c -----------------------------@node twostd, vdim BR_PLURAL_BR, syz BR_PLURAL_BR, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section twostd
@cindex twostd
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{twostd(} ideal_expression@code{)};
@item @strong{Type:}
ideal or module
@item @strong{Purpose:}
returns a left Groebner basis of the two-sided ideal,
generated by the input, treated as a set of two-sided generators.
@ifset singularmanual
see @ref{std}
@end ifset
@item @strong{Remark:}
There are algebras with no two-sided ideals except 0 and the
whole algebra (like Weyl algebras).
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
LIB "ncalg.lib";
def U = makeUsl2(); // this algebra is U(sl_2)
setring U;
ideal i= e^3, f^3, h^3 - 4*h;
ideal I = std(i);
print(matrix(I)); // print a compact presentation of I
ideal J = twostd(i);
// print a compact presentation of J:
print(matrix(ideal(J[1..6]))); // first 6 gen's
print(matrix(ideal(J[7..size(J)]))); // the rest of gen's
// compute the set of elements present in J but not in I
ideal K = NF(J,I);
K = K+0; // simplify K
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------@node vdim BR_PLURAL_BR,, twostd, Functions BR_PLURAL_BR
@section vdim BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex vdim BR_PLURAL_BR
@table @code
@item @strong{Syntax:}
@code{vdim (} ideal_expression @code{)}
@*@code{vdim (} module_expression @code{)}
@item @strong{Type:}
@item @strong{Purpose:}
computes the vector space dimension of the
factor-module that equals
ring (resp. free module) modulo the ideal (resp. submodule),
generated by the leading terms of the given generators.
@* If the factor-module is not of finite dimension, -1 is returned.
If the generators form a Groebner basis,
this is the same as the vector space dimension of the
@item @strong{Note:}
In the noncommutative case, a ring modulo an ideal has a ring stucture if
and only if the ideal is two-sided.
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
ring R=0,(x,y,z),dp;
matrix d[3][3];
d[1,2]=-z; d[1,3]=2x; d[2,3]=-2y;
def RS=nc_algebra(1,d); //U(sl_2)
setring RS;
option(redSB); option(redTail);
ideal I=x3,y3,z3-z;
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c ref
See also
@ref{ideal BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{std BR_PLURAL_BR};
@ref{kbase BR_PLURAL_BR}.
@c ref
@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------@raisesections
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------@node Mathematical background BR_PLURAL_BR, LETTERPLACE , Functions
BR_PLURAL_BR, Non-commutative subsystem
@section Mathematical background BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex Mathematical background BR_PLURAL_BR
This section introduces some of the mathematical notions and definitions
throughout the @sc{Plural} manual. For details, please, refer to
appropriate articles or text books (see @ref{References BR_PLURAL_BR}).
A detailed discussion of the subjects in this section can be found in the
doctoral thesis
[LV] of V. Levandovskyy (see @ref{References BR_PLURAL_BR}).
All algebras are assumed to be associative @math{K}-algebras for some
field @math{K}.
* G-algebras::
* Groebner bases in G-algebras::
* Syzygies and resolutions BR_PLURAL_BR::
* References BR_PLURAL_BR::
@end menu
@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------@node G-algebras, Groebner bases in G-algebras, , Mathematical
background BR_PLURAL_BR
@section G-algebras
@cindex G-algebra
@subheading Definition (PBW basis)
@cindex PBW basis
Let $K$ be a field, and let a $K$-algebra $A$ be generated by
variables $x_1, \ldots ,x_n$ subject to some relations.
We call $A$ an algebra with {\bf PBW basis} (Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt
basis), if a $K$--basis of
$A$ is Mon$(x_1,\dots,x_n)=\{x^{a_1}_1 x^{a_2}_2 \dots x^{a_n}_n \mid a_i
\in N \cup \{0\} \}$,
where a power-product $x^{a_1}_1 x^{a_2}_2 \dots x^{a_n}_n$ (in this
particular order) is called
{\bf a monomial}. For example, $x_1 x_2$ is a monomial, while $x_2 x_1$
is, in general, not
a monomial.
@end tex
Let K be a field, and let a K-algebra A be generated by
variables x_1, ... ,x_n subject to some relations.
@* We call A an algebra with PBW basis (Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt basis),
if a K--basis of A is Mon(x_1,...,x_n) =@{x^a1_1 x^a2_2 ... x^an_n a_i
in N union @{0@} @},
where a power-product x^a1_1 x^a2_2 ... x^an_n (in this particular order)
is called
@strong{a monomial}. For example, x_1 x_2 is a monomial, while x_2 x_1
is, in general, not a monomial.
@end ifinfo
@subheading Definition (G-algebra)
@cindex G-algebra
Let $K$ be a field, and let a $K$-algebra $A$ be given in terms of
generators subject to the following relations:
$A= K \langle x_1, \ldots ,x_n \mid \{ x_j x_i=c_{ij} \cdot x_i x_j +
d_{ij}\}, 1 \leq i <j \leq n \rangle$,
where $c_{ij} \in K^{*}, d_{ij} \in K[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$.
$A$ is called \textbf{a $G$--algebra}, if the following conditions hold:
@end tex
Let K be a field, and let a K-algebra A be given in terms of generators
and relations:
A= K < x_1,... ,x_n |
@{x_j x_i=c_@{ij@} ..., x_i x_j + d_@{ij@} @}, 0< i <j < n+1 >,
where c_@{ij@} in K^*, d_@{ij@} in K[x_1, ..., x_n].
A is called a G--algebra, if the following conditions hold:
@end ifinfo
@c table @asis
@itemize @bullet
there is a monomial well-ordering < such that
$\forall i<j \; \hbox{LM}(d_{ij})< x_i x_j$,
@end tex
there is a monomial well-ordering < such that
for all i<j LM(d_@{ij@})< x_i x_j,
@end ifinfo
@item @strong{non-degeneracy conditions}:
$\forall \; 1 \leq i<j<k \leq n \; \; : \; {\cal NDC}_{ijk} =0$, where
{\cal NDC}_{ijk} = c_{ik}c_{jk} \cdot d_{ij}x_k - x_k d_{ij} +
c_{jk} \cdot x_j d_{ik} - c_{ij} \cdot d_{ik}x_j + d_{jk}x_i
- c_{ij}c_{ik} \cdot x_i d_{jk}.
@end tex
For all 0< i<j<k< n+1 NDC_@{ijk@} =0, where
NDC_@{ijk@}= c_@{ik@} c_@{jk@} d_@{ij@} x_k - x_k d_@{ij@} +
c_@{jk@} x_j d_@{ik@} - c_@{ij@} d_@{ik@} x_j + d_@{jk@}x_i
- c_@{ij@}c_@{ik@} x_i d_@{jk@}.
@end ifinfo
@end itemize
@c @end table
@subheading Theorem (properties of G-algebras)
@c @table @asis
Let $A$ be a $G$-algebra. Then
@end tex
Let A be a G-algebra. Then
@end ifinfo
$A$ has a PBW (Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt) basis,
@end tex
A has a PBW (Poincar'e-Birkhoff-Witt) basis,
@end ifinfo
is left and right noetherian,
@end tex
$A$ is an integral domain.
@end tex
A is an integral domain.
@end ifinfo
$A$ has left and right quotient rings.
@end tex
A has left and right quotient rings.
@end ifinfo
@end itemize
@subheading Setting up a G-algebra
@cindex Setting up a G-algebra
@cindex G-algebra, setup
In order to set up a $G$--algebra
in {\sc Plural}, one has to do the following steps:
@end tex
In order to set up a G-algebra
in @sc{Plural}, one has to do the following steps:
@end ifinfo
define a commutative ring
$R= K[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$,
@end tex
R= K[x_1, ..., x_n],
@end ifinfo
equipped with a global monomial ordering @math{<} (see @ref{ring
declarations BR_PLURAL_BR}).
@* This provides us with the information on a field @math{K} (together
with its parameters), variables
@end tex
@end ifinfo
and an ordering <.
@* From the sequence of variables we will build a G-algebra with the PBW
$\{x^{a_1}_1 x^{a_2}_2 \dots x^{a_n}_n\}$.
@end tex
@{x^a1_1 x^a2_2 ... x^an_n@}.
@end ifinfo
Define strictly
$n\times n$
@end tex
n x n
@end ifinfo
upper triangular matrices (of type @code{matrix})
@c @bullet
@c @table @asis
$C=\{c_{ij}, i<j\}$, with nonzero entries $c_{ij}$ of type number
($c_{ij}$ for $i\geq j$ will be ignored).
@end tex
C=@{c_@{ij@}, i<j @}, with nonzero entries c_@{ij@} of type number
(c_@{ij@} for i>=j will be ignored).
@end ifinfo
$D=\{d_{ij}, i<j\}$, with polynomial entries $d_{ij}$ from $R$
($d_{ij}$ for $i\geq j$ will be ignored).
@end tex
D=@{d_@{ij@}, i<j@}, with polynomial entries d_@{ij@} from R (c_@{ij@}
for i>=j will be ignored).
@end ifinfo
@end enumerate
@c @end table
Call the initialization function @code{nc_algebra(C,D)} (see
@ref{nc_algebra}) with the data
$C$ and $D$.
@end tex
C and D.
@end ifinfo
@end itemize
At present, @sc{Plural} does not check automatically whether the nondegeneracy conditions
hold but it provides a procedure @ref{ndcond} from the library
@ref{nctools_lib} to check this.
@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------@node Groebner bases in G-algebras, Syzygies and resolutions
BR_PLURAL_BR, G-algebras, Mathematical background BR_PLURAL_BR
@section Groebner bases in G-algebras
@cindex Groebner bases in G-algebras
We follow the notations, used in the @sc{Singular} Manual (e.g. in
@ref{Standard bases}).
For a $G$--algebra $A$, we denote by ${}_{A} \langle g_1, \dots, g_s
the left submodule of a free module $A^r$, generated by elements $\{g_1,
\dots, g_s\}\subset A^r$.
@end tex
Let $<$ be a fixed monomial well-ordering on the $G$--algebra $A$ with
the PBW basis
$\{x^{\alpha} = x^{a_1}_1 x^{a_2}_2 \dots x^{a_n}_n\}$.
For a given free module $A^r$ with the basis $\{e_1,\ldots, e_r\}$, $<$
denotes also a
fixed module ordering on the set of monomials $\{x^{\alpha} e_i \mid
\alpha\in {\bf N}^n, 1\leq i\leq r \}$.
@end tex
Let < be a fixed monomial well-ordering on the G-algebra A with the PBW
@{x^a1_1 x^a2_2 ... x^an_n @}. For a given free module A^r with the basis
@{e_1,...,e_r@}, < denotes also a fixed module ordering on the set of
monomials @{x^a e_i |
a in N^n, 1<= i <= r @}.
@end ifinfo
@c For a set $S \subset A^r$, define
@c $\ell(S) \subseteq N^n$ to be the monoid, generated by the leading
@c of elements of $S$, that is
@c $\ell(S)=\langle \alpha \mid \exists s \in S, \hbox{lm(s)}=x^{\alpha}
@c \subseteq N^n$. We call $\ell(S)$ the \textbf{monoid of leading
@c There exist $\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_m \in N^n$,
@c such that $\ell(S) :=\langle \alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_m \rangle$.
@c We define a \textbf{set of leading monomials of $S$} be
@c $L(S) := \{ x^{\alpha} \mid \alpha \in \ell(S) \}\subset{A}$.
@subheading Definition
For a set $S \subset A^r$, define
$L(S)$ to be the $K$--vector space, spanned on the leading monomials
of elements of $S$, $L(S) = \oplus \{K x^{\alpha} e_i \mid \exists s \in
S, \hbox{LM(s)}=x^{\alpha}e_i\}$.
We call $L(S)$ the \textbf{span of leading monomials} of $S$.
@end tex
For a set S a subset of A^r, define
L(S) to be the K-vector space, spanned on the leading monomials
of elements of S, L(S) = + @{ K x^a e_i | exists s in S, LM(s)=x^a e_i@}.
We call L(S) the @strong{span of leading monomials} of S.
@end ifinfo
For a set S a subset A^r, define
l(S) to be the monoid, generated by the leading exponents
of elements of S, that is
l(S)=<a| exists s in S, lm(s)=x^a>
is subset N^n. We call l(S) the monoid of leading exponents.
There exist a_1, ..., a_m in N^n,
such that l(S) :=< a_1,..., a_m>.
We define a @strong{set of leading monomials of S} be
L(S) := @{ x^a| a in l(S) @} subset A.
@c Let $ I\subset A^r $ be a submodule of $A^r$.
@c Denote by $L(I)$ the submodule of $A^r$ generated by the leading terms
@c of elements of $I$, i.e. by $\left\{\hbox{lm(f)} \mid f \in
Let $I \subset A^r$ be a left $A$--submodule.
A finite set $G\subset I$ is called {\bf a left Groebner basis} of $I$
if and
only if $L(G)=L(I)$, that is for any $f \in I\setminus \{ 0 \}$ there
exists a $g\in G$
satisfying $ \hbox{LM}(g) \mid \hbox{LM}(f)$, i.e., if $\hbox{LM}(f) =
x^{\alpha}e_i$, then
$\hbox{LM}(f) = x^{\beta}e_i$ with $\beta_j \leq \alpha_j, \; 1\leq j
\leq n$.
@end tex
Let I a subset of A^r be a left A-submodule.
A finite set G subset I is called @strong{ a left Groebner basis} of I
if and
only if L(G)=L(I), that is for any f in I\ @{ 0 @} there exists a g in G
satisfying LM(g)|LM(f), i.e. if LM(f) = x^a e_i, then
LM(f) = x^b e_i with b_j <= a_j, 1<= j <= n.
@end ifinfo
@*@strong{Remark:} In the non-commutative case we are working with well
ordering only (see @ref{PLURAL}, @ref{Monomial orderings} and @ref{Term
A Groebner basis $G\subset A^r$ is called {\bf minimal} (or {\bf
reduced}) if $0\notin G$ and if
$\hbox{LM}(g)\notin L(G\setminus \{ g \})$ for all $g\in G$.
Note, that any Groebner basis can be made minimal by deleting
successively those
$g$ with $\hbox{LM}(h)\mid \hbox{LM}(g)$ for some $h\in G\setminus\{g
For $f\in A^r $ and $ G\subset A^r $ we say that $f$ is {\bf completely
reduced with
respect to $G$} if no monomial of $f$ is contained in $L(G)$.
@end tex
A Groebner basis G a subset of A^r is called @strong{minimal} (or
if 0 not in G and if LM(g) not in L(G\@{ g @}) for all g in G.
Note, that any Groebner basis can be made minimal by deleting
successively those
g with LM(h)| LM(g) for some h in G\@{g@}.
For f in A^r and G subset A^r we say that f is @strong{completely
reduced with
respect to G} if no monomial of f is contained in L(G).
@end ifinfo
@subheading Left Normal Form
@cindex Left normal form
@table @asis
A map $\hbox{NF} : A^r \times \{G \mid G\ \hbox{ a (left) Groebner
basis}\} \to A^r, (f|G) \mapsto \hbox{NF}(f|G)$, is called a {\bf (left)
normal form}
on $A^r$ if for any $f \in A^r$ and any left Groebner basis $G$ the
(i) $\hbox{NF}(0|G) = 0$,
(ii) if $\hbox{NF}(f|G) \not= 0$ then $\hbox{LM}(g)$ does not divide
$\hbox{LM}(\hbox{NF}(f|G))$ for all $g \in G$,
(iii) $f - \hbox{NF}(f|G)\in {}_{A}\langle G \rangle$.
$\hbox{NF}(f|G)$ is called a {\bf left normal form of} $f$ {\bf with
respect to} $G$ (note that such a map is not unique).
@end tex
A map NF : A^r x G| G\ @{ a (left) Groebner basis@} --> A^r,
(f|G) --> NF(f|G), is called a @strong{left normal form} on A^r if for
any f in A^r and any left Groebner basis G the following
(i) NF(f|G)<> 0 then lm(g)
does not divide LM(NF(f|G)) for all g \in G.
(ii) f - NF(f|G) is in <G>.$
NF(f|G) is called a @strong{left normal form of} f @strong{with respect
G (note that such a map is not unique).
@end ifinfo
@end table
@*@strong{ Remark:}
As we have already mentioned in the definitions @code{ideal} and
@code{module} (see
@ref{PLURAL}), @sc{Plural} works with left normal form only.
@subheading Left ideal membership
@cindex Left ideal membership
@table @asis
For a left Groebner basis $G$ of $I$ the following holds:
$f \in I$ if and only if the left normal form $\hbox{NF}(f|G) = 0$.
@end tex
For a leftGroebner basis G of I the following holds:
f is in I if and only if left the normal form NF(f|G) = 0.
@end ifinfo
@end table
@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------@node Syzygies and resolutions BR_PLURAL_BR, References BR_PLURAL_BR,
Groebner bases in G-algebras, Mathematical background BR_PLURAL_BR
@section Syzygies and resolutions BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex Syzygies and resolutions BR_PLURAL_BR
@subheading Syzygies
Let $K$ be a field and $<$ a well ordering on $A^r=\oplus_{i=1}^{r}Ae_i$.
A {\bf left} (resp. {\bf right}) {\bf syzygy}
between $k$ elements $\{f_1,\dots,f_k\} \subset A^r $ is
a $k$-tuple $(g_1,\dots ,g_k)\in A^k$ satisfying
$$\sum_{i=1}^{k} g_i f_i = 0 \;\;\; {\rm resp. } \;\;\; \sum_{i=1}^{k}
f_i g_i = 0. $$
The set of all left (resp. right) syzygies between $\{f_1,...,f_k\}$ is a
left (resp. right) submodule $S$ of $A^k$.
@end tex
Let K be a field and < a well ordering on A^r. A @strong{left} resp.
@strong{right syzygy}
between k elements f_1,...,f_k in A^r is
k-tuple (g_1,... ,g_k) in A^k satisfying
sum_@{i=1@}^@{k@}g_i f_i =0
resp. sum_@{i=1@}^@{k@} f_i g_i =0
The set of all left (resp. right) syzygies between f_1,...,f_k is left
right) submodule S of A^k.
@end ifinfo
With respect to the definitions of @code{ideal} and @code{module} (see
@ref{PLURAL}), @sc{Plural} works with left
syzygies only (by @code{syz} we understand a left syzygy).
If @code{S} is a matrix of a left syzygy module of left submodule given
by matrix @code{M}, then @code{transpose(S)*transpose(M) = 0}
(but, in general,
$M \cdot S \not=0$).
@end tex
M S <> 0
@end ifinfo
Note, that the syzygy modules of @math{I} depend on a choice of
$\{g_1, \dots , g_s\}$,
@end tex
@{g_1,\dots , g_s@},
@end ifinfo
but one can show that they depend on @math{I} uniquely up to direct
@subheading Free resolutions
Let $I={}_{A}\langle g_1,\dots ,g_s\rangle \subseteq A^r$ and $M= A^r/I$.
A {\bf free resolution of $M$} is a long exact sequence
$$\dots \longrightarrow F_2 \buildrel{B_2}\over{\longrightarrow} F_1
\buildrel{B_1}\over{\longrightarrow} F_0\longrightarrow M\longrightarrow
@end tex
Let I=<g_1,... ,g_s> in A^r and M=A^r/I. A free resolution of M is a
long exact sequence
...--> F2 --A2-> F1 --A1-> F0-->M-->0,
@end display
@end ifinfo
@* with
${\tt transpose}(B_{i+1}) \cdot {\tt transpose}(B_i) =0$
@end tex
@code{transpose}(B[i+1]) * @code{transpose}(B[i]) =0
@end ifinfo
@c @tex
@c {\tt transpose} (B_{i+1}) \cdot {\tt transpose} (B_{i}) = 0$
@c @end tex
and where the columns of the matrix
@end tex
@end ifinfo
generate @math{I}. Note, that resolutions over factor-algebras need not
to be of finite length.
@subheading Generalized Hilbert Syzygy Theorem
@cindex Generalized Hilbert Syzygy Theorem
For a $G$--algebra $A$, generated by $n$
@end tex
For a @math{G}-algebra @math{A}, generated by @math{n}
@end ifinfo
variables, there exists a free resolution of length smaller or equal
than @math{n}.
@table @code
@item @strong{Example:}
@c example
ring R=0,(x,y,z),dp;
matrix d[3][3];
d[1,2]=-z; d[1,3]=2x; d[2,3]=-2y;
def U=nc_algebra(1,d); // this algebra is U(sl_2)
setring U;
option(redSB); option(redTail);
ideal I=x3,y3,z3-z;
resolution resI = mres(I,0);
// The matrix A_1 is given by
// We see that the columns of A_1 generate I.
// The matrix A_2 is given by
ideal tst; // now let us show that the resolution is exact
matrix TST;
TST = transpose(resI[3])*transpose(resI[2]); // 2nd term
tst = std(ideal(TST));
TST = transpose(resI[2])*transpose(resI[1]); // 1st term
tst = std(ideal(TST));
@c example
@end smallexample
@end table
@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------@node References BR_PLURAL_BR, , Syzygies and resolutions BR_PLURAL_BR,
Mathematical background BR_PLURAL_BR
@section References BR_PLURAL_BR
@cindex References BR_PLURAL_BR
The Centre for Computer Algebra Kaiserslautern publishes a series of
which are electronically available at
Other sources to check are the following books and articles:
@subheading Text books
@itemize @bullet
@c DK book
[DK] Y. Drozd and V. Kirichenko.
Finite dimensional algebras. With an appendix by Vlastimil
Springer, 1994
@c GPS book
[GPS] Greuel, G.-M. and Pfister, G. with contributions by Bachmann, O. ;
Lossen, C.
and Sch@"onemann, H.
A SINGULAR Introduction to Commutative Algebra.
Springer, 2002
@c BGV
[BGV] Bueso, J.; Gomez Torrecillas, J.; Verschoren, A.
Algorithmic methods in non-commutative algebra. Applications to
quantum groups.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
@c Kr Book
[Kr] Kredel, H.
Solvable polynomial rings.
Shaker, 1993
@c HLi Book
[Li] Huishi Li.
Noncommutative Gr@"obner bases and filtered-graded transfer.
Springer, 2002
@c MR book
[MR] McConnell, J.C. and Robson, J.C.
Noncommutative Noetherian rings. With the cooperation of L. W. Small.
Graduate Studies in Mathematics. 30. Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society (AMS).,
@end itemize
@subheading Descriptions of algorithms and problems
@itemize @bullet
@c{HKP} art
Havlicek, M. and Klimyk, A. and Posta, S.
Central elements of the algebras
$U'_q({\rm so}_m)$ and $U'_q({\rm iso}_m)$.
{arXiv. math. QA/9911130}, (1999)
@end tex
@c{AP} art
J. Apel.
Gr@"obnerbasen in nichtkommutativen algebren und ihre anwendung.
Dissertation, Universit@"at Leipzig, 1988.
@c{AP2} art
Apel, J.
Computational ideal theory in finitely generated extension rings.
Theor. Comput. Sci.(2000), 244(1-2):1-33
@c{BachS:98} InCollection
O. Bachmann and H. Sch@"onemann.
Monomial operations for computations of Gr@"obner bases.
Reports On Computer Algebra 18. Centre for Computer Algebra,
University of Kaiserslautern (1998)
@c DE} InProceedings
D. Decker and D. Eisenbud.
Sheaf algorithms using the exterior algebra.
In Eisenbud, D.; Grayson, D.; Stillman, M.; Sturmfels, B., editor,
Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2, (2001)
@c art
Jose L. Bueso, J. Gomez Torrecillas and F. J. Lobillo.
Computing the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension II.
In A. Granja, J. A. Hermida and A. Verschoren eds. Ring Theory and
Algebraic Geometry, Lect. Not. in Pure and Appl. Maths., Marcel Dekker,
@c art
Jose L. Bueso, J. Gomez Torrecillas and F. J. Lobillo.
Re-filtering and exactness of the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension.
Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques 125(8), 689-715 (2001).
@c GL art
J. Gomez Torrecillas and F.J. Lobillo.
Global homological dimension of multifiltered rings and quantized
enveloping algebras.
J. Algebra, 225(2):522-533, 2000.
@c I1 InProc
N. Iorgov.
On the Center of $q$-Deformed Algebra $U'_q( \rm so _3)$ Related to
Quantum Gravity at $q$ a Root of $1$.
@end tex
In Proceedings of IV Int. Conf. "Symmetry in Nonlinear
Mathematical Physics",(2001) Kyiv, Ukraine
@c KW art
A. Kandri-Rody and V. Weispfenning.
Non-commutative Gr@"obner bases in algebras of solvable type.
J. Symbolic Computation, 9(1):1-26, 1990.
@c LV2 Inproc
Levandovskyy, V.
On Gr@"obner bases for non-commutative G-algebras.
In Kredel, H. and Seiler, W.K., editor,
Proceedings of the
8th Rhine Workshop on Computer Algebra, 2002.
@c NDC InProc
[L1] Levandovskyy, V.
PBW Bases, Non-degeneracy Conditions and Applications.
In Buchweitz, R.-O. and Lenzing, H., editor,
Proceedings of
the ICRA X conference, Toronto, 2003.
@c LS InProc
[LS] Levandovskyy V.; Sch@"onemann, H.
Plural - a computer algebra system for noncommutative polynomial
In Proc. of the International Symposium on Symbolic and
Algebraic Computation (ISSAC'03). ACM Press, 2003.
@c LVdiss art
[LV] Levandovskyy, V.
Non-commutative Computer Algebra for polynomial algebras: Gr@"obner
bases, applications and implementation.
Doctoral Thesis, Universit@"at Kaiserslautern, 2005. Available online
at @code{}.
@c LV3 article
[L2] Levandovskyy, V.
On preimages of ideals in certain non-commutative algebras.
In Pfister G., Cojocaru S. and Ufnarovski, V. (editors), Computational
Commutative and Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry, IOS Press, 2005.
@c MoraNC article
Mora, T.
Gr@"obner bases for non-commutative polynomial rings.
Proc. AAECC 3 Lect. N. Comp. Sci, 229: 353-362, 1986.
@c Mora article
Mora, T.
An introduction to commutative and non-commutative Groebner bases.
Theor. Comp. Sci., 134: 131-173, 1994.
@c NS art
T. N@"u@ss{}ler and H. Sch@"onemann.
Gr@"obner bases in algebras with zero-divisors.
Preprint 244, Universit@"at Kaiserslautern, 1993. Available online
at @code{}.
@c S:03 InColl
Sch@"onemann, H.
Singular in a Framework for Polynomial Computations.
In Joswig, M. and Takayama, N., editor, Algebra, Geometry and
Software Systems, pages 163-176. Springer, 2003.
@c Yan:98 art
T. Yan.
The geobucket data structure for polynomials.
J. Symbolic Computation, 25(3):285-294, March 1998.
@end itemize
@c @subheading Descriptions of algorithms
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