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Statistics 111 - Lecture 13
Inference for a
Population Mean
Confidence Intervals and Tests
with unknown variance and Twosample Tests
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Administrative Notes
• Homework 4 due Wednesday
• Homework 5 assigned tomorrow
• The final is ridiculously close (next Thursday)
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
• Review:
• Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests which
assume known variance
• Population variance unknown:
• t-distribution
• Confidence intervals and Tests using the t-distribution
• Small sample situation
• Two-Sample datasets: comparing two means
• Testing the difference between two samples when
variances are known
• Moore, McCabe and Craig: 7.1-7.2
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Chapter 5: Sampling Distribution of
• Distribution of values taken by sample mean in all
possible samples of size n from the same population
• Standard deviation of sampling distribution:
• Central Limit Theorem:
Sample mean
has a Normal distribution
• These results all assume that the sample size is
large and that the population variance is known
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Chapter 6: Confidence Intervals
• We used sampling distribution results to create two
different tools for inference
• Confidence Intervals: Use sample mean as the
center of an interval of likely values for pop. mean 
• Width of interval is a multiple Z* of standard deviation
of sample mean
• Z* calculated from N(0,1) table for specific confidence
level (eg. 95% confidence means Z*=1.96)
• We assume large sample size to use N(0,1)
distribution, and we assume that  is known (usually
just use sample SD s)
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Chapter 6: Hypothesis Testing
• Compare sample mean to a hypothesized population
mean 0
• Test statistic is also a multiple of standard deviation
of the sample mean
• p-value calculated from N(0,1) table and compared to
-level in order to reject or accept null hypothesis
• Eg. p-value < 0.05 means we reject null hypothesis
• We again assume large sample size to use N(0,1)
distribution, and we assume that  is known
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Unknown Population Variance
• What if we don’t want to assume that population SD 
is known?
• If  is unknown, we can’t use our formula for the
standard deviation of the sample mean:
• Instead, we use the standard error of the sample
• Standard error involves sample SD s as estimate of 
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
t distribution
• If we have small sample size n and we need to use
the standard error formula because the population
SD  is unknown, then:
The sample mean does not have a
normal distribution!
• Instead, the sample mean has a
T distribution with n - 1 degrees of freedom
• What the heck does that mean?!?
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
t distribution
• t distribution looks like a normal distribution, but has
“thicker” tails. The tail thickness is controlled by the
degrees of freedom
Normal distribution
t with df = 5
t with df = 1
• The smaller the degrees of freedom, the thicker the tails of
the t distribution
• If the degrees of freedom is large (if we have a large sample
size), then the t distribution is pretty much identical to the
normal distribution
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Known vs. Unknown Variance
• Before: Known population SD 
• Sample mean is centered at  and has standard deviation:
• Sample mean has Normal distribution
• Now: Unknown population SD 
• Sample mean is centered at  and has standard error:
• Sample mean has t distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
New Confidence Intervals
• If the population SD is unknown, we need a new
formula for our confidence interval
• Standard error used instead of standard deviation
• t distribution used instead of normal distribution
• If we have a sample of size n from a population with
unknown , then our 100·C % confidence interval
for the unknown population mean  is:
• The critical value
is calculated using a table for
the t distribution (back of textbook)
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Tables for the t distribution
• If we want a 100·C% confidence
interval, we need to find the value
so that we have a probability of C
between -t* and t* in a t distribution
with n-1 degrees of freedom
• Example: 95% confidence interval
when n = 14 means that we need a
tail probability of 0.025, so t*=2.16
= 0.95
df = 13
= 0.025
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Example: NYC blackout baby boom
• Births/day from August 1966:
• Before: we assumed that  was known, and used
the normal distribution for a 95% confidence interval:
• Now: let  be unknown, and used the t distribution
with n-1 = 13 degrees of freedom to calculate our a
95% confidence interval:
• Interval is now wider because we are now less
certain about our population SD 
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Another Example: Calcium in the Diet
• Daily calcium intake from 18 people below poverty
line (RDA is 850 mg/day)
• Before: used known  = 188 from previous study,
used normal distribution for 95% confidence interval:
• Now: let  be unknown, and use the t distribution
with n-1 = 17 degrees of freedom to calculate our a
95% confidence interval:
Again, Wider interval because
we have an unknown 
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
New Hypothesis Tests
• If the population SD is unknown, we need to modify our
test statistics and p-value calculations as well
• Standard error used in test statistic instead of
standard deviation
• t distribution used to calculate the p-value instead of
standard normal distribution
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Example: Calcium in Diet
• Daily calcium intake from 18 people below poverty line
• Test our data against the null hypothesis that 0 = 850
mg (recommended daily allowance)
• Before: we assumed known  = 188 and calculated
test statistic T= -2.32
• Now:  is actually unknown, and we use test statistic
with standard error instead of standard deviation:
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Example: Calcium in Diet
• Before: used normal distribution to get p-value = 0.02
prob = 0.01
T= -2.32
T= 2.32
• Now: is actually unknown, and we use t distribution
with n-1 = 17 degrees of freedom to get p-value ≈ 0.04
prob ≈ 0.02
T= -2.26
T= 2.26
• With unknown , we have a p-value that is closer to
the usual threshold of  = 0.05 than before
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
• Known population SD 
• Use standard deviation of sample mean:
• Use standard normal distribution
• Unknown population SD 
• Use standard deviation of sample mean:
• Use t distribution with n-1 d.f.
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - One Mean
Small Samples
• We have used the standard error and t distribution to
correct our assumption of known population SD
• However, even t distribution intervals/tests not as
accurate if data is skewed or has influential outliers
• Rough guidelines from your textbook:
• Large samples (n> 40): t distribution can be used even for
strongly skewed data or with outliers
• Intermediate samples (n > 15): t distribution can be used
except for strongly skewed data or presence of outliers
• Small samples (n < 15): t distribution can only be used if data
does not have skewness or outliers
• What can we do for small samples of skewed data?
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - Means
Techniques for Small Samples
• One option: use log transformation on data
• Taking logarithm of data can often make it look more normal
• Another option: non-parametric tests like the sign test
• Not required for this course, but mentioned in text book if
you’re interested
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - Means
Comparing Two Samples
• Up to now, we have looked at inference for one
sample of continuous data
• Our next focus in this course is comparing the data
from two different samples
• For now, we will assume that these two different
samples are independent of each other and come
from two distinct populations
Population 1:1 , 1
Population 2:2 , 2
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
June 23, 2008
, s1
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - Means
, s2
Blackout Baby Boom Revisited
• Nine months (Monday, August 8th) after Nov 1965
blackout, NY Times claimed an increased birth rate
• Already looked at single two-week sample: found no
significant difference from usual rate (430 births/day)
• What if we instead look at difference between
weekends and weekdays?
Sun Mon
Wed Thu
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - Means
Two-Sample Z test
• We want to test the null hypothesis that the two
populations have different means
• H0: 1 = 2 or equivalently, 1 - 2 = 0
• Two-sided alternative hypothesis: 1 - 2  0
• If we assume our population SDs 1 and 2 are
known, we can calculate a two-sample Z statistic:
• We can then calculate a p-value from this Z statistic
using the standard normal distribution
• Next class, we will look at tests that do not assume
known 1 and 2
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - Means
Two-Sample Z test for Blackout Data
• To use Z test, we need to assume that our pop. SDs
are known: 1 = s1 = 21.7 and 2 = s2 = 24.5
• We can then calculate a two-sided p-value for Z=7.5
using the standard normal distribution
• From normal table, P(Z > 7.5) is less than 0.0002, so our pvalue = 2  P(Z > 7.5) is less than 0.0004
• We reject the null hypothesis at -level of 0.05 and
conclude there is a significant difference between
birth rates on weekends and weekdays
• Next class: get rid of assumption of known 1 and 2
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - Means
Next Class – Lecture 14
• More on Comparing Means between
Two Samples
• Moore, McCabe and Craig: 7.1-7.2
June 23, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 13 - Means
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