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Dear Students: please note that this review sheet
lists more than 50 clues. Your exam, however, will
only include 50 questions. Please read this review
very carefully, since it should assist you in your
preparation for the exam. Also, please note that I
may generate more than one question pertaining
to the same issue/concept.
Good luck to all of you and see you Tuesday
October 21st @ 12:20 pm. I will provide you with
the scantrons!
1. Drug definition (general)
2. Medical definition
3. Addiction
4. Social and material effects of drugs
5. Possession of Marijuana
6. Theories of Media bias (e.g. top down theory)
7. Who decides on illegality to a drug?!
8. A drug’s medical utility, illegality and psychoactivity
9. Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, Psychoactive, etc…
10. Drug abuse
11. Sensationalizing drugs from the 1930s onward
12. The classic addiction model
13. Withdrawal symptoms
14. Cross dependence vs. cross tolerance
15. Crack cocaine, the controversy
16. The Shanghai Commission and the Hague Committee
17. Behavioral dependence vs. physical dependence
18. Different types of drug use (e.g. legal recreational use)
19. Prescription drugs
20. “Soft Drinks”….cocaine based
21. Sensational news
22. Crack vs. powder cocaine
23. The Harrison Act 1914
24. Media biases (different types)
25. objective/subjective news
26. Prohibition
27. Sociological theories of drug use (e.g. Anomie, Merton, etc…)
28. Positive & Negative reinforcement
29. Drug Schedules
30. History of drugs in America
31. The Marijuana Act of 1937
32. WCTU
33. Conflict theory (Marx’s perspective)
34. Adopted children of alcoholic “biological” parents
35. How bodies were treated without opium in the 19th C
36. Merton’s modes of adaptation
37. Pure Food and Drug Act 1906
38. The different Administrations (e.g. Nixon/Ford) and their views on the drug
39. The “parents” movement
40. Social Control theory
41. Biological theory of drug use
42. Effects of different drugs (e.g. narcotics: stabilizers)
43. Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory….the different personality components
44. Social disorganization….how does it occur
45. The underclass
46. ED/LD ratio
47. Routine Activity theory
48. Demonology
49. Drug fate/Drug excretion
50. Essentialistic/Constructionalistic
51. Dug Action Vs. Drug effect
52. Acute-Chronic distinction
53. Factors that influence drug action (e.g. route of administration)
54. Antagonistic vs. additive vs. synergistic effects