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第 1 頁,共 4 頁
I. Choice: (每題三分,共三十分)
1. According to classical economists,
(A) the changes of real money stocks may influence resource allocation of an economy.
(B) the changes of real money stocks had no effect on resource allocation of an economy.
(C) money was a “veil” that determined the nominal values in which such variables as the level of
economic activity were measured.
(D) Both (A) and (B).
(E) Both (B) and (C).
2. If the money supply is fixed, increases in the price level will reduce
(A) Total real output purchased
(B) The average profit of businesses with fixed input costs.
(C) Interest rates.
(D) The average money cost of each transaction.
(E) The amount of money spent by households and businesses.
3. Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) The current account is the sum of net export and domestic investment.
(B) The national saving is the sum of investment and net export.
(C) Absorption is the sum of all domestic goods consumed by consumers, businesses, and the
(D) With a fixed exchange rate system, if a country increases its money supply too slowly, a
balance of payments surplus will ensure and the money supply will have to be increased even
(E) Net factor payment is the difference between current account and net export.
4. The most frequently found barrier to entry in oligopoly include
(A) The ambiguity of product groups and rising long-run average costs.
(B) Inability to differentiate product, diseconomies of scale, and the need to advertise.
(C) Mutual interdependence, collusion, and the likelihood of government regulation.
(D) Patents, large initial and continuing financial requirements, and the lack of access to basic
(E) The presence of large numbers of rival firms, firms that are price takers, and the likelihood of
normal returns in the long run.
5. Which statement represents most correctly the relationship between nominal GDP and real GDP?
(A) Nominal GDP measures current production using base-year prices, while real GDP measures
current production using current prices.
(B) Nominal GDP measures base-year production using base-year prices, while real GDP
measures current production using current prices.
(C) Nominal GDP measures current production using current prices, while real GDP measures
current production using base-year prices.
(D) Nominal GDP measures current production using current prices, while real GDP measures
base-year production using base-year prices.
第 2 頁,共 4 頁
6. The aggregate demand cure may be derived from the IS-LM analysis by shifting
(A) both the LM and IS curves since the real money supply and real expenditures change when P
increases to define Y.
(B) the real money supply and thus LM curve for each new price level.
(C) the IS curve as the price changes.
(D) the LM rightward when P increases to define Y.
(E) All of the above.
7. Ricardian equivalence concludes that
(A) government purchases of goods and services are equivalent to private purchases of goods and
(B) government infrastructure is equivalent to private investment.
(C) Government debt to pay for cuts in lump-sum taxes creates a strong intertemporal
substitution effect.
(D) Government debt to pay for cuts in income taxes has no effect on private consumption.
(E) None of the above.
8. Suppose the Lucas aggregated supply curve is given by Y  300  20( P e / P) , and the aggregated
demand curve is given by Y  30  ( M / P)  G , where P and PE are actual and expected price level,
M is the money supply, and G is the government expenditure. What is the rational expectation of P
if the expected value of M equals the actual value of 400 and government expenditure is equal to
50 ?
9. International trade
(A) leads to permanent patterns of international specialization.
(B) benefits only those countries that lack a comparative advantage.
(C) results from relative differences in resource endowments.
(D) disappears as nations become more technologically advanced.
(E) benefits exporters at the expense of importers.
10. A supply shock such as an increase in the price of imported oil would tend to
(A) increase both equilibrium GDP and the price level.
(B) reduce both unemployment and inflation.
(C) reduce equilibrium GDP and the price level.
(D) increase unemployment while also raising the prices.
(E) generate unemployment but lower the price level.
第 3 頁,共 4 頁
II. Question: (共二十分)
Assume that the following equations summarize the structure of an economy:
C=α+0.75 (Y-T)
(M/P)d =0.4Y-100r
a. What is the equation of the IS curve?
b. What is the equation of the LM curve?
c. What is the equilibrium real interest rate and real output?
d. If G increases to 1280, what is the equilibrium interest rate and real output?
e. If G remains at 1000 but MS/P increases to 1350, what is the equilibrium interest rate and real
III. 下列考題每題十分,共五十分。
1. a. Given the data in the following table, please calculate the total revenue (TR), marginal revenue
(MR), and average revenue (AR) values necessary to complete the Table.
-------------------------------------------b. Using a two-panel graph (TR in top panel, MR and AR in bottom panel), graph the total,
marginal, and average revenue functions.
c. Locate the quantities associated with maximum total, marginal, and average revenues.
2. Given the total revenue function: TR = $4,000Q + $1.5Q2 - $2.0Q3
Where Q represents the quantity of the product sold, determine the following:
a. the output quantity Q that maximizes TR.
b. the output quantity that maximizes average revenue AR.
第 4 頁,共 4 頁
3. Given the profit function: π = $7,000 + $400Q - $Q2
Where Q is output in units, please determine:
a. the level of output that maximizes profit, and
b. the marginal profit at the output level that maximizes total profit.
4. Seattle Coffee Station is considering selling coffee mugs imprinted with the company log.
Estimates taken from a pilot study suggest the following demand curve: Q = 12,000 – 3,000P
a. How many mugs could Seattle Coffee Station sell at $3.00 each; at$3.50 each?
b. What price must Seattle Coffee Station to sell 2,250 mugs?
c. At what price would quantity be zero?
d. How many mugs should Seattle Coffee Station have ready if it decides to make the project purely
promotional by giving the mugs away?
e. Calculate the point price elasticity at a price of $2.50.
f. What is the arc price elasticity over the range of prices: $2.50 to $2.75 and $2.75 to $3.00.
5. The Fun Center recently reduced the price of two-scoop ice-cream cones from $1.50 each to $1.00
each. The direct response to this change in price was an increase in weekly sales. The estimated
average price elasticity of demand was calculated to be 1.25. Determine if a further $.10 reduction
in price would increase or decrease revenue to the Fun Center. Assume the Ep = -1.25 over the
relevant price range.