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1492 -- Columbus
1517 -- Protestant Reformation
1588 -- Spanish Armada
1607 -- Jamestown
1619 -- 1st blacks arrive in Virginia from Africa
1620 -- Pilgrims @ Plymouth
1629 -- Puritans @ Massachusetts Bay
1643 -- New England Confederation
1660 -- Restoration of Charles II
1675 -- King Philip's War
1676 -- Bacon's Rebellion
1688 -- "Glorious Revolution"
1692 -- Salem Witch Trials
1733 -- Georgia, last of 13 colonies, founded
1736 -- Zenger Case
1756 -- Washington's Ohio mission; Albany Plan
1763 -- Proclamation of 1763
1765 -- Stamp Act
1775 -- Lexington and Concord
1776 -- Declaration of Independence
1783 -- Treaty of Paris
1787 --Constitutional Convention; NW Ordinance
1790 -- First turnpike (Lancaster)
1791 -- Slater builds first textile factory; 1st BUS
1793 -- Eli Whitney's cotton gin; "Reign of Terror"
1803 -- Louisiana Purchase; Marbury v. Madison
1807 -- Robert Fulton's steamboat
1811 -- National Road begins (completed in 1852)
1812 -- War of 1812
1819 -- Florida Purchase Treaty; Panic of 1819
1820 -- Missouri Compromise
1825 -- Erie Canal completed
1828 -- first railroad line in U.S. (B & O Railroad)
c.1830--2nd Great Awakening peaks; mower reaper
1830 -- Indian Removal Act
1831 -- William Lloyd Garrison's Liberator
1832 -- Nullification Crisis; BUS issue
1837 -- Panic of 1837; Deere invents steel plow
1844 -- telegraph invented by Samuel Morse
1845 -- Texas annexed
1846 -- Oregon; Mexican War; sewing machine
1848 -- Seneca Falls Convention; Wilmot Proviso
1849 -- California gold rush
1850 -- Compromise of 1850
1854 -- Kansas-Nebraska Act
1861 -- Fort Sumter; Bull Run
1865 -- Lincoln assassinated; 13th Amendment
1869 -- Transcontinental Railroad
1870 -- Standard Oil organized
1873 -- Panic of 1873
1876 -- telephone invented
1877--"Compromise of 1877";Great RR Strike
1879 -- Edison invents light bulb
1885 -- Louis Sullivan builds first skyscraper
1886 -- Haymarket Square bombing; AFL
1887 -- Dawes Act; Interstate Commerce Act
1889 --Hull House founded; Samoan Crisis
1890—Sherman Act; Wounded Knee; no frontier
1892 -- Populists; Homestead Steel Strike
1893 -- Panic of 1893
1896 -- McKinley defeats Bryan; Plessy case
1898 -- Spanish-American War
1901 -- U.S. Steel Corp formed; TR president
1903 -- Wright Bros. Kitty Hawk; first movie
1912 -- Panama Canal completed
1913 -- Ford's Model T; assembly line
1915 -- Birth of a Nation, KKK
1917 -- U.S. enters WWI
1919 -- Versailles; Red Scare; 18th Amend
1920 – 19th Amendment; radio, KDKA
1927 -- First "talkie": Jazz Singer
1928 -- Lindbergh's flight across Atlantic
1929 -- stock market crash
1933 -- New Deal; rise of Hitler
1939 -- Germany invades Poland
1941 -- Pearl Harbor
1945 -- A-bomb against Japan
1947 -- TV
1949 -- China falls; Soviet A-bomb
1950 -- Korean War begins; McCarthyism
1952 -- U.S. explodes H-bomb
1954 -- Brown v. Board of Education
1955 -- Rosa Parks
1957 -- Sputnik
1962 -- Cuban Missile Crisis;
Rachel Carson: Silent Spring
1963 -- Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique
1964 -- Gulf of Tonkin; “Great Society”
1968 -- Tet, assassinations, Nixon wins
1969 -- moonshot
1973 -- Oil Crisis; Roe v. Wade
1974 -- Watergate
1980 -- "Reagan Revolution"
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