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Cityscape in the UAE
Executive Summary
Cityscape Dubai is one of the leading construction companies in the UAE. It
is a real estate property company which focuses on commercial architecture,
property and investment of their clients. The main vision and aim of the
organization is to have a better development and build landmarks in Dubai
which for example Burj Khalifa “Khalifa Tower” is the biggest achievement
which has taken place in the whole world. The main sustainability of the
organization is based on creating an outstanding building in the world
creating an appropriate design for the society and Dubai itself. Its plan and
views about the future is to bring upon a vast change in the upcoming modern
world with stylish building in the whole world and try to develop a sustainable
environment in Dubai.
The organization includes more than 200,000 employees in more than 800
offices in the whole world. It is an international organization which has many
branches in the whole wide world with different perspectives of business such
as the following:
Property developers
Property finance
Property owner
required for the construction
Cityscape is owned by an Institute for International Research (IIR), this is a
part of Informa plc, which provides the information for real estate and
financers and provides a scientific knowledge. Informa has over 150 offices in
more than 40 countries, employees are estimated to be 9000 staff which can
be counted globally and offers different conferences and exhibitions for the
people who are interested in the property, design, and want a financer
publically. They have over more than 10,000 events and exhibitions and
conferences annually.
Cityscape brings upon real estate investors, developers, financiers, architect,
consultants and all other professionals which are included in the development
and construction of real estate in the world. For over 10 years, Cityscape has
generated a wealth of experience which has been connecting over 300,000
real estate professionals all over North Africa, Asia, South America and
Middle East. Some of the sponsors of the organization can be included as
Retail and leisure International (RLI)
Informa Exhibition
EPRA (European
Public Relation Association)
As there was a boom in the construction organizations in Dubai Arab world in
general is now counted as one of the best architectural skyscrapers in the
world. This has shifted the whole economy into a different turn out which
illustrates a vast improvement in the development of the suitability of new and
modernized building in Dubai specifically.
As per the basics of the organization, the main architectural work load and
employees working in the organization should be as experienced as the work
load increases due to a vast change in the economic situations. Bringing
upon a change in the economic stability in Dubai and overall UAE, the
organizations are mostly concerned with the on time jobs and implementing a
policy of generating different strategies into action to have a competitive edge
in the market and produce landmarks for the country. Taking into
consideration the working of employees and their responsibilities and duties,
they should however, understand the main vision and goals of the
organization and bring upon a change for the betterment of the organization.
Therefore, monitoring the work and deciding the work on time should be
given a paramount importance by the organization as the main goal is to
achieve the main contracting companies to produce buildings and design
The Conflict
Elizabeth is an architect in Cityscape and she is the main manager who
appoints the jobs to different architects and divides the work into different
employees under her position. Elizabeth discusses the purpose and the type
of building required by the client's of the organization. As a job of an architect
is to produce floor plans and various designs of the building via sketches and
3D software such as CAD and AutoCAD which requires specific skills and
specialization to accomplish such duty and responsibility. An architect should
be a good sketcher, business person, organizer, planner and coordinator.
On the other hand, Charlie is the assistant architect working under Elizabeth
and his responsibilities are to check the dimensions of the buildings and all
the sketches required in well assembled presentation and perfect drawings.
Charlie is not a well organized person although he is a very skilled person
with substantial knowledge of sketching and drawing. However, the
responsibility of Charlie is to organize the design and assemble all the
drawings for printouts and the final assessment of the building and its design.
Elizabeth called Charlie and told him to collect all the drawings and printouts
of the building for correction and adjustments to the other architect. As
Charlie is not well organized person, some of the drawings were missing and
were not yet completed in AutoCAD. The files of AutoCAD were not
completed and the printouts were also not completed due to the late
submission of work to the photocopier.
As the drawings were unfinished and they were not rendered by the architect,
Elizabeth was outrage by the behavior of Charlie and was tensed about the
work to be accomplished on time. However, Elizabeth threatened Charlie
about the job and said that he may no longer work in the same position due to
unfinished and unorganized work by him. So she informed her higher
authorities about the incomplete work by Charlie and reported a complaint
against Charlie. As there were many other conflicts between Elizabeth and
Charlie as Elizabeth was jealous by Charlie's work and the sketches he used
to make and have different creative ideas of buildings and houses.
Elizabeth wanted to have revenge with Charlie as he had more innovative
ideas as compared to her while discussing different types of ideas in a team
work conference. Mostly the design of the buildings is considered if the
sketches and the idea of the person are more creative. If the creativity of both
architects is compared, Charlie must be given more importance as he has
more creative ideas. Also, Elizabeth had many historical problems with
Charlie which she also mentioned in her complaint to the higher authorities to
prove her point of view. Therefore, this complaint was discussed with the
higher authorities by the Human resource management. The manager
brought up the case forward and compared all the activities done by Charlie
and Elizabeth. Elizabeth had spreaded the story in the whole organization
and all the staff thought about the negativity of Charlie and what he has done
may put himself in many troubles.