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Algebra I
6.1 – 6.4 Review Worksheet
Date ___________________ Hour______
Multiple Choice (Show ALL work for full credit!):
1) Solve: x + 3 < 12
a) x > –15
b) x < 15
c) x < 9
d) x > –9
e) none of these
2) Translate the word sentence into an inequality: “A number is greater than 5.”
a) x – 5
3) Solve:
c) x > 5
d) x < 5
e) none of these
b) x < –2
c) x > 4
d) x < –4
e) none of these
b) x < –2
c) x > –32
d) x < –32
e) none of these
b) x < 4
c) x > 1
d) x < 1
e) none of these
a) x > –2
4) Solve:
b) x + 5
a) x > –2
5) Solve: 2x + 2 > 4
a) x > 4
Solve each of the following. SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK!!!
6) n + 5 ≥ 32
7) –81 > 16 + q
8) 12x < –144
f >
9) –13d < –65
≤ –2
12) 3r – 5 ≤ 7
– 5 ≤ –12
14) 3(5x + 2) – 7x < 38
15) 4x  10  36
16)  8 y  2 y  24
17) 2x  4  3 and x  4  9
Graph the solutions. Rewrite the inequalities if necessary.
18) x ≥ –2 or x ≤ –3
19) –8 ≤ 2z – 4 < 4
20) 3w < 6 and –2w < 10
21)  8  2x  11
22) 9  3x  12  33
23) x  14  5 or  6x  42
24)  24  22 x  3  32
25)  x  2  1or 2x  3  11
Translate the verbal phrase into an inequality. Then graph the inequality.
26) All real numbers that are less than or equal to –3 and greater than or equal to –8.
27) All real numbers that are greater than 5 or less than or equal to –1.
28) All real numbers that are greater than or equal to –2.5 and less than 3.5.
29) Three times x is less than –6 and greater than –21.
30) The difference of 2x and 5 is greater than –3 and less than or equal to 10.
Solve the inequality, if possible.
31) 4x  3  4x  6
32) 5 y  1  5 y  8
33) 34m  2  62m  1
34) 7 p  3  4 p  21  3 p
35) 7x  4  9x  4  2x  3
36)  23m  1 
10  12m 
Story Problems:
37) What is the value of x so that the perimeter of the rectangle shown is at least 92 centimeters?
3x cm
(4 + x) cm
38) Ms. Salgado needs to have her car repaired but does not want to spend more than $225 for the repairs. The
mechanic says that the part needed for the repair will cost $78, and that labor will cost an additional $35 per
hour. Write an inequality that represents the greatest number of hours the mechanic can work without
exceeding Ms. Salgado’s budget?