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Definition Patterns:
Contrasting Definitions or Opposing Pairs
Birth and Death
“Light” Contrasting Pairs
Conservationist and Preservationist
Liberal and Conservative
Aristotelian or Classification Definitions
Plagiarism is a kind of intellectual theft; intellectual theft is stealing; stealing is dishonesty.
A Mustang is a sports car; AND A mustang is a wild pony; a wild pony is a horse.
Mycology is a type of zoology; zoology is a type of natural science; natural science is science.
Biochemistry: a hybrid of chemistry and biology
Snoodle: cross between a poodle and a schnauzer
Process or Cycle Definitions (often best communicated by visual)
Kreb Cycle
Two-stroke engine
DOS operating system
Carbon Cycle
Definitions by Specification (often time law or regulation or classification)
State of Emergency
Federal Disaster Area
This turtle is a diamondback terrapin since it meets Malaclemys terrapin criteria.
Endangered Species
Species of Interest
Keystone Species
Indicator Species or Canary Species
Planet (is Pluto a planet? Seriously.
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