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“Holy Spirit - Gift and Gifts”
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 and Isaiah 11:1-3a
The Holy Spirit comes to us as a gift from God to empower our faithful
living. The Spirit activates spiritual gifts to strengthen the church as the
body of Christ.
We are in the season of tornadoes. I was touched by the story of a couple in
Arkansas. They died when their trailer was demolished. But by shielding their 18
month old baby girl with their bodies, she survived.
The power of wind is awesome – not only tornadoes but hurricanes. If you’ve ever
flown into turbulence, it’s not just awesome but down-right terrifying.
The story of Pentecost is the story of the awesome Holy Spirit arriving among the
disciples in Jerusalem like a mighty wind and tongues of fire. They are waiting as
instructed by Jesus. The Holy Spirit empowers those disciples to share the gospel of
Jesus Christ with Jews from every nation. In the power of the Spirit, Peter preaches
his first sermon and 3,000 Jews are baptized. The church is born.
On this Pentecost Sunday, I encourage us to remember that the Holy Spirit is still the
power in the church of Jesus Christ today. The Holy Spirit comes to us as a gift from
God to empower our faithful living. The Holy Spirit activates spiritual gifts which
continue to strengthen the church as the body of Christ. And the Holy Spirit is the
power behind the church’s mission in the world today.
Jesus is in the Upper Room with his disciples giving them final instructions before his
crucifixion. He will send the Holy Spirit to them after his death, resurrection, and
ascension. Jesus says it is important that he leave. Only by returning to heaven can
Jesus Christ be a universal presence without the limitation of time. He continues – “I
still have more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit
of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” (16:12-13a)
So, Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit is first, the Advocate. The Holy Spirit is God
who stands up for us. The image is a defense lawyer who argues our case before the
world. We need someone to take our side when our faith leads to ridicule by the
world. But the Holy Spirit also empowers us to stand up for God when the values of
this world are counter to the gospel.
Second, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. This is God present in the writers and
editors of the Bible. The Spirit of Truth is also present with teachers and preachers of
scripture (like myself) who interpret what it says for us today.
The Holy Spirit is a gift which comes to us in baptism. The Holy Spirit is God within
every human being and is accessible to every human being. This Holy Spirit, God
within us, is still full of power. There is immense potential within each one of us and
within the church to move mountains, to achieve the impossible, to rise above our
limits and become glorious. But the challenge is that tapping into God’s power means
giving up the control. It means total trust in God’s plan to work for good in our lives
and in the world. It means total surrender – “I accept everything that comes my way.”
We can no longer be onlookers who join in when we like what’s happening and
criticize when we don’t. When we surrender and trust God, wait and watch –
unexpected and powerful things will happen.
The Holy Spirit also brings or activates spiritual gifts within us. There is no one list of
spiritual gifts – Paul lists different gifts in his letters to the Corinthians, Romans, and
Ephesians. Today I want us to focus on the gifts that Jesus himself received and are
in us today. Listen again to Isaiah’s prophecy about the coming Messiah – “A shoot
shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. The
spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of
counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. His delight shall
be in the fear of the Lord.” (11:1-3a)
Though the Holy Spirit works in many ways in specific people, these 7 gifts are
expressions of the Spirit’s presence, activity, and power. And these 7 are already
present in each of us. How active they are is a measure of the depth of our surrender
to God.
If you haven’t already discovered it, the little flame on your bulletin cover is one of the
7 spiritual gifts. Please take it off if you haven’t already done so. I invite you to use
your flame to guide your reflection on the Spirit’s gifts which are already within you.
Use it as a bookmark in your Bible – put it on your bathroom mirror or the refrigerator.
But let it be a reminder to you to pray that God will increase these gifts within you.
When you’ve spent some time with your particular flame, pick up another from the
basket which will be on the information table. And the closer we grow to God, the
brighter these spiritual flames will glow.
I would like your help as we examine each of the 7 gifts. First, “Fear of the Lord.”
The Psalmist writes, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” (111:10) But
we must be careful how we interpret the word “fear.” God does not want us shaking
in our boots as we pray and worship. But God does invite us to sit or stand in an
attitude of “awe.” Awe is our experience of God’s amazing creation. Awe is our
experience of first love. Awe is our experience of holding a newborn baby. God is
“awesomeness” itself. When we stand in awe of God, we return to the childlike
quality of being embraced by a loving parent. Would those who have this flame
please stand and pray with me – “Spirit, may I never stop loving you. May I never
take you for granted. May I draw closer to you each day of my life.” Amen
Second, “Reverence.” Reverence is the gift which moves us to worship God as the
source of all being. We are invited to delight in God even as God delights in us.
Reverence is to know that we are God’s beloved. Reverence is shown by a son or
daughter who cares for an elderly parent. Reverence is seen where anyone feeds the
hungry, clothes the naked, or comforts the dying in the name of Jesus who shows us
God’s love. Would those with this flame please stand and pray with me – “Gracious
Spirit, you have given everything to me. In your goodness, I have been made whole.
Thank you for your love and your grace.” Amen
Three, “Counsel.” Counsel is the gift of God’s own direction in the way of salvation.
We are able to see situations as God would in order to know how to respond. The gift
of Counsel has more to do with “hearing” than it does with “talking.” In faith, we share
our insights and listen to our brothers and sisters to seek Truth together...In our
marriages, With our siblings, In the church. Note that the Holy Spirit was given to the
Church as a whole not to one person so that all could share in listening to the Spirit’s
voice and leading the church. Would those with this flame please stand and pray with
me – “Caring Spirit, guide me in the ways of your truth, so that I might be a living sign
of God in the world.” Amen
Four, “Fortitude.” Fortitude is the Spirit’s gift of courage and strength. It’s given so
that we will stand firm in faith throughout the trials of life. Fortitude is a martyr’s gift of
courage. Fortitude is a parent’s gift of patience in teaching their children. Fortitude
is a preacher or teacher’s gift of hope that their message will be heard. Fortitude is a
student’s gift of persistence to complete a term paper or prepare for a difficult exam.
Fortitude is the Spirit’s gift of comfort, strength, and courage when facing the
hopelessness of poverty or disaster. Would those with this flame please stand and
pray with me – “Spirit of might, strengthen my heart so that I may do your will today
and all days.” Amen
Fifth, “Knowledge.” Knowledge is the gift that enables us to judge correctly in matters
of faith and fact. In the beginning, when God created the heavens, the earth, and
humanity, God said that everything was “good.” Through the Spirit’s gift of
knowledge, we continue to learn about the goodness of creation. Knowledge is the
grace given to ecologists and all who have ever sensed the nearness of God in
creation. Knowledge is the gift of scientists, inventors, and tinkerers who long to
know what makes things “tick.” Knowledge is the gift of students trying to learn a
difficult mathematical equation or the capitals of the 50 states. Would those with this
flame please stand and pray with me – “Spirit of genuine insight, help me to embrace
the truth that will set me free.” Amen
Six, “Understanding.” Understanding is the spiritual gift which enlightens our thinking
so we can look below the surface to see the very essence of the things of God.
Knowledge deals with created things but Understanding the things of God. The
spiritual gift of Understanding allows us to grasp the truth revealed in scripture.
(Remember the Spirit of Truth) Understanding enables us to glimpse the heart of
God in creation. Understanding helps us to recognize the image of God in every
person. Would those with this flame please stand and pray with me – “Teach me your
ways, O Spirit of God, so that I may know the true value of my life and everything in it.”
Finally, “Wisdom.” Wisdom unites us with God, giving us the heart and mind of Jesus
Christ. Through this gift, we are able to know as God knows and to love as God
Through wisdom, in time we will be able to say with Paul, “It is no long I who live, but
Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20) The Spirit’s gift of Wisdom is more than
human wisdom – it comes only through a lifetime of intimate contact with God. It’s
like an old married couple who seem to be able to read each other’s thoughts and
finish each other’s sentences – because of a lifetime of intimacy and selfless love, the
two have truly become one. That is our hope as Christians in our relationship with
God. Would those with this flame please stand and pray with me – “Loving Spirit, you
created us out of love so that we might live in your love always. Help me to see and
find you.” Amen
The Holy Spirit is the gift of God to empower our life of faith. And the Holy Spirit
activates the gifts which strengthen us to build up the body of Christ. Now, let us go
into the world to be the body of Christ. Amen
[The flames of the Spirit come from Creative Communications for the Parish, 2000]