Download 1984 Book Three Study Guide Chapter One: Where is Winston taken

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1984 Book Three Study Guide
Chapter One:
Where is Winston taken?
Describe the retaining cell Winston is put in. Describe the other people in the cell with him?
How do the feelings of time and location become lost?
Who is Ampleforth?
Why is Parsons brought there? Why is this ironic?
What happened to the fat, chinless man? Why?
How did the skinny man react to the words, “Room 101?” What does this foreshadow?
Who enters at the end?
Chapter Two:
Summarize Winston’s torture.
How much is two plus two in 1984? How does that work?
How does Winston feel about O’Brien?
What does O’Brien say is the real purpose of the Ministry of Love?
Why did other attempts to control people not work?
Chapter Three:
What are the three stages of reintegration?
Who helped write “the book?”
What does the Party seek?
What picture does O’Brien tell Winston to imagine as the future?
What does O’Brien say is the purpose of the Party? Why is it immortal?
Describe Winston’s appearance.
Chapter Four:
What does Winston write after recuperating? Why?
Winston now believes he understands the Party’s motives and even believes their “reality” but there is one thing they
still don’t control. What is it?
What does O’Brien say Winston must do?
Where do they take him?
Chapter Five:
What is in Room 101?
What does it make Winston do?
Chapter Six:
Where does Winston hang out and what does he do? What is his job?
What happens when Julia and Winston run into each other? Describe their encounter. What did they each do?
What game is he playing and why is that significant?
What pleasant memory does he recall?
What happens to Winston at the end? What has he become?
What do you think happens to Winston now?