Download Minutes of the Second Caribbean Regional Meeting

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First thing – where we are
Secondly – the planning for the remaining time
We will talk about:
 the D2 reports for completion
 the D4 reports (eco-region report on economic and sociological parts of the
 the portal for the individual case studies – for the moment, very insufficient in
most cases
 deliverables – journal publications, conferences
 PhD students
 Funds
Financial and Management Issues:
Update on the finance – 2005 and 2006 financial and management reports being
accepted. Yet to know if more information will be required.
2007 reports were sent.
IRD, EQUIS, CNSHB, CMS signed statements still missing.
Nicola indicated that these partners have promised to deliver the reports as a matter of
We will get some money in March – reimbursement for 2005 and 2006, and an advance
for 2007. Reimbursement mean – the initial money was an advance on the expected
expenditure. If you spent more than you got, you will get the reimbursement. So
everyone should be okay for the Thailand meeting.
This year worked well for reports. Last set of reports to be done in June 2009. No
reports necessary in January 2009 – the last reports will be for one year and a half.
For Ronald and Steven, we want an extension till October 2009 so that we have more
time to use the funds that we have. One way is to give bigger amounts now, and the
money is then saved by the student for the future years. If we do this, Trinidad and
Jamaica PhD students can end in June 2009 too. However, this is the business of the
UWI administration and it is up to individual partners to sort that out.
Pierre went through the table of lost revenue for non-attendance at meetings. He
indicated that this money can be used for conference attendances, fieldwork visits and so
on. In March, the project budget for 08-09 will be reshaped taking into account all of
this. However, there is a way to recapture the lost money, through conference
attendances etc.
First step to asking for this conference money – put the conference on the portal, put the
paper titles, and then ask for the money.
Pierre needs from partners an estimated budget (travel, consumables, PhD students) for
the coming years, till June 2009. If we have too much money than we need, let Pierre
know, as there are partners that need money. Remember to take into account the fines for
late reporting, and non-attendance at meetings, when planning the budget for the
remaining time of the project.
Also, you can plan for dissemination activities to use the remaining funds if there is
Complete D2 reports this week
Next set of deliverables are D4.a (ecology and sociology) and D4.b (economics) for the
So, the requirements for this are the data pools for the economic, ecological and
sociological models. For the sociology, it is the job satisfaction data. For the D4.b, it is
the economic simulations with Haoran.
Dominican Republic:
For the moment, still on board. Job satisfaction done for DR, and Tobago. Iris will do it
for Jamaica. So, sociology okay for the eco-region, including DR. NOT SURE OF THIS
Ecology has been done for all three – done for Jamaica. For Tobago and DR, there are no
supporting texts. The draft material has been sent last week to Villy. For the DR, what is
missing is the ecology of the MPA.
Economy – The original economic tables and the D2 report was done for the DR. The
case study selection was based on the economic tables.
However, what Haoran is asking for the running of the tables may be different.
For the data, Sonja indicated that she wants, this week, to create one workfile with all of
the data requirements. For Tobago and Jamaica, this table can be completed (or the
promise of it being completed by Steven for Jamaica) this week. For DR, this is a
problem if Victor does not respond. However, Pierre has suggested that we contact
Jeannette Matteo of the DR who has promised us all of the information. He suggested
that some of us visit there for a few weeks and get all of the information done.
We can give a contract to Jeannette, or give a contract with the Fisheries people in the
Ecology for the entire eco-region should be all done by Thailand.
Sociology data done for Trinidad, report needs to be written, however, this is to discuss
with Iris.
Not sure what has ben
What to do with the sociological data:
Send to Pierre Morand to put on database
Upload database onto portal
DR to be managed, depending on Victor
Tobago – to be finished this week
Jamaica – data needs to be provided after Tobago data is done this week, and hopefully
Steven will complete or put us into contact with who can provide this data.
D2s (Case Study Reports)
Done for Jamaica
Done for DR
Almost done for TT
D4 sa: sociological reports
To be done with Iris for Tobago
Ditto for Jamaica
For DR, to be managed
D4 sb (SAM with explanation)
For Tobago, done this week
For DR, to be managed
For Jamaica, as soon Steven can provide data
D5 s (Ecological Report)
Done for Jamaica, to be uploaded
Karl will handle DR and TT
8-9 September – workshop together with the Poor Fish project in Mallorca, Spain on poor
data availability, modeling and management with poor data. Sonja indicated that she will
not be able to attend, but Ronald will go, and Karl suggested that Steven go as well.
Abstract deadline is 30 May. Some papers will be selected for a special issue of Fisheries
Special Issue for the Caribbean eco-region in progress, Sonja uploaded file to the portal
and the special issue was discussed.
Further work identified for the week is as follows:
Complete SAM tables for Tobago
Go through SAM table with Stephen so that Jamaica economic data requirements are
Write rational for SI
Write paper abstracts for SI
Stephen went through the work he has done on the Caribbean EwE model since the China
All presentations, Pierre, Karl, Stephen, Sonja
Complete SAM table for Tobago. Haoran sent the file, with the following explanations:
“Attached please find the required data table for your reference. In the worksheet of Thai,
you will find the SAM table in which the rows 1-16 and columns 17-37 form the Make
Table, and the rows 17-37 and the columns 1-16 form the Use Table with extra labour
and capital inputs presented at the rows 38-49 and columns 1-16. Hope this is clear.”
Karl gave a presentation on the work of the CMS.
Publication deliverables were discussed. Pierre requested that regional partners update
the google site on publications and expected publications.
Pierre also asked that the ecology bibliography for the Caribbean, collected by Karl and
Stephen, be put online.
Some discussion on possible sources of funds for Ronald and Stephen beyond the end of
the project. Pierre suggested that, firstly, we try to spend as much of our personnel
money in the time of the project, secondly, that we source other funds through other
projects in the Caribbean, and finally, if we try to do another project funded by the EC.
However, he pointed out that in the last case, opportunities are limited, since they are
restricted to European waters and European partners. Opportunities are there, but they
are very difficult to get.
There is another call in November for marine ecosystems. We can prepare something in
one or two paragraphs. Pierre said that if we restrict to the Caribbean, it may not work,
but if we try to partner with pacific partners or something like that, it can work. We can
think about this, this week. Pierre can discuss with Villy etc, and said there are many
options. We can also work on this, this week.
For Thailand meeting, the 3 ecological models should be ready, with all explanations and
everything. D5 s reports will be ready.
Sonja gave an overall Caribbean eco-region presentation.
Some discussion on the data format of the SAMs for the modeling. Pierre indicated that
generic, simple tables need to be developed for partners to complete, and also for the
generic form of the model.
Presentation by Sonja on the work done in Tobago. Some discussion on the data issues
with respect to the Sea Around Us data and the contradictions with the Fisheries Division
data. Pierre indicated that we can be explicit as to those problems, even putting up all the
tables on the portal and showing the contradictions, highlighting the problems etc.
Also, partners need to make their case study areas of the portal attractive. A lot of work
was done already in Tobago and Jamaica and Pierre asked that we put the work up on the
portal and email the partners to show how it is done.
The ecological models need the latest Tobago FD data, since they based their models on
the Sea Around Us data. We need to have the same production data for the two models.
We will compare data sets with Steven to be sure that they use the production data of the
FD data.
To be done:
Sonja/ Ronald
 Complete Tobago SAM
 Complete and upload case study presentation for Tobago
 D4 sb (SAM with explanation) – to complete for Tobago this week
 Work on general tables for SAM
 Write up data issues with FD versus Sea Around Us, and with flying fish
exclusion / inclusion in the project
 Work on format for Steven to complete SAM data
 Compare catch data and species between Tobago FD data and ecology data
 List of work to be done and presented for Thailand meeting
 Publication list
 Work on UNEP proposal
 Fill in case study section on the web, for both Tobago and Jamaica
 Rationale for Special Issue
 Abstracts for Special Issue
Some discussion on whether flying fish should be included in the Tobago reef fisheries,
since it is not a reef fishery but it is Tobago’s primary production in fisheries. Karl and
Steven agreed that, in the Eastern Caribbean, all fisheries are reef-associated, if not
directly reef fisheries, though trophic interactions. In fact, flying fish is included in the
ecological model. Ronald and Sonja expressed a desire to include the flying fish, but a
justification is necessary for this.
Contact FD in Tobago for raised production figures for species or total fish landings for
Tobago. What we have is raw, sample data, not raised data. We need the raised data.
Question about SAM tables – what are the units necessary for the first set of the table?
Normally, SAMs are in value, but some of the data being requested are non-value. Ask
Haoran to clarify, and also to write a guide for the SAM.
Partners worked on datasets and portal updates.