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2008-2009 AP World History
World History (AP)
Study Guide – Chapter 17, 18
Vocabulary: Define each term, person, or concept; use a separate sheet of paper
1. Benefice
Chapter 18
2. Carolingians
21. Yurts
3. Clovis
22. Golden Horde
4. Franks
23. Ilkhanate
5. Holy Roman Empire
24. Istanbul
6. Magyars
25. Saljuqs
7. Manor
26. Shamanism
8. Missi dominici
27. Timur-i lang (Tamerlane)
9. Serfs
28. Yuan dynasty
10. Charles Martel
29. kumiss
11. Gregory of Tours
30. sultan
12. Aachen
13. Louis the Pious
14. Newfoundland
15. Vikings
16. King Alfred
31. Chinggis Khan
32. Khubilai Khan
33. Marco Polo
34. Ilkhan Ghazan
17. feudalism
35. Osman
18. retainer
36. Mehmed II
19. St. Benedict
37. Manzikert
20. Otto I
Short Answer Questions:
38. What does the book mean when it states that most of the Mongol leaders were better conquerors than
administrators? How was this evident in the various Mongol states? Were there exceptions to that rule?
39. Discuss the military organization, techniques, and strategies of these Asian nomads. How did these abilities
make their military so formidable?
40. What were the obligations of lords toward their retainers and the retainers toward their lords? Why was this
arrangement often unstable? What role did the serfs play in early medieval Europe? What was life like on the
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