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‫ קשר‬: ‫תרגיל כיתה‬
State whether the following statements are true or false
1. If you find that 60% of students who develop infectious mononucleosis (the
"kissing" disease) are habitual smokers, this shows the presence of an association
between the disease and smoking.
2. If you find that 5% of students who smoke develop infectious mononucleosis
during a one follow-up period, this shows the presence of an association between
the disease and smoking.
3. If 60% of a large sample of male students and 30% of large sample of female
students smoke, there is an association between sex and smoking.
4. If, in any class of five males and five female students, none of the males smoke
and all of the females smoke, there is an association between sex and smoking.
5. If 75% of the smokers in a college are males and 25% are females, there is an
association between sex and smoking.
6. If over half the adults in the neighborhood have sedentary occupations and over
half of the residents have recurrent low back pain, there is an association between
sedentary work and low back pain.
7. If during an influenza epidemic there is a lower incidence rate of the disease
among smokers than among nonsmokers, there is no association between smoking
and influenza.
Abramson J.H. Making Sense of Data Second Edition Unit A9
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