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Unit 9—World War II
Big Picture Question: How did World War II transform American society
and its role in the world?
Essential Unit Outcomes (History Content):
9.1 Students will understand the international background of World
War II.
9.2 Students will understand the major turning points of the war.
9.3 Students will understand the effects of World War II at home.
Text : Chapter 16 (pages 540-567): Especially sections 16.1, 16.2, 16.4
Chapter 17 (pages 568-602) Sections 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4
Key Vocabulary:
 The “Aryan” race
 blitzkrieg
 communism
 dictator / dictatorship
 genocide
 The Holocaust
 nationalism
 propaganda
 racism
 rationing
 The Third Reich
 Anti-Semitism
 Victory gardens
Key Concepts:
 appeasement
 totalitarianism
 fascism (-ist)
 Nazism
 militarism
 imperialism (by the Japanese)
 “island hopping” strategy
Key People/Groups:
 Allies
 Axis Powers
 Adolf Hitler
 Benito Mussolini
 Emperor Hirohito
 Hideki Tojo
 Joseph Stalin
Key People/Groups (Continued):
 Winston Churchill
 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
 Harry Truman
 Dwight Eisenhower
 Nisei
 “Rosie the Riveter”
Key Events:
 Japanese invasion of Manchuria (1931)
 Italian invasion of Ethiopia (1935)
 The Neutrality Acts of 1935 (US)
 German Annexation of Austria (1938)
 The Munich Pact (1938) “appeasement”
 Nonaggression Pact (1939) (Soviets and
 “cash-and-carry” policy (1939)
 Lend-Lease policy (1941)
 Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7 1941)
 Executive Order 9066 (1942)
 Japanese Internment (1942-1945)
 The Manhattan Project (1942-45)
 D-Day: Allies’ Invasion of Normandy,
France (1944)
 GI Bill of Rights passed (1944)
 V-E Day (1945)(Victory in Europe)
 US drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki (1945)
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