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Trigonometry Unit
Lesson: Review Right Triangle Trigonometry
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What is a ray?
Your Definition
Draw a Ray
What is a vertex?
Your Definition
Draw a Vertex
What is an angle?
Your Definition
Draw an Angle
What is a right angle?
Your Definition
Draw a Right Angle
What is a right triangle?
Your Definition
Draw a Right Triangle
What is a ray?
A ray is a part of a line that begins at a particular point
(called the endpoint) and extends endlessly in one direction.
What is a vertex?
The point where two endpoints of two rays intersect.
What is an angle?
An angle is a combination of two rays (half-lines) with a
common endpoint.
Draw a Ray
Draw a Vertex
Draw an Angle
What is a right angle?
An angle that measures 90 degrees.
Draw a Right Angle
What is a right triangle?
A triangle that has one angle that measures 90 degrees.
Draw a Right Triangle
Pythagorean’s Theorem
Definition of Pythagorean’s Theorem
Illustrate Pythagoreans Theorem
A rule stating that the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a
right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the
other sides. It is mathematically stated as c2 = a2 + b2, where c is the
length of the hypotenuse and a and b the lengths of the other two sides.
Problem 1
Suppose I have a right triangle. One leg is 6 inches. The other leg is 8 inches. What is the length of the hypotenuse?
Problem 2
Suppose I have a right triangle. The hypotenuse is 13 feet. One leg is 5 feet. What is the length of the other leg?
Does Pythagorean’s Theorem apply to all triangles? Why or why not?
No- only right triangles have a hypotenuse
Right Triangle Ratios
Using this right triangle, label each leg as adjacent or opposite of angle x. Label the hypotenuse. Then, find sine, cosine, and tangent of
angle x.
Is there an easy way to remember these 3 ratios?
1) Draw a right triangle. Label one angle as a (do not label the right angle as a). Label the hypotenuse a 5. Label the leg opposite a as
4. Label the leg adjacent to a as 3. Then, find sine, cosine, and tangent of angle a.
2) Using the following right triangle, what is sine of angle a? What is cosine of angle a? What is tangent of angle a? What is sine of
angle c? What is cosine of angle c? What is tangent of angle c?