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Introduction to Economics
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The Study of Economics
1. A good is
2. A service is
3. A government must make decisions about
4. Production is
Factors of Production:
1. Natural resources are
2. Labor Resources are
3. Capital Resources are
4. Entrepreneurs are
1. What is GDP?
2. How is it used?
Market Economy
1. Who makes business decisions?
2. Who controls the factors of production?
3. The government plays what role?
4. List countries with this form of economy
Introduction to Economics
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Command Economy
1. Who decides how many of which goods are produced and sets the prices?
2. List countries with this form of economy
Trade Barriers
1. Why do countries establish trade barriers?
2. What are tariffs?
3. What do tariffs do?
Think About It
What effect will reducing trade barriers between countries have on the price of goods?