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Biol1406 (HCC-Aleif)
Study Guide (Part B, Chap 13)
Lecture Exam 4, (Covers chapters 12&13)
1- The function(s) human X and Y chromosomes
2- Figure out the number of homologous chromosomes given the chromosome diploid number
(2n=x) of a species
3- Gonads, their function at sexual maturity, and mechanisms involved.
4- Cause(s) of having an extra chromosome and the phase(s) of the cell cycle associated with such
5- Figure out the number of chromosomes in a gamete of a species given the number of
chromosomes in the species somatic cell
6- Figure out the number of chromosomes/set in a triploid cell given the number of chromosomes
in the normal diploid cell
7- The common features between the chromosome members of a karyotyped homologous pair
8- Structural and functional definition of a gene
9- The physical location of a gene along the length of the DNA
10- The mode of occurrence of meiosis and fertilization in sexual life cycles
11- Number of chromosomes in somatic versus reproductive cells
12- The paternal and maternal contributions to the total number of chromosomes in human
13- The staining pattern between homologous and non-homologous chromosomes
14- Matching/associating terms, statements, or describing features of cellular division with mitosis
or meiosis
15- The structural features (homology)of sex chromosomes in:
a. The male
b. The female
16- The type of cell division resulting in daughter cells that are:
a. Genetically identical
b. Genetically different
17- The cell cycle phases during which:
a. Homologous chromosomes separate
b. Sister chromatids separate
18- The unique features that distinguish meiosis from mitosis
19- The number of cell divisions & cells produced by:
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis
20- The sources of genetic variation
21- Synapsing & crossing over & when it occurs
22- The contrast between telophase & cytokinesis
23- Identify/define:
a. Autosomes
b. Gametes
24- The sources of genetic variation
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