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Name: _________________________________
HW Quiz #1
Part I—Answer the following multiple choice questions to the best of your ability.
1. The Louisiana Purchase had great geographic significance for the United States because it
1. reduced British control of North America
2. focused the United States on westward expansion
3. extended United States control over Mexico
4. decreased tensions with Native American Indians
5. The legal basis for the United States purchase of the Louisiana Territory was the
1. power granted to the President to make treaties
2. President’s power as Commander in Chief
3. authority of Congress to declare war
4. Senate’s duty to approve the appointment of ambassadors
5. When President Thomas Jefferson acquired the Louisiana Territory from France, he demonstrated
that he had modified his belief that
1. the Constitution should be strictly interpreted
2. the federal government should limit individual rights
3. adding territory would lead to regional rivalries
4. commercial development was the main goal of the federal government
4. Which geographic advantage did the United States gain by purchasing the Louisiana Territory
from France in 1803?
1. warm-water ports on the Atlantic coast
2. rich fishing areas in the Great Lakes
3. full control of the Mississippi River
4. vast coal reserves in the region west of Pennsylvania
5. The Louisiana Purchase initially presented a dilemma for President Thomas Jefferson because he
believed it would
1. lead to war with Great Britain
2. bankrupt the new nation
3. force Native American Indians off their lands
4. violate his strict constructionist view of the Constitution
Part II—Answer the following document-based question to the best of your ability.
Document #1a
. . . The President [Thomas Jefferson] was playing for large stakes. Louisiana [Territory] stretched from
the Mississippi westward to the Rocky Mountains, and from Canada’s Lake of the Woods southward to
the Gulf of Mexico. If annexed, these 825,000 square miles would give the new nation access to one of the
world’s potentially richest trading areas. The Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and Red rivers and their
tributaries could act as giant funnels carrying goods into the Mississippi and then down to New Orleans.
Even in the 1790s, with access to the Mississippi only from the east, the hundreds of thousands of
Americans settled along the river depended on it and on the port of New Orleans for access to both world
markets and imported staples for everyday living. “The Mississippi is to them everything,” Secretary of
State James Madison observed privately in November 1802. “It is the Hudson, the Delaware, the Potomac,
and all the navigable rivers of the Atlantic formed into one stream.”. . .
Source: Walter LaFeber, “An Expansionist’s Dilemma,” Constitution, Fall 1993
Document #1b
1. Based on these documents, why was New Orleans important to the United