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Create – A – Species Project
You will have two class periods to complete this project. You will create an imaginary species. If you
choose to combine features of existing species, choose three or more species. You will write a
description of it that includes the information below and draw it.
Part One: The Description
You must explain the following in full sentences (on a separate piece of paper):
1. the biome in which it lives (Choose from one of ten biomes on pages 100-104).
a. The water source used by your imaginary species
b. The temperature range of the habitat
c. The available shelter
d. Dominant plants (not imaginary)
e. Dominant wildlife (not imaginary)
(10 points)
(5 points)
(5 points)
(5 points)
(5 points)
(5 points)
2. Food
a. What its predators are (not imaginary)
b. What it eats (not imaginary)
(5 points)
(5 points)
3. Adaptations based on the species’ environment (Please explain the connection in the written
a. Adaptation that helps the species defend itself
(5 points)
b. Adaptation that helps the species find water
(5 points)
c. Adaptation that helps the species find food
(5 points)
d. Adaptation that helps the species survive the temperature range of its biome
(5 points)
e. Adaptation that helps the species find a mate
(5 points)
4. Its scientific classification
a. Common Name
b. Scientific Name - Genus and species (imaginary). It must be written in italics with genus
capitalized and species lowercase. Genus and species names usually contain a description
of a feature or the name of the scientist credited with discovering the species.
(5 points)
c. The domain and kingdom to which it belongs (see chart on page 459)
(5 points)
Part Two: The Picture
1. Color Picture
a. It can be hand-drawn, created with a computer program or from magazine pics
b. It can be on construction paper or in a diorama
c. The picture must show the species in its biome
(10 points)
d. Genus, species and common name clearly written on the poster
(10 points)