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Competency Goal 1: The New Nation (1789-1820) – How
effective were the institutions established in the United
States as they dealt with emerging political and diplomatic
1.01: What were the major domestic issues and conflicts
experienced by the nation during the Federalist Period?
Major concepts:
The establishment of federal power and supremacy
over the states.
 Rulings of Marshall Court, i.e. Marbury v.
 Judicial review
 Whiskey Rebellion
The development of a two-party system
 Democratic-Republican Party (Jefferson)
 Federalist Party (Hamilton, Washington)
Strict and loose interpretation of the Constitution
 Hamilton vs. Jefferson
 Establishment of a national bank
 Alien and Sedition Acts
 Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions:
 Louisiana Purchase
1.03: What were the commercial and diplomatic
relationships with Britain, France, and other nations?
Major concepts:
Early foreign policy
 U.S. opposition/support for French Revolution
 Pinckney’s Treaty: opens Mississippi River
 Jay’s Treaty: opens Ohio River valley
 Washington’s Farewell Address: no
permanent alliances
 Britain and France seize U.S. ships
 British impressments of American sailors
 War of 1812: Britain vs. United States
 Turning point: Jackson @ New
 Treaty of Ghent ends war
Choose the letter of the best answer.
____ 1. In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned
A. buying the Louisiana Territory
B. letting the South secede from the Union
C. entangling alliances with foreign countries
1.02: What political freedoms were available to the
following groups prior to 1820: women, wage earners,
landless farmers, American Indians, African Americans,
and other ethnic groups?
D. removing the Cherokee Indians from Georgia
Major concepts:
Voting rights of different groups
 Eligibility requirements of voting
Status of African Americans
 Citizens?
 Some free, some slave
Status of American Indians
 Citizens?
 Conflicting belief systems
Status of women
 What is their place in society?
____ 2. What principle was affirmed in the Supreme Court
case of Marbury v. Madison?
A. the right of the citizens to criticize their government
B. the right of the Supreme Court to declare an act of
Congress unconstitutional
C. the right of Congress to declare war
D. the right of states to nullify an act of Congress that they
deem unconstitutional
____ 3. Why did the United States go to war against Britain in
____ 7. The Sedition Act allowed the national government to
jail people for
A. Britain was trying to buy the Louisiana Territory.
A. making negative statements about the government.
B. Britain was interfering with U.S. foreign trade.
B. challenging the constitutionality of a law.
C. Britain refused to give up its forts in the Northwest
C. selling, manufacturing, or distributing whiskey.
D. not paying ones debts in a timely manner.
D. Britain was becoming too friendly with France.
____ 4. Over which of the following issues did the nation
become divided in the 1790s?
____ 8. Thomas Jefferson would have supported which of the
A. whether African Americans should be given full
A. the Alien and Sedition Acts
B. a national bank
B. whether the United States should ally itself with France or
C. strong state governments
C. whether the central government or state governments
should be stronger
D. Federalist policies
D. whether the United States should expand west of the
____ 9. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions said that
individual states could
A. nullify acts of Congress
B. be forced to pay tariffs they did not like
____ 5. In the 1790s, a Federalist would most likely have
C. sign treaties with foreign countries
A. a national bank.
D. not secede from the Union
B. a limited national government.
C. an economy based on farming.
D. the strict interpretation of the Constitution.
____ 6. The outcome of the Whiskey Rebellion helped to
establish the power of the federal government to
A. impose taxes.
B. enforce federal laws within states.
C. control interstate and foreign trade.
D. reinterpret the Bill of Rights.