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SC.5.N.1.2 Explain the difference between an experiment and other types of scientific
SC.5.N.1.3 Recognize and explain the need for repeated experimental trials.
The student:
SC.5.P.13.1 Identify familiar forces that cause objects to move, such as pushes or pulls,
including gravity acting on falling objects.
What forces could act on an object to make a change in motion?
This lesson is a great opportunity for students to observe and apply some of Isaac Newton’s
Laws of Motion. Newton was an excellent observer of everyday occurrences. Newton’s First
Law of Motion states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest until a force acts on them. An
object’s tendency to resist a change in motion is called inertia.
A sphere is an object that has mass. When the sphere is held at the top of the ramp in this
lesson, it is not moving, but it does have stored energy, called gravitational potential energy,
due to its position. It will stay there with its potential energy until some force acts upon it. When
the sphere is released, the force of gravity (a pulling force) takes over and the sphere rolls
downward, releasing its stored energy. The energy is changed into kinetic energy, energy of
motion. This kinetic energy is then transferred to the slider, which causes it to move. The
heavier and larger the sphere is, the more potential energy it would have, the faster it would
travel, and the farther the slider would move. This lesson provides an opportunity for students to
experience physics that is fun, not intimidating!
overhead projector/document camera
masses for balance
Per Student
science notebook and pencil
Per group
masking tape
1 sphere (e.g. marble)
1 commercial ramp and slider or
slider: ½ paper cup - cut lengthwise or
a small milk carton with an open end
ramp: ruler with a groove
1 measuring tape
1 calculator
1 sheet of graph paper
various surfaces or materials to test on
(carpet, tile, sandpaper, wax paper)
Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines.
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
Have students tape their ramp to the table for stability.
This lesson will likely require more than one class period.
All groups should have equal size and mass spheres and all other materials should be
as similar as possible to ensure control of the experiment.
1. Have the ramp and slider set up in place on a smooth surface where everybody can see
2. Have students write the key question in their science notebook. Ask them to take a few
moments and think-pair-share with a partner and to write their preliminary thoughts in
their notebook.
3. Regroup and ask students to share their preliminary thinking. Use this opportunity to
check for student understanding and misconceptions.
4. What are some forces acting on Earth? (push, pull, gravity, friction)
5. What is a push? (moving something away)
6. What is a pull? (bringing something closer)
7. Knowing these two definitions, is gravity a push or a pull? How do you know? (pull,
because it is bringing things closer to Earth)
8. What is friction? (when a push and pull meet, creates sound and heat energy, it is a
force that slows things down)
1. Distribute the materials. Before starting the experiment, establish these guidelines:
 All experiments should take place in the area that you designate for each group.
 Make sure the sliders are placed even with the end of the ramp for each trial.
 The spheres should be released down the ramp – not pushed.
 Re-check the set up before starting each trial.
(Note: If you are using rulers, marbles, and cups instead of commercial ramps and
sliders, have students set the 4 cm mark of the ruler on a textbook to form a ramp.
Designate markings on the ruler at which students should release the marbles.)
2. Students should take turns releasing the sphere three times from level 5.
3. Each time students should record the distance the slider travels by measuring in
centimeters from the end of the ramp to the leading edge of the slider. These recorded
data charts should be copied into the student science notebooks by students.
4. Each test should be repeated for a minimum of three trials with results averaged.
5. Students should repeat steps 3 – 5 with the various surfaces under the slider.
 In what situations did the slider travel farther? Why? (An object’s acceleration depends
on the size and direction of the force acting on it. There is a difference in the amount of
friction depending on the surface on which the slider was placed. )
 What forces were acting on the sphere? (the force of gravity pulling it toward the Earth,
the force of friction as it rolled down the ramp)
 What forces were acting on the slider? (the force of the sphere connecting with the slider,
the force of friction from the surface that the slider was on, the force of gravity pulling the
slider toward the Earth)
 As the sphere rolled down the ramp, according to Newton’s law, the sphere had inertia
and should keep rolling along unless acted on by an outside force. What force caused
the sphere to suddenly stop? (the force of friction from the surface and the slider)
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
Why did we all release the sphere from the same level? (to ensure that our experiment
was controlled and that only one variable was changed- surface type)
Why did we all use the same size and shape sphere? (to ensure that our experiment
was controlled and that only one variable was changed- surface type)
Why did we repeat the experiment? (to ensure more accurate results)
How is this experiment different from other investigations we have done? (we controlled
our variables)
Have students repeat the investigation. Students should compare their results and discuss
similarities and differences in results and the reasons for these.
1. See other OCPS Essential Labs on Ramps and Sliders
a. Ramps and Sliders: Gravity
b. Ramps and Sliders: Mass
c. Ramps and Sliders: Balanced Forces
 Have students respond to the key question in their science notebooks.
 Review science notebook entries for accuracy in data collection and for understanding of
the key question.
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
Define a problem, use appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan
and carry out scientific investigations of various types such as: systematic observations,
experiments requiring the identification of variables, collecting and organizing data, interpreting
data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend
The student:
 keeps a science notebook.
 plans and carries out various investigations.
 collects and organizes data.
 interprets data in charts, tables, and graphics.
 analyzes information from charts, tables, and graphics.
 uses data as evidence to make predictions.
 explains and defends conclusions using evidence.
SC.5.N.1.3 Recognize and explain the need for repeated experimental trials.
SC.5.P.13.1 Identify familiar forces that cause objects to move, such as pushes or pulls,
including gravity acting on falling objects.
The student:
 identifies gravity as a force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth.
Investigate and describe that the greater the force applied to it, the greater the change in motion
of a given object.
The student:
 investigates, through hands-on activities, that the greater the force applied to it, the
greater the change in motion of a given object.
 describes that the greater the force applied to it, the greater the change in motion of a
given object.
What forces affect the amount of energy transferred to a moving object?
This lesson is a great opportunity for students to observe and apply some of Isaac Newton’s
Laws of Motion. Newton was an excellent observer of everyday occurrences. Newton’s First
Law of Motion states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest until a force acts on them. An
object’s tendency to resist a change in motion is called inertia.
A sphere is an object that has mass. When the sphere is held at the top of the ramp in this
lesson, it is not moving, but it does have stored energy, called gravitational potential energy,
due to its position. It will stay there with its potential energy until some force acts upon it. When
the sphere is released, the force of gravity (a pulling force) takes over and the sphere rolls
downward, releasing its stored energy. The energy is changed into kinetic energy, energy of
motion. This kinetic energy is then transferred to the slider, which causes it to move. The
heavier and larger the sphere is, the more potential energy it would have, the faster it would
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
travel, and the farther the slider would move. This lesson provides an opportunity for students to
experience physics that is fun, not intimidating!
overhead projector/document camera
Per Student
science notebook and pencil
Per group
masking tape
1 sphere (e.g. marble)
1 commercial ramp and slider or
slider: ½ paper cup - cut lengthwise or
a small milk carton with an open end
ramp: ruler with a groove
1 measuring tape
1 calculator
1 sheet of graph paper
Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines.
1. Have students tape their ramp to the table for stability.
2. This lesson will likely require more than one class period.
1. Have the ramp and slider set up in place on a smooth surface where everybody can see
2. Ask: How far do you think the sphere will go when it is released at level 2 on the ramp?
Record student responses.
3. Ask: How far do you think the sphere will go when I release it at level 5 on the ramp?
Record student responses.
4. Discuss reasons for the wide range of responses given by students. Discuss the
difference between a guess and a prediction. Since one needs reliable data to make a
prediction, guide students to the conclusion that their responses must be guesses.
5. Have students write the key question in their science notebook. Ask them to take a few
moments and think-pair-share with a partner and to write their preliminary thoughts in
their notebook.
6. Regroup and ask students to share their preliminary thinking. Use this opportunity to
check for student understanding.
1. Distribute the materials. Before starting the experiment, establish these guidelines:
 All experiments should take place in the area that you designate for each group.
 Make sure the sliders are placed even with the end of the ramp for each trial.
 The spheres should be released down the ramp – not pushed.
 Re-check the set up before starting each trial.
(Note: If you are using rulers, marbles, and cups instead of commercial ramps and
sliders, have students set the 4 cm mark of the ruler on a textbook to form a ramp.
Designate markings on the ruler at which students should release the marbles.)
2. Students should take turns releasing the small sphere three times from levels 1, 3, 4,
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
3. Each time students should record the distance the slider travels by measuring in
centimeters from the end of the ramp to the leading edge of the slider. These recorded
data charts should be copied into the student science notebooks by students.
4. Each test should be repeated for a minimum of three trials with results averaged.
5. Have students create a bar graph of their data in their science notebook.
6. Collect one group’s data and create a bar graph on a transparency or project using the
document camera. Display the graph for the class. Discuss the results with the class and
ask if they can see any pattern in the data.
7. Using this information, ask students if they can now predict how far a slider would travel
when the same sphere is released at levels 2 and 5 on the ramp.
8. Discuss the small range of responses. Ask: How did the data collected help you predict?
Explain that now students have data on which to base their predictions, so they are not
just making wild guesses.
9. Have all groups perform tests at levels 2 and 5 to verify the accuracy of their predictions.
 Why was the range of responses for the guesses so large? (No data was available to
give the students a reasonable range of results.)
 Why was the range of responses for the predictions so small? (The data revealed a
pattern that made it easier to determine what the actual result would be.)
 What information do you need in order to make accurate predictions? (reliable data)
 What sphere position made the slider travel farther? Why? (An object’s acceleration
depends on the size and direction of the force acting on it. There is a difference in the
amount of gravitational potential energy depending on the height at which the sphere is
 From where did the energy come to move the sphere and the slider? (The sphere is
sitting at rest at a level on the ramp; it is not moving, but it has stored energy, called
gravitational potential energy due to its position. When the sphere was released,
potential energy was converted to kinetic energy. When the sphere hit the slider, energy
was transferred from the sphere to the slider and the slider moved.)
 As the sphere rolled down the ramp, according to Newton’s law, the sphere had inertia
and should keep rolling along unless acted on by an outside force. What force caused
the sphere to suddenly stop? (the force of friction from the table and the slider)
 Why did we repeat the experiment? (to ensure more accurate results)
 How did you predict the slider’s travel distance for levels 2 and 5?
 Were your predictions correct? Explain why or why not.
1. Have students repeat the investigation. Students should compare their results and
discuss similarities and differences in results and the reasons for these.
2. Have students repeat the investigation using stopwatches to time the spheres as they
move. Students can then determine the speed of the spheres by dividing the distance
traveled by the time it took.
See other OCPS Essential Labs on Ramps and Sliders
a. Ramps and Sliders: Friction
b. Ramps and Sliders: Mass
c. Ramps and Sliders: Balanced Forces
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
 Have students respond to the key question in their science notebooks.
 Review science notebook entries for accuracy in data collection and for understanding of
the key question.
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
SC.5.P.13.3 Investigate and describe that the more mass an object has, the less effect a given
force will have on the object's motion.
SC.5.N.1.3 Recognize and explain the need for repeated experimental trials.
SC.5.N.2.1 Recognize and explain that science is grounded in empirical observations that are
testable; explanation must always be linked with evidence.
The student:
 distinguishes between testable questions (e.g., Do earthworms prefer a moist or a dry
environment?) and non-testable questions (e.g., How hot is the sun?).
 uses evidence derived from data when making explanations and writing conclusions.
SC.5.N.2.2 Recognize and explain that when scientific investigations are carried out, the
evidence produced by those investigations should be replicable by others.
The student:
 explains why some experiments do not yield similar results.
 explains why scientists replicate experiments.
 describes the benefits of repeating experiments.
How does an object’s mass affect the object’s motion?
Why do scientists repeat experiments?
This lesson is a great opportunity for students to observe and apply some of Isaac Newton’s
Laws of Motion. Newton was an excellent observer of everyday occurrences. Newton’s First
Law of Motion states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest until a force acts on them. An
object’s tendency to resist a change in motion is called inertia. Newton’s Second Law states
that the greater an object’s mass, the less effect a given force will have on an object’s motion
(Force = mass X acceleration).
A sphere is an object that has mass. When the sphere is held at the top of the ramp in this
lesson, it is not moving, but it does have stored energy, called gravitational potential energy,
due to its position. It will stay there with its potential energy until some force acts upon it. When
the sphere is released, the force of gravity (a pulling force) takes over and the sphere rolls
downward, releasing its stored energy. The energy is changed into kinetic energy, energy of
motion. This kinetic energy is then transferred to the slider, which causes it to move. The
heavier and larger the sphere is, the more potential energy it would have, the faster it would
travel, and the farther the slider would move. This lesson provides an opportunity for students to
experience physics that is fun, not intimidating!
overhead projector/document camera
masses for balance
Per group
masking tape
2 spheres of different masses
1 commercial ramp and slider or
slider: ½ paper cup - cut lengthwise or
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
a small milk carton with an open end
ramp: ruler with a groove
1 measuring tape
1 calculator
1 sheet of graph paper
Per Student
science notebook and pencil
Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines.
 Have students tape their ramp to the table for stability.
 This lesson will likely require more than one class period.
 If possible, find more than two spheres of difference masses. The spheres should
preferably be the same size- for example, a large marble versus a similar size metal
1. Have the ramp and slider set up in place on a smooth surface where everybody can see
it. Remind students of the previous activity (Ramps and Sliders: Friction, Ramps and
Sliders: Gravity) and ask them what they learned from that activity. Listen to responses
and reiterate the fact that the higher the ramp, the more gravitational potential energy
and, therefore, the more energy provides the ability for the sphere to travel farther.
2. Have students write the first key question in their science notebook. Ask them to take a
few moments and think-pair-share with a partner and to write their preliminary thoughts
in their notebook.
3. Regroup and ask students to share their preliminary thinking. Use this opportunity to
check for student understanding.
4. Tell students that they are going to use the ramps, sliders, and spheres to design an
experiment to answer the key question. Ask students: Using the materials provided,
what is a testable question we can ask to find the answer to our key question? Provide
students time to think-pair-share. Have students report out and list the questions on the
board or on chart paper.
5. Lead a discussion by asking students to discuss the questions listed on the board or
chart paper. Focus on which are testable questions and which are not. Remember that
testable questions are used to create experiments that can be tested.
6. Have students decide on a testable question as a class that connects with our overriding
key question. The question should be something like: What is the difference in the
distance spheres of different masses travel?
1. Distribute the materials. Ask students to discuss with their group how they will set up an
experiment to test the testable question we established as a class. Have groups report
out their ideas to the class prior to beginning so you can ensure that groups are on the
right track. The rest of this lab is written up with a sample of how the experiment can be
completed. Allow students to complete their experiments in various ways as long as they
are following proper scientific procedures.
2. Before starting the experiment, establish these guidelines:
 All experiments should take place in the area that you designate for each group.
 Make sure the sliders are placed even with the end of the ramp for each trial.
 The spheres should be released down the ramp – not pushed.
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
 Remember to measure the mass of the spheres.
 Re-check the set up before starting each trial.
(Note: If you are using rulers, marbles, and cups instead of commercial ramps and
sliders, have students set the 4 cm mark of the ruler on a textbook to form a ramp.
Designate markings on the ruler at which students should release the marbles.)
Students should take turns releasing the less massive sphere three times from levels 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Each time students should record the distance the slider travels by measuring in
centimeters from the end of the ramp to the leading edge of the slider. These recorded
data charts should be copied into the student science notebooks by students.
Each test should be repeated for a minimum of three trials with results averaged.
Students should repeat steps 3 – 5 with the more massive sphere.
Have students create a double bar graph of their data in their science notebook (this
connects with the math standards).
Collect one group’s data and create a double bar graph on a transparency or project
using the document camera. Display the graph for the class. Discuss the results with the
class and ask if they can see any pattern in the data.
 What sphere position made the slider travel farther? Why? (An object’s acceleration
depends on the size and direction of the force acting on it. There is a difference in the
amount of gravitational potential energy depending on the height at which the sphere is
 Which sphere mass made the slider travel farther? Why? (An object’s acceleration
depends on the size and direction of the force acting on it. There is a difference in the
amount of mass of the sphere and therefore more force would be required to have the
more massive sphere move as far as the less massive sphere. When the spheres were
released from the same height, they had the same amount of force, or gravitational
potential energy.)
 Ask: At what ramp levels would you have to place the large sphere and the small sphere
so that they would cause the slider to travel the same distance? Allow students to
explore this idea with the materials, if possible.
 From where did the energy come to move the sphere and the slider? (The sphere is
sitting at rest at a level on the ramp; it is not moving, but it has stored energy, called
gravitational potential energy due to its position. When the sphere was released,
potential energy was converted to kinetic energy. When the sphere hit the slider, energy
was transferred from the sphere to the slider and the slider moved.)
 As the sphere rolled down the ramp, according to Newton’s law, the sphere had inertia
and should keep rolling along unless acted on by an outside force. What force caused
the sphere to suddenly stop? (the force of friction from the table and the slider)
 Was our question testable? Did it provide data for use in answering the key question?
 Why did we repeat the experiment? (to ensure more accurate results)
 Have students write the second key question in their notebook, write their preliminary
thoughts, and discuss the question. Have groups report out their thoughts
Have students repeat the investigation. Students should compare their results and discuss
similarities and differences in results and the reasons for these.
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
See other OCPS Essential Labs on Ramps and Sliders.
a. Ramps and Sliders: Friction
b. Ramps and Sliders: Gravity
c. Ramps and Sliders: Balanced Forces
 Have students respond to the key question in their science notebooks.
 Review science notebook entries for accuracy in data collection and for understanding of
the key question.
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
SC.5.P.13.3 Investigate and describe that the more mass an object has, the less effect a given
force will have on the object's motion.
SC.5.P.13.4 Investigate and explain that when a force is applied to an object but it does not
move, it is because another opposing force is being applied by something in the environment so
that the forces are balanced.
The student:
 explores situations where adding a force does not cause motion.
 explains why objects acted upon with balanced forces do not move.
 illustrates balanced forces acting on an object.
SC.5.N.1.3 Recognize and explain the need for repeated experimental trials.
SC.5.N.2.1 Recognize and explain that science is grounded in empirical observations that are
testable; explanation must always be linked with evidence.
The student:
 distinguishes between testable questions (e.g., Do earthworms prefer a moist or a dry
environment?) and non-testable questions (e.g., How hot is the sun?).
 uses evidence derived from data when making explanations and writing conclusions.
SC.5.N.2.2 Recognize and explain that when scientific investigations are carried out, the
evidence produced by those investigations should be replicable by others.
The student:
 explains why some experiments do not yield similar results.
 explains why scientists replicate experiments.
 describes the benefits of repeating experiments.
In what types of situations would a force be applied to an object and not cause a change in
This lesson is a great opportunity for students to observe and apply some of Isaac Newton’s
Laws of Motion. Newton was an excellent observer of everyday occurrences. Newton’s First
Law of Motion states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest until a force acts on them. An
object’s tendency to resist a change in motion is called inertia. Newton’s Second Law states
that the greater an object’s mass, the less effect a given force will have on an object’s motion
(Force = mass X acceleration).
A sphere is an object that has mass. When the sphere is held at the top of the ramp in this
lesson, it is not moving, but it does have stored energy, called gravitational potential energy,
due to its position. It will stay there with its potential energy until some force acts upon it. When
the sphere is released, the force of gravity (a pulling force) takes over and the sphere rolls
downward, releasing its stored energy. The energy is changed into kinetic energy, energy of
motion. This kinetic energy is then transferred to the slider, which causes it to move. The
heavier and larger the sphere is, the more potential energy it would have, the faster it would
travel, and the farther the slider would move. This lesson provides an opportunity for students to
experience physics that is fun, not intimidating!
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
overhead projector/document camera
masses for balance
Per Student
science notebook and pencil
Per group
masking tape
spheres of various masses
1 commercial ramp and slider or
slider: ½ paper cup - cut lengthwise or
a small milk carton with an open end
ramp: ruler with a groove
1 measuring tape
1 calculator
1 sheet of graph paper
Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines.
 Have students tape their ramp to the table for stability.
 This lesson will likely require more than one class period.
1. Have the ramp and slider set up in place on a smooth surface where everybody can see
it. Remind students of the previous activities (Ramps and Sliders: Friction, Ramps and
Sliders: Gravity, Ramps and Sliders: Mass ) and ask them what they learned from those
activity. Listen to responses and note any misconceptions to this point.
2. Have students write the key question in their science notebook. Ask them to take a few
moments and think-pair-share with a partner and to write their preliminary thoughts in
their notebook.
3. Regroup and ask students to share their preliminary thinking. Use this opportunity to
check for student understanding.
4. Tell students that they are going to use the ramps, sliders, and spheres to design an
experiment to answer the key question. Ask students: Using the materials provided,
what is a testable question we can ask to find the answer to our key question? Provide
students time to think-pair-share. Have students report out and list the questions on the
board or on chart paper.
5. Lead a discussion by asking students to discuss the questions listed on the board or
chart paper. Focus on which are testable questions and which are not. Remember that
testable questions are used to create experiments that can be tested.
6. Have students decide on a testable question as a class that connects with our overriding
key question. The question should be something like: How much mass do I have to add
to the slider to cause no change in motion when the sphere is released into the slider?
1. Distribute the materials. Ask students to discuss with their group how they will set up an
experiment to test the testable question we established as a class. Have groups report
out their ideas to the class prior to beginning so you can ensure that groups are on the
right track. The rest of this lab is written up with a sample of how the experiment can be
completed. Allow students to complete their experiments in various ways as long as they
are following proper scientific procedures.
2. Before starting the experiment, establish these guidelines:
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
All experiments should take place in the area that you designate for each group.
Make sure the sliders are placed even with the end of the ramp for each trial.
The spheres should be released down the ramp – not pushed.
Remember to measure the mass of the spheres AND the mass placed in the
 Re-check the set up before starting each trial.
(Note: If you are using rulers, marbles, and cups instead of commercial ramps and
sliders, have students set the 4 cm mark of the ruler on a textbook to form a ramp.
Designate markings on the ruler at which students should release the marbles.)
Students should take turns releasing the sphere three times from only one level.
Each time students should record the distance the slider travels by measuring in
centimeters from the end of the ramp to the leading edge of the slider. These recorded
data charts should be copied into the student science notebooks by students.
Each test should be repeated for a minimum of three trials with results averaged.
Have students create a bar graph of their data in their science notebook.
Collect one group’s data and create a bar graph on a transparency or project using the
document camera. Display the graph for the class. Discuss the results with the class and
ask if they can see any pattern in the data.
 What mass of the slider made the slider travel farther? Why? (An object’s acceleration
depends on the mass and the force applied. Since we are keeping the force, the push of
the marble, the same and the mass of the slider changes, there will be a difference in
 What mass of the slider caused no motion of the slider? Why? (If the force, the marble
being rolled, and the mass of the slider were balanced, there would be no acceleration,
or motion.)
 From where did the energy come to move the sphere and the slider? (The sphere is
sitting at rest at a level on the ramp; it is not moving, but it has stored energy, called
gravitational potential energy due to its position. When the sphere was released,
potential energy was converted to kinetic energy. When the sphere hit the slider, energy
was transferred from the sphere to the slider and the slider moved.)
 Why did we repeat the experiment? (to ensure more accurate results)
 Was our question testable? Did it provide data for use in answering the key question?
Have students repeat the investigation. Students should compare their results and discuss
similarities and differences in results and the reasons for these.
See other OCPS Essential Labs on Ramps and Sliders.
a. Ramps and Sliders: Friction
b. Ramps and Sliders: Gravity
c. Ramps and Sliders: Mass
 Have students respond to the key question in their science notebooks.
 Ask students to draw a picture of the ramp and slider when the marble hits the slider.
Ask them to label the forces acting on the slider that caused a balance in forces.
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
Review science notebook entries for accuracy in data collection and for understanding of
the key question.
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
Distance Sphere Traveled
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
(divide total by 3)
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
5th Grade Science Notebook Rubric
Preliminary Thinking
Data Collection/
only includes key question
no data or diagrams
above average
Conclusion/ Reflection
key question is written in
the notebook
no evidence or data used
to support preliminary
thinking (data can be
personal experiences,
previous investigations, or
research information)
preliminary thoughts may
not be related to the key
key question is written in
the notebook
limited evidence or data
used to support preliminary
thinking (data can be
personal experiences,
previous investigations, or
research information)
preliminary thoughts are
related to the key question
key question is written in
the notebook
uses data as evidence to
make predictions (data can
be personal experiences,
previous investigations, or
research information)
preliminary thoughts are
related to the key question
no observational data
data charts, graphs, and
tables are not accurate or
not visually appealing
diagrams are missing
scientific labels
no relevant handouts or
other supplemental
material included (where
limited observational data
data charts, graphs, and
tables are not accurate or
not visually appealing
diagrams include some
scientific labels relevant to
the investigation
some relevant handouts or
other supplemental
material are included
(where applicable)
observations are detailed
and include labels where
data charts, graphs, and
tables are mathematically
accurate and visually
diagrams include many
scientific labels that are
relevant to the
all relevant handouts or
other supplemental
material are included
(where applicable)
Grade 5, Big Idea 13
Orange County Public Schools June 2009
conclusion only responds to
key question with no
does not attempt to explain
class data discrepancies
(where applicable)
conclusions have limited
explanations and may not be
linked to evidence
conclusions do not connect
to the investigation and may
relate to irrelevant topics
attempts to explain class
data discrepancies (where
applicable) are incorrect
no connections are made to
real world situations or other
investigations completed in
explains and defends
conclusions using evidence
conclusions connect to the
investigation and refer to
some element of the
attempts to explain class
data discrepancies (where
applicable) are incomplete
connections are made to real
world situations or other
investigations completed in
explains and defends
conclusions using evidence
conclusions connect to the
investigation and refer to
some element of the
accurately explains class
data discrepancies (where
connections are made to real
world situations or other
investigations completed in