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Which operation should you do first? Add? Subtract? Multiply? Divide?
The rule mathematicians have agreed upon is to figure out what is inside the parenthesis
first. This means solving everything inside the parenthesis before moving on to the other
numbers. But what should be done inside the parentheses first?
We can use the following rule:
Parentheses {[(Grouping Symbols)]}
Both multiplication and division are equal in importance. If you have multiplication and
division in the same expression, the default is to solve going left to right.
6 divided by 3 x 4
is 8.
It is NOT 6 divided by 12 or one-half.
Adding and Subtracting are equal in importance to each other. You work left to right
through the expression.
4-2+6-1+4= 11
If you have a combination of operations in an equation, remember to do the order of
operations according to PEMDAS rules. Start with the operations in the parentheses,
calculate any exponents, multiply and divide left to right, then add and subtract left to
11 - (6/3 x 2^2) + 4 =?
(answer: 7)
If you have multiple parentheses, solve the inner-most grouping symbols first, follow
PEMDAS rules inside of the parentheses.
Memorize the order with this mnemonic if you find it helpful:
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Mr. Piotrowski