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Name: ________________________________________
1. The motion of the Earth as it orbits the sun is called a _____________________.
2. The spinning of the Earth on its axis is called a _________________.
3. The period of time it takes the Earth to travel around the sun is called a _____________.
4. The day of the year that has more sunlight than darkness (the longest day) is June 21 and is known as the
_____________________ _______________________.
5. The ___________ ______ _______ ________________ causes the seasons of the year.
6. If the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing summer, then the
Southern Hemisphere is experiencing
7. During the winter, _______________ regions of earth
receive almost 24 hours of darkness.
8. Because the angle that sunlight strikes this area, the _________________ receive 12 hours of direct
sunlight all year long.
9. If the Earth was not tilted there would be no _____________________.
10. Water that falls from the clouds as rain, sleet, snow, or hail
is (4) _______________________.
11. Water vapor changes back into liquid water during (2)
12. Liquid water changes into water vapor during (3)
13. Energy to support the cycling of water in the water cycle
comes from the (1) ______________.
14. The main effect of the water cycle is that it allows water to be ______________________.
15. The process in which producers (plants) take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and make energy for
themselves and other organisms is called _____________________________.
16. During photosynthesis, producers take __________________ _______________ from the environment.
17. Fungi and bacteria that break down the remains of dead organisms are called ____________________.
18. The breaking down of the remains of dead organisms by decomposers, and returning carbon to the
environment, is called ____________________________.
Name: ________________________________________
19. The burning of fossil fuels (combustion) is part of the
________________ cycle.
20. Excessive carbon dioxide that is trapped in Earth’s
atmosphere increases the ____________________
effect which hurts the Earth by increasing global
21. The main effect of recycling carbon within Earth
and its atmosphere is that ________________ can exist.
22. If carbon could not be recycled, life could not exist, because all the carbon would be tied up in
_____________ organisms.
23. There is only a _________________ amount of carbon in the world.
24. Fossil fuels originate from the buried remains of dead _____________________ and are burned by
humans for ____________________.
25. All organisms (producers, consumers, decomposers) release _______________ _________________
into the environment as they burn sugar for energy.
26. The United States is affected mostly by the prevailing
27. Narrow belts of wind that are found in the upper troposphere
and lower stratosphere are the _______ _______________.
28. Areas of low pressure around the equator (0°latitude) with little
or no wind are the ____________________.
29. Areas of high pressure and weak winds found at 30° north latitude and 30° south latitude are the
____________________ ______________________.
30. The ________________ ________________ causes winds in the
northern hemisphere to curve to the right and winds in the southern
hemisphere to curve to the left.
31. The Gulf Stream, which carries warm water to
the North Atlantic Ocean, creates a ____________
climate for Europe.
32. El Nino, the ____________ (cooling/warming) of the
waters of the Pacific Ocean, causes a large change in
weather patterns.
Name: ________________________________________
33. An air mass that forms over water is a ___________________________ air mass.
34. An air mass that forms over land is a _________________________________ air mass.
35. The amount of water vapor in the air is called _________________________.
36. Winds that generally move short distances and can blow from any direction are called _____________
37. Winds that depend on local geography are called ______________ winds.
38. A local wind caused by cooler air moving
from the sea toward the land is called a
_____________ breeze.
39. A local wind caused by cooler air moving
from the land toward the sea is called a
____________ breeze.
40. A local wind created at night when cooler air sinks from the top of a mountain into a valley is a
_________________ breeze.
41. A local wind created during the day when warm air from a valley moves up is a ____________ breeze.
42. A large body of air with the same temperature and moisture throughout is a/an _______ ________.
43. A maritime tropical air mass has air that is _______________and _______________.
44. An area where two air masses come together is called a ________________.
45. A front that occurs when a cold air mass meets a warm air mass and pushes the warm air mass
out of the way is a ______________ front.
46. A front that occurs when a warm air mass meets a cold air mass and pushes the cold air out of the way is
a ____________ front.
47. A front that begins with drizzly precipitation and is followed by warm, clear weather is a __________
48. A front that forms when a warm air mass is trapped between two cold air masses and causes the warm
air to rise is a/an ___________________________ front.
49. A weather system that is an area of high pressure
(anticyclone) always brings _____________ weather.
50. A weather system that is an area of low pressure
(cyclone) always brings _____________ weather.
Name: ________________________________________
A small, intense weather system capable of producing strong winds,
heavy rain, lightening, and thunder is a _____________________
52. Weather that is influenced by fronts, local winds, and upper level atmospheric winds is called
_________________ weather.
53. A line that connects points of equal air pressure on
weather maps is an _________________.
54. A prediction of the weather over the next 3 to 5 days is a weather ___________________.
A small, circular diagram that represents the weather conditions at a weather station is a
______________________ ____________________.
56. A weather instrument used to measure air pressure is
a __________________________.
57. A weather instrument used to measure relative humidity is
a _________________________.
58. A weather instrument used to determine heat energy (temperature) of the atmosphere is a
59. A weather instrument used to measure wind speed
is an _______________________.
60. A weather instrument used to determine the direction of the wind is a ____________ ___________ or
_________________ ________________.
61. A weather instrument used to find the location, movement, and intensity of precipitation and the form of
precipitation a weather system is carrying is ___________.
62. A weather instrument used to provide images of the swirling clouds seen on television weather forecasts
is a ________________________ ______________________.
Name: ________________________________________
63. The weather around Las Vegas is
_____________ and __________________.
64. The weather in Mobile, AL is
______________ and _____________.
65. A __________ front is approaching Boston.
66. A ____________________ is off the southwest
coast of Florida
67. What was the temperature in March?
68. What was the rainfall amount in May?
69. Which month had the warmest average temperature?
70. What month had the coolest average temperature?
71. About what is the difference in average temperatures
between March and October? __________
72. Which month had the most rainfall?______________
Name: ________________________________________
1. revolution
2. rotation
3. a year
4. summer solstice
5. tilt of Earth’s axis
6. winter
7. polar
8. equator
9. seasons
10. precipitation
11. condensation
12. evaporation
13. sun
14. reused over and over again
15. photosynthesis
16. carbon dioxide
17. decomposers
18. decomposition
19. carbon
20. greenhouse / global
21. life
22. dead
23. fixed or limited
24. organisms (plants and animals) / fuel or energy
25. carbon dioxide
26. Westerlies
27. jet streams
28. doldrums
29. horse latitudes
30. Coriolis Effect
31. warmer
32. warming
33. maritime
34. continental
35. humidity
36. local
37. local
38. sea
39. land
40. mountain
41. valley
42. air mass
43. wet and warm
44. front
45. cold
46. warm
47. warm
48. occluded
49. cool and dry
50. warm and wet
51. thunderstorm
52. local
53. isobar
54. forecast
55. station model
56. barometer
57. psychrometer
58. thermometer
59. anemometer
60. wind sock and wind vane
61. radar
62. satellite image
63. cool and dry
64. warm and wet
65. cold
66. hurricane
67. 10 degrees
68. 75 mm
69. July
70. January
71. 5 degrees
72. May