* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name ___________________________ 4.4: Severe Weather and Weather Safety Key Concepts Choose the letter of the best answer. 1. Which type of weather event is caused by a tropical low-pressure system with strong, sustained winds? A. hurricane C. thunder B. lightning D. tornado 2. The following thermometers show water temperatures at four locations in the Atlantic Ocean. Which thermometer represents a location where a hurricane is most likely to form? 3. Temperatures are low at the top of a thunderstorm cloud. Which of the following commonly forms at the top of a thunderstorm cloud? A. acid rain B. air molecules C. ice D. oxygen 4. Thunder often accompanies lightning. Which of the following is true about thunder? A. It is the cause of lightning. B. It moves at the speed of light. C. It is a discharge of static electricity. D. It results from the explosive expansion of air. 5. One type of weather event develops when a thunderstorm meets horizontal winds at high altitude. This causes the warm air that is rising in the thunderstorm to rotate. What type of weather event is being described? A. C. A. hurricane B. lightning C. thunder D. tornado B. D.