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Myoneural Junction
1. The chemical that crosses a neuromuscular gap is _____.
a. sodium
b. a protein
c. a neurotransmitter
d. calcium
2. The gap between the muscle and a nerve is the _____.
a. synapse
b. motor end plate
c. myoneural junction
d. motor neuron
3. The main neurotransmitter involved in skeletal muscle contraction is _____.
a. adrenalin
b. noradrenalin
c. acetylcholine
d. dopamine
4. The part of a nerve cell which is adjacent to the neuromuscular junction is the:
a. dendrite
b. axon
c. medulla
d. motor end plate
e. receptor
5. Motor units:
a. Are found only in cardiac muscle
b. Are largest in muscles responsible for delicate movements
c. Consist of a muscle fiber and all the nerves that supply it
d. Consist of a motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it supplies
e. Are the same as neuromuscular junctions