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Welcome Address of Mr. Hossain Khaled, President, Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (DCCI), at the Seminar on “Regional Connectivity: Opportunity and Challenges for
Bangladesh” organized by DCCI.
Date: 17 October 2015,
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Venue: DCCI Auditorium (5th Floor)
65-66 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM;
Chief Guest
Hon’ble Minister, Mr. Obaidul Quader, M.P, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, Government of
the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, and Chief Guest of today’s programme;
Special Guests of the today’s program
1. Rear Admiral (Retd.) Md. Khurshed Alam, BN, Secretary in Charge, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh
2. H.E. Mr. Hari Kumar Shrestha, Ambassador, Embassy of Nepal in Bangladesh
3. H.E. Mr. Bijay Selvaraj, First Secretary (Commerce/ Commercial Representative), High
Commission of India to Bangladesh
4. H.E. Mr. Yonten Gyamtsho, Counsellor (Trade), Embassy of Bhutan in Bangladesh and
5. Mr. Dibbanjan Roy, Railway Advisor, High Commission of India to Bangladesh
Keynote Paper Presenter
1. Dr. Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Additional Research Director, CPD
Designated Discussants
1. Mr. Mahbubul Alam, Vice President, FBCCI
2. Mr. Moazzem Hossain, Editor, The Financial Express
3. Mr. Mainuddin Monem, Deputy Managing Director, Abdul Monem Ltd and
Hon’ble Consulate of the Czech Republic
4. Dr. Muhammad Shafiullah, Senior Economist, Policy Research Institute
5. Mr. AKD Khair Mohammad Khan, Coordinating Director, DCCI
My Colleagues of the Board of Directors of DCCI
Distinguished Guests and Participants
Representatives of the media, both print and electronic
Ladies and Gentlemen
Assalamu-Alaikum and a very good morning.
On behalf of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) we warmly welcome you all to the today’s
Seminar on “Regional Connectivity: Opportunity and Challenges for Bangladesh”.
DCCI is the prime, oldest and most active chamber of commerce in Bangladesh having a history
of two centuries and active voice of the business community. It has more than 4000 members who
represent a cross-section of exporters, importers, industrialists, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs),
banks and financial institutions. DCCI has been playing major roles towards building capacity of
the private sector to face the challenges of globalization and exploit the emerging opportunities in the
international market through advocacy, negotiation in policy formulation of government and international
agencies since long.
Distinguished Guests;
We would like to congratulate Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Government of
People’s Republic of Bangladesh who was awarded the ‘Champion of the Earth’ due to visionary
leadership and role in sustainable climate and environmental development as well ICTs in Sustainable
Development Award, for important contribution and harnessing the potential of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) for sustainable development of Bangladesh on the occasion of ITU’s
150th anniversary. It is worth mentioning remarkable achievement was gained in UN Millennium
Development Goals having second position of MDG achieving countries. These recognitions have
positioned Bangladesh into new height across the World.
We also like to recognize the time befitting initiative of present government for entering into
the agreement of sub-regional connectivity including India, Nepal and Bhutan.
Ladies and Gentlemen
The present government of Bangladesh has initiated Vision 2021, which targets the country to reach
Middle Income Country (MIC) status with per capita income of US$ 2000 by 2021. The
contribution of Industry to GDP will be 40% by 2021. DCCI made a projection of GDP size of about
US$ 1 trillion where per capita income would be about US$ 6,000 and we are expecting that the
country will be one of the 30th largest economies in the world by 2030. DCCI is confident that
Bangladesh will achieve this growth due to our dynamic private sector, strong economic foundation and
fundamentals, strategic location and, moreover our resilient human resources of mass people.
Distinguished Guests
Global economy is currently undergoing a significant rebalancing. Regional cooperation and connectivity
has brought magnificent instances in many continents especially in Europe and Asia reshaping
intertwined Globalization. The World has already witnessed the regional connectivity of One belt-One
Route connecting Europe and China, South East Europe core Regional Transport Network Development
(SEETO) for 12 countries which has rewarded economic growth and stability. Off late, world has glued
eye and deep concentration on ‘Southeast Asia’ and ‘South Asia’ to play a crucial role in sustaining global
growth. However, ability of South Asia to perform inevitably depends on further growth in ‘seamless and
connected regional economy’ by means of improving physical connectivity, efficient transport systems
along with simpler, smoother border and customs procedures.
Bangladesh is on the crossroads of the new integrated regional connectivity- a new episode
of the multilateral regional cooperation across the South Asia.
Ladies and Gentlemen
The success story of economic growth in South Asia over the past decade is remarkable. South Asia has
emerged as one of the dynamic growth regions in the world, SAARC is the second largest economic
hub of the World with largest population, second largest in area but it is also one of the least
economically integrated. With shared history and culture, the South Asia region has a huge potential for
economic integration. On the other hand, Bangladesh has consistently marked high trend of economic
growth over the past years despite endemic global recession ravaged by many economic heavyweights
and hegemonies. Due to recent unrivalled growth record and potentials of Bangladesh, Global financial
pioneer JP Morgan remarked Bangladesh ‘One of the top five economic front runners’ and City Group
remarked one of the eleven 3G ‘(Global Growth Generating countries)’ and New York Times quoted
Bangladesh ‘Global Export House’. Having observed this trend of growth, World Bank has recently
ranked Bangladesh as the second highest GDP growth (7.4%) countries in Southeast Asia by 2017.
The decision of joining sub-regional connectivity is better to be late than never. It is indeed an opportune
matter and moment that Governments of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal have cemented earnest
intent to strengthen sub-regional economic integration in recognizing the importance of regional
transport connectivity in boosting their competitiveness and accelerating economic growth. As part of this
epoch making initiative, four countries have signed the connectivity agreement ‘BBIN MVA’ (Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India and Nepal Motor Vehicle Agreement) on 15 June, 2015 for movement of goods and
passengers and unlock economic potentials beyond the BBIN countries.
Distinguished Guests
Bangladesh is the largest sub-continental trading partner of India. Moreover, trade between Bangladesh,
Nepal and Bhutan are gradually growing though the growth scale is yet to reach its full potentials. The
trade potential of the four countries has been limited by inadequate trade infrastructure, lags in supply
chain network, tariff and non-tariff trade barriers and absence of regional cooperation. The new era of
trade and economic boom soon will be unveiled once the agreement comes in effect. And, the projected
regional trade will be around $40 billion with 14 percent incremental trade growth, 2 percent of GDP
growth as well impetus in Investment growth to $3 billion over the years paving the way of strengthening
competitive advantages along with multiple rewarding long-term opportunities in regional trade and
business regime. The landmark deal in line with WTO TFA agreement will open up enormous economic
opportunities in South Asian sub-region, reduce cost and time in the transportation of people and goods
leading to more efficient cross-border trading.
Distinguished Guests
The BBIN MVA is the stoning step towards the integration of India-Myanmar-Thailand (IMT) MVA which
will pave easier and affordable road access into ASEAN aligned to Asian highway. Despite this
welcome step, some challenges still need to be addressed to ease the implementation capacity of BBIN
MVA from 2016. Of the BBIN, other than India, remaining member countries lack adequate
communication infrastructure for implementing the MVA. We, on behalf of business communities of
member countries, would like to urge the concerned governments to adopt a coordinated Action Plan and
extend cooperation to improve infrastructure, resolve unresolved non-tariff issues including transport
fees, surcharge and transport vehicles as well modus operandi relating to MVA under the WTO guidelines.
We strongly believe that initiative of regional collaboration can be extended to BCIM One-belt One-road
connectivity. Cross border energy and power connectivity, regional value chain of large and SME business
operation as well new avenues and dimensions in regional economic activities could be potentially
explored. I wish this connectivity will bring in diverse and manifold value and blessing to the socioeconomic condition of large humankind of this region.
Ladies and Gentlemen
I know you all are keen to hear from Honorable Ambassador of Nepal, dignitaries and other expert
discussants. I do believe that their insights and critical remarks will contribute to reinvigorate the subregional-BBIN countries’ trade and economic bondage and strengthen regional integration as well grace
the event.
However before I finish, I would like to express my heartfelt regard and thank to distinguished guests,
participants and my colleagues for vibrant participation and contribution to this event.
Allah Hafez
Mr. Hossain Khaled
Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI)