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In this class we will study U.S. Government at Advanced Placement level. The class will also
include high school level Economics.
Your summer work consists of creating a current events log, reading from the AP
Macroeconomics textbook and answering questions from several chapters along with reading
one chapter from the AP Government textbook and answering questions. We will have a test on
these chapters at the end of the first week of school. Your summer work is due at registration
on August 11th. Please make a photocopy of your work before you turn it in so that you
may use it to study for the test.
Current Events Log
You must follow at least one national news source over the summer. It can be a newspaper, such
as The Los Angeles Times or The New York Times or it can be a national news show on
broadcast or cable television (many are also available online). Be sure you are following a
national news source and not a local one. Your log should have 6-10 articles that are related to
American government or politics. For each article you need to write a one paragraph summary
and one paragraph of analysis. The analysis may include why this article is important, what you
think the impact of this event will be, how it relates to you or your community or how it relates
to something you have learned in a previous class. You must include a citation for each article in
MLA format.
Reading From AP Economics Textbook
Step One: From the library, check out MACROECONOMICS: PRINCIPLES AND POLICY
9TH Edition, William J. Baumol and Alan Blinder, Thompson/South-western, 2003. (Tan
paperback book.) You may check out the textbook beginning on June 20th.
Step Two:
Read Chapters 2-3 (parts of ch1) and answer the questions that begin on the following
pages. Download and answer the questions. You may write or type your answers.
Reading from AP Government Textbook
Step One: From the library, check out Government in America: People, Politics and Policy,
Edwards, Wattenberg and Lineberry, Longman, 2004.
Step Two: Read Chapter 1 and answer the questions beginning on page 5. Download and answer
the questions. You may write or type your answers.
If you have any questions you can email me at [email protected].
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Chapter 2 (& Parts of 1): Scarcity and Choice: The Economic Problem
1. What is the definition of a “market system,” also known as a market economy or “the
market”? (You will find the definition on page 29, then resume reading on page 19.)
2. How does the 2000 debate between Bush and Gore about how to use the surplus illustrate the
problem of scarcity?
3. Define each of the three categories of resources: land, labor and capital. (Hint: capital is not
4. Define opportunity cost.
5. How does the money cost of attending college differ from the opportunity cost of attending
6. Production possibility frontiers (AKA: production possibility curves) show that resources are
limited and to produce more of one output something must be given up. What economic
concepts do they illustrate?
7. Define efficiency.
8. Why does point G on Figure 2-3, p. 24, represent inefficient output? (It is not enough to say,
“because it is not on the production possibility frontier.”
9. List all of the causes of economic inefficiency explained in your textbook. Of these, which is
the most important?
10. In deciding how to produce, societies seek efficient methods. How does specialization
increase efficiency?
11. Why does it usually make sense for a country to import some goods that it could produce
more efficiently for itself? What is the name of this important economic concept?
12. List all of the causes of economic inefficiency explained in your textbook. Of these, which
is the most important?
13. In deciding how to produce, societies seek efficient methods. How does specialization
increase efficiency?
14. Why does it usually make sense for a country to import some goods that it could produce
more efficiently for itself? What is the name of this important economic concept?
15. If you offered to buy a used car from another student for $1000, and he/she accepted, which
of you is worse off because of the agreement? (Assume both parties have the same
information about the condition of the car.)
Chapter 3: Supply and Demand: An Initial Look
16. Why do you need to study the concepts of supply and demand?
17. The quantity demanded for any product is not a given amount, it depends primarily on
18. What do demand schedules indicate?
19. In Figure 3-1, what happens to the quantity demanded of milk as the price increases? What
happens when the price decreases?
20. Why does the demand curve have a negative slope?
21. On Figure 3-1, p. 37, what happens to the quantity demanded of milk when the price of milk
increases from $1.00 to $1.40?
22. If any variable other than price changes, how do we represent that on a graph?
23. Which way would the demand curve shift if consumers want to buy more at every price?
24. If the price of milk changes (other things being equal), will the demand curve shift? If not,
how will the change be represented on a demand graph?
25. How is an increase in consumer income represented on a demand graph for milk?
26. Why does a change in the size or composition of the consumer population shift the demand
27. If the medical profession issues a warning that eating eggs increases the risk of high blood
pressure, how will this appear on a demand graph?
28. If Pepsi increases its price, what will happen to the demand for Coke? Draw a demand
graph illustrating the change in the demand for Coke. (You don’t need a scale of
numbers on the axes of these graphs.) (Use Do and D1 to show this change.)
29. If the price of milk increases, what will happen to the demand for cereal? Illustrate the
change in demand for cereal on a demand graph. (Use Do and D1 to show this change.)
30. Why does an increase in the quantity supplied require that suppliers charge a higher price for
the good or service?
31. A price ceiling is a legal maximum price for which producers can sell their product to
consumers. Producers can sell for a lower price but not for a price higher than the ceiling
price. Why is this called a “ceiling.”?
32. How do price ceilings cause shortages?
33. What is a black market?
34. Why is the black market price higher than the ceiling price or even the equilibrium price the
good would normally sell for?
35. Price floors are legal minimum prices. Goods or services can be sold for higher but not
lower prices. Why are they called floors?
36. What is the result of an artificially high price such as those imposed by a price floor?
37. What happens to many agricultural surplus goods in the U.S.?
Reading from AP Government book Chapter One.
1. Why are the voting rates for young people lower than those of their elders?
2. According to Carpini and Keeter what are three reasons why people should pay attention to
3. Why does voter turnout matter?
4. What are the functions performed by national governments throughout the world?
5. Describe the five criteria for establishing democracy.
6. Describe each of the three contemporary theories of American Democracy.
7. What challenges to democracy does the textbook offer?
8. What are the differences between policy and law?
9. How are a democracy and a republic different?
10. What is a linkage institution?