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(7.2 – pgs. 204-205)
________ _________________– Regulates
what enters and leaves the cell 
maintains __________________ inside the
Also protects and supports the cell
Made of a ________ ____________:
a double layered sheet of lipids (= fatty
_____________________ = “water loving”
 attracted to water
_____________________ = “water
hating”  stays away from water
Lipid bi-layer, Cell membrane, Fig. 7-13, page 204 in book
• When mixed with water (such as ___________________ inside the cell or plasma outside the cell), the
hydrophobic tails cluster together ___________ from the cytoplasm, and the hydrophilic heads are
__________________to the water in the cytoplasm-----this forms the lipid bi-layer.
Cell Membrane:
Cell Membrane = Selectively permeable membrane
(shown below)
______________________________ (also known as
Semi-permeable) = only some molecules can cross
through the membrane and not others.
Centrioles (pg. 199)
Centrioles = are located near the nucleus and help __________________ __________ _______________.
- In ________________ cells, but NOT in plant cells.
Animal Cell
(7.3 Cell Transport, pgs. 208-213)
_________________ _______________: DOES NOT TAKE UP ENERGY FROM THE CELL
= Energy NOT required
Passive transport: _________________ of molecules across the cell membrane without using energy
from the cell
____________________: movement of molecules from area of __________
_______________ to an area of _______ __________________
Diffusion Through Cell Boundaries
___________________: the amount of _____________ in a certain amount of
________________: dissolved particle in a solution
(for example, if I mix sugar into water, sugar is the solute)
• When the concentration of the solute
is the same throughout a system, the
system has reached
Equilibrium, Fig. 7-15, pg. 209 in book
• Even after equilibrium is reached, _________________ will still happen in both directions in ___________
amounts (to maintain equilibrium)
Facilitated Diffusion
__________________________: certain molecules pass through
the cell membrane through _____________________________
– From areas of high to low concentration
– Requires _____ energy from the cell
(Channel proteins are specific to only let certain particles
pass through them)
Example/Question: How is spraying air freshener in a room a demonstration of diffusion?
Active Transport
___________________________ – movement of molecules
__________________ a concentration gradient (from
_______________________ concentration)
-REQUIRES ___________________ FROM THE CELL
______________________ (or Protein Pumps) – proteins in cell
membranes that ____________ __________ to help _______________
(move) molecules across cell membranes
Active Transport of Large Molecules
______________________ – Large molecules moving _______ the
cell (such as food, nutrients, molecules to give the cell energy to
keep it active and alive)
- cell membrane 1___________ the
molecules into a small 2_____________ which
pinches off and forms a 3_________________
which carries the molecules through the cell
Fig. 7-19,
pg. 212
________________________: the cytoplasm extends around something and
____________ it into the cell, or “_________” it.
- (Ex: amoebas engulf food, white blood cells engulf damaged cells or
- Phagocytosis is a specific form of Endocytosis, both are forms of
Active Transport
Fig. 7-20,
Pg. 213
_____________________ – the ________________ of endocytosis, releasing
material _______________________, like wastes or proteins going to
other parts of the body.
-__________________ (holding waste or protein) fuses with cell
membrane and then ________________ the material __________ of the cell.
Endocytosis – sucking things into the cell.
Exocytosis – pushing things out of the cell.
Phagocytosis – “eating” other molecules or cells
Water Movement: Osmosis
Osmosis: ________________ of ______________ across a cell
membrane from areas of higher to lower water concentration
Osmosis, Fig. 7-17
Pg. 210
_______________________: special _____________ _____________ in the
cell membrane that water molecules pass through
****(they need these channels because the hydrophilic tails on the
inside of the lipid bi-layer repels water molecules, and they wouldn’t
be able to get through the membrane without them.)
Is osmosis a type of diffusion? (Look back at the definition of diffusion.)
What type of diffusion is it?
_________________: ____________ concentration
outside cell is ____________ than inside
_________________: ____________
concentration outside the cell is _____________
than inside
_________________: solute concentration inside
and outside the cell is ________________
________________ _______________:
___________ ____ the movement of
______________ into or out of a cell due to concentration gradients
Also known as _______________ _______________: pressure on plant cell walls by water