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1. A little introduction of illnesses.
2. The illnesses in Germany.
3. The illnesses in Spain.
4. The Health in Sweden.
5. The bad habits in USA.
1. A little introduction of illnesses.
Actually, there are avoidable illnesses, for example the obesity. If the people do some
exercise, footing or walk, and have a diet, shout be less obesity people. But, all the
illnesses don’t avoidables, heart diseases illnesses, but the professionals of nursery
are investigating remedies. The principal illnesses are: heart attack, obesity, the rheum,
respiratory breathing and others.
2. The illnesses in Germany.
In the Federal Republic of Germany , the number of sick people is 10 milion, half of the
affected people is younger than 25 years old.
The premature disbled of rheumatism is 200.000 people, and it is increasing 200.000
cases per year.
Also, the diabetes is a common plague in the industrial countries. From the end of The
I World War , there 10 more times the amount of sick people, it is reaching 2,3 milion of
affected people.
The gouht is a metabolism illness, it is also a common plague. All of these illnesses are
caused by food habits, equally the drink of alcohol.
In Germany there are a 2 milion of sick people affected by alcohol, the number of
cases in danger to turn into alcoholics is 3-4 milions.
The Ministery considers this fact as threatening, Mr. Volker Faus opinion is, a twenty
per cent the population suffers micosis, and is an epidemy.
It is worring the amount of gastroenteritis infection, there are a lot of cases the
sallmonellas infection; An effective control of food imported is not possible.
Heart and circulatory diseases are also increasing, hypertension, arteriosclerosis,
neuralgia, metabolism upsets, articulation and vertebra ailment.
An eighty per cent of all these illnesses can be called “civilization illnesses”.
In the contemporany society people are not worry about their health. For example, the
food habits: they eat a hamburger with chips and coca cola, instead of eating a lettuce
salad and grilled meat, then do it very often. And they do not practise any sport, that
generates obesity and then generates heart trouble. The Ministery considers this fact
threatening, naturally! Because if these cases continue increasing, won’t be healtly
people any more.
3. The illnesses in Spain.
A case study by Spain Society of Rheum, saying that illness that caused a half of
temporally disability. The common illnesses are arthritis, lumbago and osteoporosis:
Arthritis is, a degenerate illness characterized by articulation cartilage destroyed
and to become deformed the surface articulation of bone. Produce pain and
limitation in the affected zone.
Lumbago pain, is produced by the lower zone back; the people have lumbago,
could be a muscular contraction, strain ligament of spinal column. Is a pain benign
go away with to be resting and anti-inflammatory.
Osteoporosis, is a reduction the womb bone, predisposed person to suffer fracture
cause for traumatism or without traumatism.
The report manifest a third of Spanish young people go one time on year for received
medical treatment. That it’s the most important for the Rheum:
The Rheum to affect 7 million of people.
The common illnesses are Arthritis, Lumbago pain and
6 million of people consume anti-inflammatory no steroid
one month at year that, generate secondary gastric effects
in more 1.700.000 people and complicate in 120.000 people.
The illnesses the more repercussion in the quality life are lumbago pain, arthritis
and Rheum.
4. The Health in Sweden
The Health Service and Social Welfare are considered activities from the public
responsability sector and they are helped by system of social security. The medical
atention, hospitalarity as well as ambulatory are administrated by 20 provincial
diputations and one municipality.
In 1999 new rules were passed for odonthology atention, whose finality is to satisfy the
needs basic preventive care. Actually, the patient pay the price established by dentist
less the state subsidy.
When a baby is born her parents have the right of a total licence of 15 month without
losing their remuneration. At this period of time can be shared by the mother or the
father they can close when they want it during the first 8 years. One of the 15 month
is reserved for one of the parents ( father, mother) and if they don’t profit it, they lose
the right of it. Moreover, the parents receive a assignation for each son, free of charge
until the child is 16.
Children that receive a regular education after this age, have the right of features to
education. The municipality offers different services like the one of kinder garden,
scholars, recreation centres for after class hours, and for them, subventions are paid.
5.The bad habits in USA.
The tobacco was the first cause of death in USA, in the year 2000, followed by the bad
feeding and lack sport. Even so, if the tendency of eating product rich in greasy and do
sedentary life continue, in short it will be the other way around, the first obesity and
then tobacco.
The Control and the Prevention of Illnesses centres in the USA have analysed the most
common causes of death in the country. Almost, a half of a total of 2’4 million of dead
people can be attributed to avoidable behaviours, as smoking, drinking alcohol, and
lack of sport. In fact, tobacco caused 435.000 of deaths and obesity together with the
lack of sport 400.000
The experts say that, if the problem of obesity is not solver in a few years, it will be the
first cause of death.
Montse Castro, 19 anys.
Vilfrancanca del Penedès
Març 2004