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Instructions for use:
This is a template letter for you to use if there is
information on your credit report that you do not
You need to add your own details. The letter is on
the next page.
You can also add any details that you think will help
the company investigate for you.
Once you’ve made changes print it out and read to
check it.
(Where you see bold and blue text in brackets, you
must edit or delete the text within them.)
(Insert your full name)
(Insert your current address)
(Insert your town)
(Insert your county)
(Insert your postcode)
(Insert your phone number)
(Insert today’s date)
(Insert bank or lender’s name)
(Insert bank or lender’s address)
(Insert bank or lender’s city/town)
(Insert bank or lender’s postcode)
Dear Sir or Madam,
RE: Fraudulent data on my credit report – which you’ve recorded.
I’ve looked at my Experian credit report and there’s (a linked address/a search/an
account (delete as appropriate)) which I believe relates to fraud.
The entry on my credit report which I do not recognise, and I believe relates to fraud
(Either copy and paste the entry directly from your credit report here, or insert
the details of the entry manually. This must include the bank or lender’s name,
the person’s name on the entry, the address the entry is registered to, and the
date the entry was added to your report)
In order to help you with your investigations, I am enclosing:
(A copy of my Passport/Driving Licence/Birth Certificate/Bank Card because
my name or date of birth is wrong (delete as appropriate))
(A copy of my Tenancy Agreement/Mortgage Agreement/Council Tax Bill/utility
bill or bank statement which has been posted to you confirming residency,
because the address is wrong (delete as appropriate))
Please can you investigate this, and let me know whether you’ll be deleting or
amending the data as a result? If you have any queries regarding the information
please contact me using the details above.
Yours faithfully
(Insert your signature)
(Insert your name in BLOCK CAPITALS)