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Name ___________________________
Date ___________
Pd. ________
Study Guide - Chapter 12 - Molecular Genetics
1. What was Hershey and Chase's experiment about? What if both radioactive P and S
were found in the bacteria in their experiment?
2. What is replication?
3. What does DNA replication result in?
4. What is a nucleotide? And what are the parts used in DNA and RNA?
5. What does the structure of DNA look like?
6. How many types of RNA are there?
7. What types of RNA are involved in protein synthesis?
8. What happens during the transcription and what is produced?
9. What happens during the process of translation? What are codons and anticodons
and how are they used in translation?
10. What is a codon and how many bases are needed to specify for an amino acid?
11. Genes contain instructions for what?
12. What is a 1) Chromosomal mutation, 2) inversion, 3) point mutation, 4) translocation,
5) inversion, 6) insertion, 7) deletion, 8)Frameshift mutation, 9) point mutation.
13. If a specific kind of protein is not continually used by a cell, the gene for that
protein is what?
14. What is the lac operon and what is the function?
15. What is a hox gene?
16. What is an exon, intron in gene regulation?
17. What is the central dogma of biology?
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