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The Importance of Bacteria (Prokayotes)
Decomposers: __________________________________________________________into simpler molecules in
__________and in ______________________material such as fallen logs… industrial sewage treatment, helping to
produce purified water and chemicals.
Nitrogen Fixers: Rhizobium bacteria___________________________________________________ on soybeans, beans,
clover ___________________________________________________into a form that is useable by plants.
Nitrogen gas (N2) makes up ___________of Earth’s atmosphere, but __________________________can convert N2 into________________________.
Nitrogen fixation: _______________________________________________________
Ammonia (____) can then be converted to ______________________that plants use,
or attached to ___________ ________that all organisms use.
Photosynthetic prokaryotes (cyanobacteria A.K.A. blue green algae) are among the
_____________________________________ (of _________________ )on the planet.
Food chains are dependent upon _________________________________________
of food and biomass.
Human uses of Bacteria
1. ____________________ is produced by the bacterium Lactobacillus.
2. Some bacteria can ________________________-- and remove human-made waste products and poisons from
3. Other bacteria are used to _______________________and chemicals through the techniques of genetic engineering.
4. Bacteria and archaea adapted to extreme environments may be a rich source of heat-stable enzymes that can be
used in____________________________________________________________________________.
The Importance of Bacteria (Prokayotes)
Decomposers: __________________________________________________________into simpler molecules in
__________and in ______________________material such as fallen logs… industrial sewage treatment, helping to
produce purified water and chemicals.
Nitrogen Fixers: Rhizobium bacteria___________________________________________________ on soybeans, beans,
clover ___________________________________________________into a form that is useable by plants.
Nitrogen gas (N2) makes up ___________of Earth’s atmosphere, but __________________________can convert N2 into________________________.
Nitrogen fixation: _______________________________________________________
Ammonia (____) can then be converted to ______________________that plants use,
or attached to ___________ ________that all organisms use.
Photosynthetic prokaryotes (cyanobacteria A.K.A. blue green algae) are among the
_____________________________________ (of _________________ )on the planet.
Food chains are dependent upon _________________________________________
of food and biomass.
Human uses of Bacteria
5. ____________________ is produced by the bacterium Lactobacillus.
6. Some bacteria can ________________________-- and remove human-made waste products and poisons from
7. Other bacteria are used to _______________________and chemicals through the techniques of genetic engineering.
8. Bacteria and archaea adapted to extreme environments may be a rich source of heat-stable enzymes that can be
used in____________________________________________________________________________.