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Port Said Governorate
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South Educational Administration
Port Said Integrated Language School
Revision sheet final G4
: Complete :
1. ……………… the permanent source of energy, while ………….is one of the
nonrenewable resources.
2. Cars work by …………or……………, while irrigation machines work
3. Static electricity can be generated by……………..objects.
4. The plant cell is characterized by the presence of……………….and ……………..
Sound originates from ……………….
In solar cells, changes into
Sound originates due to ...............................of objects.
Force is the effect that changes................of the body
9. The organ which is found in both of the respiratory and digestive system
is.................,while the organ which separates the thoracic cavity from the
abdominal cavity is…………………………………….
10.…………………in the mouth grind food
11.…………………….is found in the thoracic cavity and it is surrounded by
12.In the human body, each organ consists of a group of ........................ that
consists of smallest units called ...................
13....................... muscle helps in the mechanism of respiration.
14.The plant cell is surrounded by ......................, while ........................ fluid fills
15.At the top of trachea, there is ...................... that is called voice box.
16................. and ................. are examples for unicellular organisms.
17.In the photosynthesis process, the plants absorb .................. and ................... from
soil and ...................... from air.
18.The nose is lined with warm the .................... air before
entering the two lungs.
19.......................... is lined with ...................... to eject up the strange objects
such as food particles.
20.The nose is lined with .................... layer which filter the air from
....................... & ..................... before it enters the lungs.
21.............................. is a muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the
..................... cavity.
22.During the ........................ process, the thoracic cavity enlarges and the ribs
23....................... and ..................... are examples of unicellular organisms.
24..................., ........................ and circulatory systems are from the systems of
the human body.
25.- When you rub your hands together, _______ energy changes into
_________ energy.
26.- We get ________ energy from the solar cells.
27.- In a solar heater, ______ energy changes into _____ energy.
28. – Solar cell change ----------- energy into -----------energy.
29. – Coal, petroleum and natural gas are ---------30.resources of energy.
31. – Wind and water falls are--------- resources of energy .
32.- In the guitar, _______ energy changes into _______ energy.
Answer the following:
1. Use the following words to form a food web: sun light – cotton plant- locustfrog- snake- falcon- wheat plant- rat. P.108
2. Rearrange the following words to form a food chain: aquatic insects- big fishalgae- small fish. (start with the producer: algae)
3. Locust- green plant- snake- hawk- frog. (start with the producer)
: Put ( √ ) or ( × )
1. Digestive canal starts with mouth and ends with anus.
( )
2. Absorption process takes place after digestive in small intestine .
3. Alveoli have thick walls to allow gases exchange .
4. The electric fan changes sound energy to heat energy .
5. Nonrenewable energy is the energy that cant renew itself.
6. The digestion of protein occur in mouth
7. Digested food absorbed in the stomach
8. Gastric juice digests fats
9. Saliva digests protein
10.Bile juice helps the digestion of fats
: Choose the correct answer :
1. Liver secretes ---------------- juice
( bile – gastric – saliva )
2. Force measuring unit is -----------------------( Newton – meter – kg )
3. ………………are examples of producers
( Algae –Birds –Cows )
1) The device which produces electric energy is…………………………
a) piano.
b) fan.
c) battery.
d) heater.
2) ………………………is renewable energy resource .
a) coal.
b) wind.
c) petroleum.
d) natural gas.
3) Yeast fungus is used in the manufacture of ………………….
a) alcohol.
b) papers.
c) wood.
d) fire extinguishers.
4) Which of the following living organisms is not a producer
a) green algae.
b) wheat plant.
b) Corn plant.
d) fungus.
5- _________ is one of the applications that depend on engine pushing force in
b- Electric lift
c- Bicycle
d- Electric sewing machine
6- _________ is one of the applications that depends on force in rising heavy
a- Crane
b- Blender
c- Wheelbarrow
d- Electric fan
7- The wheelbarrow is moved by the effect of _______
a- water pushing force c- air pushing force
b- hand pushing force d- motor pushing force
9 – Solar heater changes solar energy into ……..... energy.
chemical )
(heat – light –
10 – Which of the following groups are considered as renewable resources of
A – Wind, water falls, sun.
B – Coal, petroleum and natural gas.
C – Wind, water falls and rising and ebb tide.
11 - --------is formed when electric charges remain on an object.
(Static electricity - light - current electricity)
12– The source of electric current called ------------.
(switch - wire - battery )
) Write the scientific term:
1. The building unit in the living organism body ………………
2. Electric charges that flow through connecting wires for long distances
3. The main source of energy on earth's surface ……………………
4. A device used to change light energy into electric energy ……………………….
5. A group of overlapping food chains representing the flow of energy
through living organisms ………………..
6-The effect which changes the state of object .
7-A device used to change light energy into electric energy
8-A group of overlapping food chains representing the flow of energy
through living organisms.
) Write the scientific term:
1) It is the process by which the human obtain energy from digested food.
2) The required gas for respiration process.
( ………………………)
A gas that is produced in the exhalation process and turns clear lime water
4) A common path between esophagus and trachea. ( ………………………)
5) An organ found at the top of trachea and called the voice box.
( ………………………)
6) A process by which oxygen gas enters the lungs. ( ………………………)
7) A process by which carbon dioxide gas and water vapor are expelled outside the
( ………………………)
8) A muscular membrane that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal
( ………………………)
9) The gas that turns the clear lime milky.
( ………………………)
It is used to close and open the electric circuit…………………….
The energy stored in the spring
12) A system that digests and absorb food
( -------------- )
A system that carries out respiration process ( -------------- )
A system that helps the body getting ride of harmful substance
( -------------- )
A system that carries out the transport function in the human being.
( -------------- )
The organ that mixes food with saliva
( -------------- )
A liquid that is secreted in the mouth and helps in digestion of starch
( -------------- )
A muscular tube allows food to pass from pharynx to stomach
( -------------- )
An organ that is responsible for incomplete digestion of protein
( -------------- )
The organ that secretes bile juice
( -------------- )
The juice that is secreted from the liver and affects fats digestion
B- What is the function/use of each of the following?
1-The cilia in trachea.
2- The pulleys.
3- Gears in machines…………………………………………………….
4- Blood capillaries inside the
5-green plastids………………………………………………………………….
B) - Give Reasons for each of the following:
1. We should breathe through nose
2. Attraction of small paper bites to a rubbed ruler by hair:-
3- Battery is a main part in the electric circuit.
4- It is preferred to use natural gas other than coal.
5- All food chains begin with producers.
6- Green algae are considered as producers
7-Decomposers are very important in our environment.
I. Compare between the following:
1. Inhalation and exhalation.
The diaphragm muscle contracts
The diaphragm muscle relaxes and
and moves down.
moves up.
The thoracic cavity enlarges.
The thoracic cavity becomes
The air rich in oxygen enters the
The air rich in carbon dioxide
two lungs through the nose.
moves outside the lungs through
the nose.
2. Bile juice and pancreatic juice.
Bile juice
Pancreatic juice
Produced by the liver.
Produced by the pancreas.
Helps to digest fats.
Helps to digest sugar.
3. Producers, consumers and decomposers.
Are living organisms
Are living organisms
Are living organisms
that can make their
that depend on
that get their food by
own food by
producers directly or
decomposing the
themselves through
indirectly to get their
organisms’ wastes as
dead bodies and plant
remains and decayed
Examples: green
Examples: cows,
Examples: bacteria and
plants, algae, types of sheep, lion, man,
fungi as bread mould
snake, hawk, fish.
Cell parts
1. Chloroplasts
Plant cell
Animal cell
2. Cell wall
3. Nucleus
4. Cytoplasm
5. Shape
6. Cell membrane
Match a part from column (A) to the right part from column (B).
Large intestine
The cell
is secreted by liver to digest fats.
is a common cavity leads to the
esophagus and trachea.
is assembled the undigested food.
is secreted by liver to digest fat.
is changing food from a complex form
into a simple form to let the body get
3 - Correct the underlined words.
1- Gases exchange take place in trachea.
2- Tissue is made up of a symmetric set of organs.
3- Coal is considered as the cleanest type of fuel
4- In the electric heater, the electric energy is changed into chemical energy.
Absorption of food occurs in anus
---------------------------------------------------------------------Label the following figure: