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Unit 11 Test WW I
1. Which of the following describes the reaction of the German Kaiser following the assassination of the
Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
a. He argued that a European summit be held to possibly bring about a mediated
b. He urged Austria to invade Serbia because he feared that the crisis could destroy
c. The Kaiser remained indecisive on what to do and basically waited while events
unfurled around him
d. The Kaiser immediately sent troops into Russia to make sure the Russians could not
to the aid of their Serbian allies
e. The Kaiser urged France and Great Britain to practice restraint before coming to the
assistance of the Serbs
2. The two crises over Morocco in the early twentieth century almost brought about war between
a. England and France
b. England and Morocco
c. France and Germany
d. Italy and Germany
e. Italy and France
The Preceding poster reveals the extent to which
a. women were encouraged to leave the factories when their husbands came home
b. women were a critical part of the war effort
c. women needed to be careful while working in munitions factories
d. women were undereducated until the end of the war
e. women needed to be convinced to work in the factories because they were uninterested
in the war effort
4. At the start of the First World War the various Socialist parties in Europe
a. waited to see if the war would be over quickly before committing to a particular
b. refused to vote for war credits for their governments
c. quickly organized the third international to rebuild socialism as a political force
d. supported their nation’s war efforts
e. voted to support the war only if certain critical demands were immediately met
5. In 1915 Italy made the decision to
a. enter the war on the side of the central powers
b. enter the war on the side of the entente powers
c. stay neutral
d. wait until the United States entered the war
e. hold a plebiscite on the question of whether to enter the war
6. The collapse of the Russian Provisional Government in November 1917 resulted from the
a. refusal to remove the Tsar
b. inability to collect taxes
c. refusal to call elections’
d. banning of the Bolshevik party
e. insistence on keeping Russia in the war
7. The building of a large German navy in the first decade of the twentieth century greatly antagonized
a. Italy
b. France
c. Great Britain
d. Russia
e. The United States
8. By 1917 the biggest problem facing the French army was
a. a shortage of shells
b. the anticipated withdrawal of British forces from the Western front’
c. Germany’s capture of Verdun
d. mass desertion’
e. the refusal of some soldiers to fight
9. President Wilson’s Fourteen Points called for all of the following except
a. national elf-determination
b. the creation of the League of Nations
c. decolonization in Africa
d. a peace without reparations
e. the end of secret treaties between nations
10. The Irish Easter Rebellion of 1916 witnessed an attempt to
a. create an independent Irish republic
b. force the British out of Northern Ireland
c. recognize Catholic rights in Northern Ireland
d. force the British to step back from their plans to partition Ireland
e. provide dominion status for the southern countries
11. One major consequence of the First World War was
a. a long period of peace and stability in Europe
b. the reestablishment of the Ottoman Empire
c. the start of the Russian Revolution
d. greater prosperity for Great Britain and France
e. greater Italian influence In European diplomacy
12. The correct order of the declarations of war are as follows
a. Austria, Russia, Serbia United Kingdom, Germany, France
b. Austria, Russia, Germany, France, United Kingdom
c. Russia, Germany, Austria, France, United Kingdom
d. Serbia, Austria, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, France
e. United Kingdom, Serbia, Austria, Russia, Germany, Turkey
13. The primary reason Britain joined the Triple Entente was
a. out of its growing fears of a strong German Navy and German global Imperialism.
b. out of its growing fears of a strong Russian Navy and Russian global Imperialism
c. It would balance out the powers of Europe
d. It was part of the 1878 congress of Berlin agreements
e. none of the above Britain did not join the Triple Entente
14. All of the following were part of the Ottoman Empire except
a. Bosnia and Herzegovina
b. Serbia
c. Cyprus
d. Montenegro
e. Gibraltar
15. “A war to defend law liberty and progress against the Germans who violated national sovereignty
and international law” was the way in which this country gained support on the Home Front
a. Germany
b. Britain
c. France
d. Austria
e. Russia
16. Match the year with the Battle
a. Verdun
1. 1916
b. Gallipoli
2. 1915
c. Tannenberg
3. 1914
d. Belleau Wood
4. 1918
e. Paris Peace Conference 5. 1919
a. 12345
b. 15423
c. 54321
d. 32451
e. 13245
17. In France it was a period characterized by optimism, peace at home and in Europe, new technology
and scientific discoveries.
a. Belle Époque
b. Home Rule
c. Entente Cordiale
d. “Peace, land, and bread”
e. Dual Alliance
18. The Bosnian crisis demonstrated…
a. Pan-Slav Nationalism could be successful
b. British Commonwealth was dedicated to the preservation of Bosnia
c. that all of Europe could go to war over what happened in the Balkans
Three Emperor’s League was intact
e. Plan XVII was not going to work in Europe
19. In 1917 - The Germans resume unrestricted submarine warfare with the intention of
a. knocking Britain out of the war
b. keeping America out of the war
c. destroying the supply routes to Russia
d. preventing the fall of Gallipoli
e. none of the above
20. The new government of Germany following the treaty of Versailles.
a. Freikorps of the German people
b. The Weimar Republic
c. Pan-German League
d. German Weimar Commonwealth
e. Third Reich
21. The Entente Cordiale was an understanding between
a. France and Russia
b. Italy and France
c. Belgium and England
d. England and France
e. Italy and England
22. Area of tension between Britain and Russia prior to WWI and a needed route to supply each other
during WW I
a. Verdun Straits
b. Dardanelle Straits
c. Straits of Gibraltar
d. Straits of Tannenberg
e. Crimean peninsula
23. What was the purpose of the German Schlieffen Plan
a. A peace initiative
b. Economic revival
c. An alliance system
d. Military strategy
e. Imperialistic expansion
24. The Treaty of Rapallo of 1922 was signed between
I. Austria II. Russia III. England IV. Germany V. France
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. III and IV
d. I and V
e. II and IV
25. What caused the most casualties in WW I
a. out dated tactics against modern weapons
b. superior firepower by the Germans
c. unrestricted submarine warfare
d. The fighting style of the Young Turks
e. The use of Gas as a weapon
26. Many felt WWI would be over by Christmas 1914 - why wasn't it?
a. Everyone involved had over-estimated the overwhelming offensive strength of the armed
b. Once the German advance on the Western Front had been halted neither side was able to
progress stalemate was reached
c. Neither side was able to defeat the other quickly enough, so both sides just gave up and
went home
d. British, German and French troops stayed in the trenches in order to celebrate Christmas together
e. The British use of tanks during the first battle guaranteed the war would continue
27. The Somme offensive was specifically planned partly with the intention of drawing German troops
away from which other battle front?
a. Ypres
b. Verdun
c. Eastern Front
d. Gallipoli
e. Jutland
28. March 15, 1917 saw the end of
a. The 300-year-old Romanov dynasty in Russia
b. William II of Germany abdicated under pleasure from his own people
c. The Ottoman Empire dissolved and Turkey became the only surviving part
d. Habsburg rule in the Austrian Empire
e. United States Neutrality
29. March 3, 1918, At Brest-Litovsk
a. Russia and Austria signed a treaty
b. Poland became an independent nation
c. Germany and Russia signed a treaty
d. Germany asked England for peace but not France
e. Turkey declared its independence from the Ottoman Empire
30. In 1918 this took more lives than actual combat
a. Exposure to gas that remained in captured trenches
b. Tetanus caused by cuts from barb wire
c. Influenza that spread throughout the ranks
d. Trench foot and trench mouth
Nothing took more lives than combat this was the bloodiest year o the war.
31-33 refer to the 1908 cartoon from PUNCH magazine
Poker and Tongs
Or how we’ve got to play the game
Kaiser “I go three Dreadnoughts.”
John Bull “Well, just to show there’s no ill-feelings, I raise you three
31. Which of the following was the most significant factor contributing to the rivalry depicted in the
a. British and German competition for influence in the Balkans
b. Britain’s economic reliance on an overseas colonial empire
c. efforts by the British government to prevent the unification of Germany
d. Agitation by German and British industrial workers trying to maintain high levels of
32. The rivalry depicted in the cartoon had which of the following effects on European politics in the
period before the First World War?
a. It undermined Germany’s efforts to isolate France diplomatically
b. It spurred widespread support for international disarmament
c. It triggered political crises in Germany and Britain caused by resistance to high levels of
military spending
d. It encouraged other European powers to attempt to match the size of the British navy
33. Which of the following best describes the intended purpose of the cartoon?
a. to argue for the desirability of more naval cooperation between Britain and Germany
b. to criticize the insular culture of British and German naval officers
c. to portray the British naval buildup as a justifiable reaction to a German threat
d. to criticize the aristocratic dominance of the British and German officer corps