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Introduction to Short Story Unit: Morality and Society
The short story unit is intended to explore shorter fiction that is packed with moral dilemmas and
tightly drawn characters. The purpose of reading these tales is to encourage the questioning of
our society as well as our own personal behavior. Each story is followed by questions, writings,
and activities designed to provoke critical thinking about the issues the story raises. Many of
these will ask your opinion—don’t be afraid to be bold and honest.
Morals: ___________________ Defined as: a ________________________ standard of
behavior that determines what one believes is right or wrong; morals are based on what one’s
________________________ suggests is right or wrong
Ask yourself: Do I think it’s right/ wrong?
Example: You believe it is morally wrong to eat meat, so you choose to be a vegetarian.
What is something you consider moral or immoral that might be different from someone else?
Ethics: ___________________ Defined as: moral principles that govern one’s behavior, usually
determined by_____________________, ___________________, etc.; ethics are consistent with
_____________________ principles of correct moral conduct
Ask yourself: Does society deem this appropriate?
Example: Society believes that it is unethical for your employer to reveal your salary to your coworkers.
What is something else that society or religion deems unethical?
Legality: ___________________ Defined as: the state of being allowed under ______________
Ask yourself: Is there a law prohibiting this?
Example: Society believes it is wrong to steal, so we create laws against theft and burglary.
What else is illegal in American society?
Side note: The words "ethics" and "morals" are frequently used interchangeably.
 Ethics refer to behavior customary in our culture or society. Ethics may change as a
person moves from one society to the next.
 Morals refer to personal standards of right and wrong. Morals do not change as a person
moves from one society to the next.
How they connect: Morals, ethics and legality often work in a progression; this means that
when something is illegal, chances are it’s also unethical and immoral. However, something can
be legal and ethical, but still considered by some to be immoral.
1. What is something you consider immoral, but society has deemed ethical?
What is something that is currently illegal, but you consider ethical and moral?
2. What is something that society generally deems unethical, but it is legal?
Moral Dilemma: a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental _______________
between the moral standards of oneself and the ethical standards of society.
Situation #1:
A pharmaceutical company discovers an enzyme that neutralizes cancerous cells. In effect, they
have discovered the cure to cancer! However, the enzyme is naturally occurring and therefore
cannot be patented or copyrighted, meaning the company has no way to corner the market for its
sale. Instead of releasing the news to the public, the company instead decides to quietly shelve
the discovery until such a time that they can make a profit.
Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal implications of this scenario:
Situation #2:
A man is in the hospital, suffering from stage 3 cancer. The chemotherapy makes him nauseated,
weak, and unable to eat. Desperate to help his father, his son illegally acquires marijuana. He
gives it to his father in a brownie and is pleased to see him eat solid food for the first time in
Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal implications of this scenario: