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Department of Anaesthesiology
J. N. Medical College, AMU, Aligarh
D. No.
- Anaesth. /DAA
Dated: 30.08.2012
Revised syllabus for Diploma Anaesthetic Assistant (DAA) -------First Year
Session 2012 – 2013,
(Revised and effective w. e. f. August 2011)
At the end of each Lecture/Demonstration, likely questions from that chapter may be given to the
students for examination purposes.
1st year
1st Paper
(Paper Code – DAA – 101)
Basic Science
A. Basic principles of Physics & Chemistry as applied in Anaesthesiology
1. Safety measures against electrical hazards as applied in OT & ICU. What is static electricity ?-SH(1)
2. Chemicals used n OT complex e.g. Antiseptic, Disinfectants, Fumigants etc, their properties & functions.-SMA(1)
3. Methods of (1) prevention of heat loss as in case of infants & neonates (2) increasing heat loss to bring down
temperature.-SNJ (1)
B. Anatomy of human body
Anatomy of respiratory system, mouth, Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchus, Lungs, Pleura-SB(1)
Chest, chest wall, Mammary glands, Mediastinum, Chest cavity & its contents etc.-HA(1)
Cardiovascular System, Vein, Artery, Pericardium, Chambers & Valves of heart etc.-AN(1)
Vertebral column, Spinal cord, Epidural space, subarachnoid space, CSF etc.-HU(1)
CNS, PNS, ANS, Cranial nerves, Spinal nerves etc.-AQ(1)
Genitourinary – (male & female) system-SNJ(2)
Extremities and Joints-HU(2)
Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary system-OAS(1)
C. Physiology of human body
Physiology of respiration & respiratory failure-SMA(2)
Physiology of cardiovascular system, pulse, BP, etc.-AN(2)
Body fluids, electrolytes, haemostasis, Coagulation, BT. CT. etc.-HA(2)
Physiology of gastrointestinal system including Nausea & Vomiting-OAS(2)
Functions of liver & gall bladder- OAS(3)
Physiology of kidney.-HA(3)
Pain, shivering, shock, sweating, delirium and their effects on body physiology-QEA(1)
D. Pharmacological principles as applied in clinical settings.
1. Routs of administration of drugs: oral, intramuscular, intravenous, inhalational, intranasal, intrathecal, mucosal /
buccal, Subcutaneous, intradermal, rectal etc.-QEA(2)
2. Differentiation between drug overdose, side effects, allergic and anaphylactic reactions.-OAS(4)
3. Expiry date, cold chain maintenance for drugs/vaccines.-SB(2)
First Year
2nd Paper
(Paper Code, DAA – 102),
Basic Sciences applied to Patient Care
A. Pathology
Haematology – Basic concept of blood, plasma & serum, Hb, TLC of RBC & WBC, DLC, Platelets-SNJ (3)
Blood sugar – Fasting, PP, Random, serum proteins & Electrolytes-SMA (3)
Blood groups, Blood Collection & Preservation, Blood component therapy, Blood bank roundup-AQ (2)
Preservation, Collection &transport of specimen – Blood especially for ABG & urine, stool, aspirate, biopsy of
different tissues, sputum, CSF.-AN (3)
Concept of Benign and Malignant growth, protection against Ca-HA (4)
B. Microbiology
1. Introduction to the subject, various terminologies. Common microorganism e.g. bacteria, virus, parasites, fungus,
protozoa, spores etc.-MMHS (1)
2. Control of bacterial/viral infections and spread, bacterial culture & sensitivity-AN (4)
3. Route & mode of transfer of microbes from patient/ linen/specimen to another person e.g. doctor, technician etc
prevention of transfer , infection control & antimicrobials-SMA (4)
4. Immunity, vaccination specially against hepatitis B, HIV, blood transmissible diseases-SH (2)
5. Sterilization, disinfection, fumigation of OT ,ICU & Pain Clinic-OAS (5)
6. Common disinfectants & antiseptic:- uses, problems with their uses & management thereof-SNJ (4)
7. Consequences of working with infected patients/ samples, universal precautions, waste management – SB (3)
C. Patient care
1. Identification of various parts of different types of suction machine & Boyles machine.-QEA (3)
2. Preparation of patient for operation and checking of consent, whether it has been taken or not Checking of PAC
proforma whether patient has been declared fit or not.-AQ (3)
3. Preanaesthetic care of the patient about OT dress, hair cover, wrist watch, ornaments, artificial dentures –
removable/irremovable, hearing aids, contact lenses, spectacles, artificial limbs etc.-MMHS (2)
4. Transfer of conscious, unconscious, restless, blind, pregnant, gynaecological, cardiothoracic, paediatric preoperative
patients to operation table with due care & cover-SNJ (5)
5. Hand scrubbing & washing and use of gloves by anaesthesia technicians.-SB (4)
6. Setting up of anaesthetic trolley/Boyles Machine before – during – after use.-SH (3)
7. Preparation of difficult intubation set/ trolley.-QEA (4)
8. Different position on OT table & related problems, mal position, pressure on nerves etc.-HU(3)
9. Preparation for IV line, items required-SH(4)
10. Equipments required for bladder catheterization, Ryles tube suctioning, Lavage & endotrachial suction.-SMA(5)
11. Position making & preparation of part for regional anaesthesia and required undressing.-HU(4)
12. Sterilization of various anaesthetic equipments: - Boyles Anaesthesia machine, Circuits, Masks, LMA, ETT,
Laryngoscopes & its blades etc.-HA(5)
13. Preparation of OT for GA & RA.-MMHS(3)
14. Basics of CPR – only BLS.-AN(5)
15. Transfer of operated patient with due care & cover from operation table to PACU/ ward with clear post operative
orders, record, belongings etc.-MMHS(4)
16. Moral, ethical & legal responsibilities of Anaesthesia technician regarding patient care in the light of consumer
protection act.-AQ(4)
17. Role of anaesthesia technicians in assisting doctors during radiological investigation – Plain x-ray, radio opaque
skiagrams, USG, CAT scan, MRI etc.-QEA(5)
-318. Equipments required for patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) & nerves / regional blocks-HU(5)
MMHS=Prof. Mohd Masood Husain Siddiqi, SB= Prof. Shahjahan Bano, SH= Prof. Shahla Haleem,
AQ=Prof. Abdul Quadir, SNJ=Dr. Shahin Nikhat Jamil, QEA=Dr. Qazi Ehsan Ali, SMA=Dr. Syed Moied Ahmed,
HU= Dr. Hammad Usmani, AN=Dr, Abu Nadeem, OAS= Dr. Obaid Ahmed Siddiqi, HA=Dr. Hussain Amir
First Year
Practical I,
Paper Code DAA – 1P1,
Machine & equipments
1. Medical gases:- Cylinders and Piped gas supply, O2 & N2O as gases-MNA
2. Laryngoscopes – all types and their blades, including airtraq-NT
3. Anaesthesia machines - nomenclature, functioning, checking-VK
4. Halothane & Sevoflurane Vaporizors-MS
5. Anaesthesia Breathing system/ circuits-ZSA
6. Oral, nasal airway, ILMA , LMA & proseal LMA and other supraglottic devices like I-gel-AC
7. Endotracheal tubes- all types / all sizes-BD
8. Double luman Tubes , Combitubes-MNJ
9. Light wand and LMA-NT
10. Connectors, mounts, foreceps, stylet / bougies etc-MNA
11. Suction apparatus, sucton catheters, jars- VK
12. Masks for oxygen therapy & ventilation-MS
13. Ambu resuscitator & B.P. instruments-ZSA
14. BLS – hands on Mannikin- AC
15. Spinal, epidural needles & spinal, epidural catheters- BD
16. Ryles tube, vacuum drains, ICTD, catheters-NT
17. Infusion, transfusion & micro drip sets, paedia set, flow regulators, intracath sizes / colour coding-MNJ
18. Closed circuit and scavengers, how to change soda lime/ bara lime-VK
First Year
Practical II,
Paper Code DAA -1P2
1. Drugs used for preanaesthetic medication – common & special-MS
2. Induction Agents:- Intravenous & Inhalational-MNA
3. Neuromuscular transmission , Muscle Relaxants, reversal agent- ZSA
4. Anaesthetic gases-AC
5. Antihistaminics – H1 & H2 receptor blockers-BD
6. Local anaesthetic drugs-MNJ
7. Antiemetic agents- NT
8. Analgesics-MNA
9. Different types of fluids-VK
10. Other drugs in common use:- antibiotics, bronchodilators, antacids-MS
11. Emergency drugs-ZSA
Anaesthetic Drugs
MNA=Dr. Md. Nesar Ahmed, BD= Dr. Bikramjit Das, MNJ=Dr. Mohd Naseem Jawed, NT=Dr. Nazia Tauheed,
VK=Dr. Vishwanath Kumar, MS=Dr. Mohammad Sarfraz, ZSA=Dr. Zaid Saghair Ahmed, AC=Dr. Anjali Chauhan
(Dr. Hammad Usmani)
Incharge Teaching Schedule,DAA
(Dr. S. N. Jamil)
Teacher Incharge,DAA
(Prof. Shahla Haleem)
Chairman & Incharge DAA
Department of Anaesthesiology
J. N. Medical College, AMU, Aligarh
– Anaesth. / DAA
D. No.
Dated 30.08.2012
Syllabus for Diploma Anaesthetic Assistance (DAA)---- Final Year
Session 2012 – 2013
(Revised and effective w. e. f. August 2011)
At the end of each Lecture/Demonstration, likely questions from that chapter may be given to the
students for examination purposes.
Final Year
3rd Paper,
Paper Code DAA – 201,
Clinical application of Basic Concepts
A. Clinical Anaesthesiology
1. Duties and responsibilities in OPD. Equipments needed during preanaesthetic checkup.-SB(1)
2. Preparation of Anaesthesia Trolley for General / Regional anaesthesia.-MMHS(1)
3. Introductory outline of General Anaesthesia & regional anaesthetic techniques:- Brachial Block, Spinal, Saddle
block, Epidural, Caudal Anaesthesia,-OAS(1)
4. Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia.-HU(1)
5. Aims and drugs used for preanaesthetic Medications.-SH(1)
6. O.T. table and its attachments, ICU bed, Trolley, Wheelchair OT light, cold light, electrocautery,-AQ(1)
7. Equipments for clinical & noninvasive monitoring of vital signs of patients.-SH(2)
8. Equipments needed for oxygen therapy in OT;PACU,ICU, Casualty, Ward.-SMA(1)
9. Items required for management of airway --- simple & normal, difficult, CICV, tracheostomy,-SMA(2)
10. BLS & ACLS – hands on mannikin.-AN(1)
11. Recognition & diagnosis of cardiac arrest/ Respiratory arrest, assistance in CPR/BLS in OT, PACU, ICU,
Casualty &Ward.-QEA(1)
12. Care of blood, blood products, cross checking of blood pouch label from case sheet of the patient, keeping all
drugs ready for managing blood transfusion reaction.-MMHS(2)
13. Which fluid & why ? – in the preoperative period in various age groups for different types of operations in
elective as well as emergency surgery.-HU(2)
14. Inhalational anaesthetic agents & related appliances for their use.-AN(2)
15. Intravenous anaesthetic agents & related instruments for their use.-SB(2)
16. Local anaesthetic agents & MAC.-HU(3)
17. Balanced anaesthesia, various types of muscle relaxants, reversal agent.-OAS(2)
B. Basic concepts of allied specialities.
Special considerations in general surgery cases e.g. thyroid surgery etc.-QEA (2)
Shock, Assistance in managing shock, classification of shock not required.-QEA (3)
Special considerations for plastic surgery operation e.g. Cleft lip, Cleft palate.-AN (3)
Special considerations in Paediatric surgeries.-SNJ (1)
Specal considerations in neurosurgical.-AQ (2)
Special considerations for orthopaedic operations.-HU (4)
Special considerations for ENT surgeries-SH (3)
Special considerations for cardiothoracic & vascular surgeries.-HA (1)
Special considerations for ophthalmic surgeries.-MMHS (3)
Special considerations for obstetrical & gynaecological surgeries.-SNJ (2)
C. Medical specialties :1. Only introductory knowledge of the following diseases as a health care worker should know :- Hypertension,
hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes Mellitus, Convulsion, COPD, Asthma & Cardiac diseases –SB (3)
-2Final Year
4th Paper,
Paper Code DAA – 202, Advanced Patient Care & Administration
A. Advanced and Critical Care of Patient.
1. Items required for invasive and noninvasive monitoring of vital signs and their zeroing/calibration in OT and
ICU – and their care.OAS(3)
2. Assisting anaesthesilogists during tracheostomy, venesections, putting CVP & arterial lines, defibrillation &
ACLS etc.-QEA(4)
3. Knowledge of routes and equipments for nutrition & nutrients – enteral & parenterral.-NL(2)
4. Preparation of patient for special investigations e.g. MRI, CT scan, USG, xray, contrast xray, ECG, ABGin OT,
PACU, ICU, casualty & ward.-AQ(3)
5. Care of ventilators and sterilization of infected part.-HA(3)
6. Care of intubated patients in ICU specially in terms of noninvasive / invasive monitors, ETT,IV lines, CVP lines,
7. Sterilization of ICU, prevention of nosocomial infections, Occupational hazards, Quality control of ICU services.
8. Care of patient for organ harvesting e.g. Cornea, Kidney, Liver etc.-SNJ(3)
9. Care of unconscious patient in ICU – trauma victim, poisoning, hanging, snakebite etc. specially in terms of bed
sores, thrombophebitis etc.-SMA(4)
10. Care and maintenance of monitors, instruments of BLS & ACLS etc.-SH(4)
B. Administration :1. Checking of O.T readiness in terms of uninterrupted electric & water supply, Central Pipeline Gas supply,
Coordination with CSU for equipment supply & their sterilization, drug supply, air conditioning of O.T etc.SNJ(4)
2. Role of technicians and awareness about implementation of various health programmes of WHO/govt. of India in
India e.g. related to Polio, TB, AIDS, Malaria. HA(4)
3. Sale/Purchase & Audit of anaesthetic items.-MMHS(4)
4. Operating room discipline, development of attitude to respect human life, social & moral values.-SB(4)
5. Man Power Management :- Posting, Leave, Reporting and leaving time, OT holidays.-AQ(4)
6. Management of critical situations inside O.T. e.g. Fire, Explosion, Law & order problems. AN-4
MMHS=Prof. Mohd Masood Husain Siddiqi, SB= Prof. Shahjahan Bano, SH= Prof. Shahla Haleem,
AQ=Prof. Abdul Quadir, SNJ=Dr. Shahin Nikhat Jamil, QEA=Dr. Qazi Ehsan Ali, SMA=Dr. Syed Moied Ahmed,
HU= Dr. Hammad Usmani, AN=Dr, Abu Nadeem, OAS= Dr. Obaid Ahmed Siddiqi, HA=Dr. Hussain Amir
Final Year
Practical III,
Paper Code DAA – 2P1,
Advanced equipments including Monitors
1. System of Central supply of oxygen, nitrous oxide, air, vacuum-BD
2. Pulse oximeter-MNA
3. Cardio scope and ECG machine-NT
4. Defibrillator-MNJ
6. Capnograph / Capnometer-VK
7. CVP monitor-MS
8. Multichannel monitor & IBP monitoring- ZSA
9. Syringe / Infusion pump-AC
10. Different Different types of Ventilators in OT/ICU-MNA
11. Nebulizers- BD
12. Paediatric Instrument System : - ETT, laryngoscope, Circuits intracath, fluids etc- NT
13. Closed circuits & Scavengers, how to change soda lime?- MNJ
14. Computer System – MS word, Power point, Internet surfing, LCD projection, utility for anaesthesia technicians.
Gas Bank-VK
15. Moisturizers / Humidifiers, Bacterial filters- MS
Final Year
Practical IV,
Paper Code DAA – 2P2,
Applied Aspects of drugs used in Anaesthesia.
Drugs used for preanaesthtic medications:- Common and special-MNA
Concurrent drugs for treatment of medical diseases e.g. hypertension-ZSA
Drugs used during ACLS-AC
Drugs used as anxiolytic & sedatives-BD
Antihistaminics. Allergic reaction-common drugs causing and treating allergic reactions- MNJ
Drugs used as infusions- NT
Colloids & Crystalloids-VK
Opioids through IV/Epidural routes etc- MS
Corticosteroids. Anaphylactic reaction – common drugs causing and treating anaphylactic reactions-MNA
Oxygen, Nitrous oxide, Carbon dioxide as gases-ZSA
Emergency drugs- AC
Savlon, Cidex, Cidex-7, Betadine-lotion/scrub, spirit, Phenyl, Phenol (carbolic acid), Formalin liquid,
Formaldehyde tablets, Ammonia, Potassium permanganate- BD
MNA=Dr. Md. Nesar Ahmed, BD= Dr. Bikramjit Das, MNJ=Dr. Mohd Naseem Jawed, NT=Dr. Nazia Tauheed,
VK=Dr. Vishwanath Kumar, MS=Dr. Mohammad Sarfraz, ZSA=Dr. Zaid Saghair Ahmed, AC=Dr. Anjali Chauhan
(Dr. Hammad Usmani )
Incharge Teaching Schedule, DAA
(Dr. Shahin N. Jamil)
Teacher Incharge, DAA
(Prof. Shahla Haleem)
Chairman & Incharge DAA