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Short Answer/Extended Response Questions (Ch. 9: Cellular Reproduction)
Tentative Test Date: Friday, February 6, 2015
1. Explain why mitosis alone does not produce daughter cells. (2 pts.)
2. Describe the events of each stage of mitosis. (8 pts.)
3. Describe the events of each stage of the cell cycle. (6 pts.)
4. Identify the stage of the cell cycle, and also mitosis, where the cell spends the most time.(2 pts.)
5. Compare cytokinesis in a plant cell and an animal cell. (3 pts.)
6. In the following image (which will be given during the test), identify a cell in each of the following
stages: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. (5 pts.)
7. Explain the relationship between cancer cells and the cell cycle. (2 pts.)
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