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USH: CH 16 Test Review
World War Looms
CH Objective: to trace the rise of dictators, the beginnings of war, and
the American response in the 1930s
Section 1: Dictators Threaten World Peace:
Main Idea: the rise of rulers with total power in Europe and Asia led to
World War II
Why It Matters Now: dictators in the 1930s and 1940s changed the course
of history, making world leaders especially watchful for the actions of
dictators today
Terms & Names to Identify:
1. Joseph Stalin:
2. totalitarism:
3. Benito Mussolini:
4. fascism:
5. Adolf Hitler:
6. Nazism:
7. Francisco Franco:
8. Neutrality Acts:
(1)-identify the types of governments that took power in
Russia, Italy, Germany, and Japan after WWI
Type of
Actions Taken
(2)-describe the details of America’s turn to
isolationism in the 1930s
-Americans Cling to Isolationism
-public is outraged at profits of banks, arms dealers during WWI
-Americans become isolationists; FDR backs away from foreign
-1935 Neutrality Acts try to keep US out of future wars
-outlaws arms sales, loans to nations at war
-Neutrality Breaks Down
-1937 Japan launches new attack on China; FDR sends aid to China
-FDR wants to isolate aggressor
Section 1 Comprehension:
1. Do Geography Skillbuilder on p. 530:
2. Do Geography Skillbuilder on p. 532:
3. How did the Treaty of Versailles sow the seeds of instability in Europe?
-think about:
-effects of the treaty on Germany & the Soviet Union
-effects of the treaty on national pride
-the economic legacy of the war
Section 2: War in Europe:
Main Idea: using the sudden mass attack called blitzkrieg, Germany
invaded and quickly conquered many European countries
Why It Matters Now: Hitler’s actions started WWII and still serve as a
warning to be vigilant about totalitarian government
Terms & Names to Identify:
1. Neville Chamberlain:
2. Winston Churchill:
3. appeasement:
4. nonaggression pact:
5. blitzkrieg:
6. Charles de Gaulle:
(1)-explain Hitler’s motives for expansion & how Britain
& France responded – summarize the first battles of
Hitler plans
Section 2 Comprehension:
1. What was appeasement, and why did Churchill oppose it so strongly?
2. How did German blitzkrieg tactics rely on new military technology?
3. Turn to page 538 and review the map. Which European countries did
Germany invade?
4. How was Germany’s geographic location an advantage?
Section 3: The Holocaust
Main Idea: during the Holocaust, the Nazis systematically executed 6
million Jews & 5 million other “non-Aryans”
Why it Matters Now: after the atrocities of the Holocaust, agencies
formed to publicize human rights. these agencies have remained a force
in today’s world
Terms & Names to Identify:
1. Holocaust:
2. Kristallnacht:
3. genocide:
4. ghetto:
5. concentration camp:
(1)-explain the reasons behind the Nazis’ persecution
of the Jews & the problems facing Jewish refugees
*Jews Targeted:
-Europe has long history of anti-semitism
-Germans believe Hitler’s claims, blame Jews for problems
-Nazis take away citizenship, jobs, property; require Star of David
-Kristallnacht – Nazis attack Jewish homes, businesses,
-about 100 Jews killed, hundreds injured, 30,000 arrested
*A flood of Jewish refugees:
-1938, Nazis try to speed up Jewish emigration
-France has 40,000 refugees, Britain 80,000
-US takes 100,000, many “persons of exceptional merit”
(2)-describe the Nazis “final solution” to the Jewish
problem & the horrors of the Holocaust
Section 3 Comprehension:
1. List 4 events that caused the Holocaust.
2. What was the goal of the Nazis’ Final Solution, and how was that goal
nearly achieved?
Section 4: America moves towards War:
Main Idea: in response to the fighting in Europe, the US provided
economic & military aid to help the Allies achieve victory
Why it Matters Now: the military capability of the US became a deciding
factor in WWII & in the World affairs ever since
Terms & Names to Identify:
1. Axis Powers:
2. Lend-Lease Act:
3. Atlantic Charter:
4. Allies:
5. Hideki Tojo:
(1)-explain how Roosevelt assisted the Allies without
declaring war
*Moving cautiously away from Neutrality:
-1939, FDR persuades Congress to pass “cash-and-carry”
-argues will help France, Britain defeat Hitler, keep US out of war
* The Axis Threat:
-1940, FDR tries to provide Britain “all aid short of war”
-Germany, Japan, Italy sign Tripartite Pact, mutual defense treaty
-become known as Axis Powers
-pact aimed at keeping US out of war by forcing fight on two oceans
*Building US defenses:
-Nazi victories in 1940 lead to increased US defense spending
-first peacetime draft enacted –Selective Training and Service Act
-draftees to serve 1 year in Western Hemisphere only
“The Great Arsenal of Democracy” –Roosevelt wins unprecedented 3rd
*The Lend-Lease Plan:
-FDR tells nation if Britain falls, Axis powers free to conquer world
-US must become “arsenal of democracy”
-by late 1940, Britain has no more cash to buy US arms
-1941 Lend Lease Act – US to lend or lease supplies for defense
*Supporting Stalin:
-1941, Hitler breaks pact with Stalin, invades Soviet Union
-Roosevelt sends lend-lease supplies for defense
(2)-summarize the events that brought the US into
armed conflict with Germany
*German Wolf Packs
-Hitler deploys U-boats to attack supply convoys
-Wolf Packs—groups of up to 40 subs patrol the North Atlantic
-sink supply ships
-FDR allows Navy to attack German U-boats in self defense
*The Atlantic Charter:
-FDR’s proposal to extend the term of draftees passes House by 1
-FDR, Churchill issue Atlantic Charter—joint declaration of war aims
-Allies—nations that fight Axis Powers; 26 nations sign Declaration
(3)-describe the American response to the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor
*The attack on Pearl Harbor:
-December 7, 1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
-2,403 Americans killed; 1,178 wounded
-over 300 aircraft, 21 ships destroyed or damaged
*Reaction to Pearl Harbor:
-Congress approves FDR’s request for declaration of war against
-Germany, Italy declare war on US
-US unprepared to fight in both Atlantic, Pacific Oceans