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Exam Date: ________________________
Time: _______________ Room: _______________
Final Analysis – Exam Review
Chemistry Unit:
True or False:
1. Quantitative properties of an object involve numbers.
2. Clarity and luster are examples of physical properties.
3. Viscosity describes flammability of a substance
4. A pure substance has only 1 phase.
5. The atomic mass of an element is the number of protons + electrons
Multiple Choice:
1. The three states of matter are:
a. Solids, metals and gases
c. Gases, liquids and solids
b. Solids, liquids and crystals
d. Liquids, mixtures and gases
2. Which of the following is not a property of metals?
a. Malleability
c. Good conductor of heat
b. Shiny luster
d. Brittleness
3. How many electrons are in each of the outer shells of an atom?
a. 2, 3, 8
c. 2, 8, 8
b. 2, 2, 8
d. 8, 2, 8
4. A charged particle (an atom that has gained or lost electrons) is called a(n):
a. Element
c. Proton
b. Isotope
d. Neutron
5. Isotopes have a different number of:
a. Protons
c. Electrons
b. Neutrons
d. None of the above
Fill in the blanks:
1. Mass is the amount of _____________________________in an object.
2. Volume is the amount of ____________________________ that matter occupies.
3. Tap water is considered to be a(n) ___________________________ not a compound.
4. The reactivity of metals increases as you move (left or right)_____________________ across a row.
5. The elements in group 1 (column 1) are similar because they all contain
_____________________________ electrons in their outer shells.
Short answer:
1. Define physical change.
Give an example.
2. Define chemical change.
Give an example.
3. What is the difference between:
a. Elements and Compounds
b. Homogeneous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture
4. Vinegar is a compound. The chemical formula is H3C2O2H
Type of elements
Number of atoms
5. Complete the chart for the gases indicated.
Element (E) or
Compound (C)
Standard Test
Expected Results
6. Give the charge, size and location for each of the following subatomic particles:
Relative Size
Location in the atom
7. What is the name and atomic number of: (use your periodic table)
Element name
The element that has the atomic number 17
An element that is a metal
An element that is a gas at room temperature
An element that is a liquid at room
An element that is a halogen
An element that is a noble gas
An element that is a alkali metal
8. Use your periodic table to draw a Bohr-Rutherford diagram for:
a. Sodium
b. Nitrogen
9. In the space below draw Bohr-Rutherford diagrams to illustrate the bonding between Calcium and Sulfur.
State the name and formula of the resulting compound.
10.What is the density of an object that has a mass of 148 g and has a volume of 120 cm3?
Biology Unit
True or False:
1. All of the cells in the human body divide at the same time.
2. The formation of spores is an example of asexual reproduction.
3. If an egg cell from a mouse had 22 chromosomes, then a mouse brain cell should have the same.
4. Cytokinesis is the process where the DNA is separated into 2 equal parts during cell division.
5. Fertility drugs can cause too many eggs to be released.
Multiple Choice:
1. How many chromosomes are found in a human skin cell?
a. 11
b. 34
c. 23
d. 46
2. Spider plants reproduce by sending out runners. This is an example of:
a. Sexual reproduction
c. Cloning
b. Asexual reproduction
d. Regeneration
3. During the cell cycle the cell spends most of its time in:
a. Interphase
c. Prophase
b. Anaphase
d. Metaphase
4. A carcinogen may be:
a. A chemical compound
c. Radiation
b. A virus
d. All of the above
5. Animals that contain both male and female reproductive organs are said to be:
a. Conjugates
c. Separate sexes
b. Clones
d. Hermaphrodites
e. Telophase
Fill in the blanks:
1. DNA is the _______________________ code found the in nucleus of a cell.
2. The process of cell division that is responsible for producing sex cells is called ____________________.
3. A change in a cell’s genetic information is a _____________________________.
4. A fertilized egg is called a __________________________.
5. The organ responsible for the exchange of nutrients and wastes between a mother and a fetus is the
Short Answer:
1. Cell division involves 2 processes: (define each process)
a. Mitosis
b. Cytogenesis
2. Complete the following chart about the 5 stages of mitosis. List the stages in order.
Phase Name
List 2 things that happen
(sketch of the nucleus)
during each phase
3. Complete the following chart comparing asexual and sexual reproduction:
Asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction
DNA of the offspring compared
to the parents
Complexity of the organism
Number of parents
Example of an organism that
uses this method
4. List the 5 types of Asexual reproduction in the following chart:
Type of asexual reproduction
Example of organism
5. List the 3 types of Sexual reproduction in the following chart:
Type of sexual reproduction
Example of organism
6. Explain or define the following:
a. Hormones
b. Regeneration
c. Cloning
d. Benign tumour
e. Malignant tumour
In-vitro fertilization
g. Artificial insemination
7. In the following chart give an example of what happens in each trimester of a human pregnancy.
Details . . .what are 2 developments that happen?
First trimester
Second trimester
Third trimester
Physics Unit
True or False:
1. A voltmeter is a device that measures the current in a circuit.
2. A fuse will open a circuit when the current becomes too high.
3. Opposite charges will attract each other.
4. A parallel circuit has different pathways for the electrons to travel.
5. When 2 dry cells are connected in series, the total voltage of the battery increases.
Multiple choice:
1. Electrical Current is:
a. An electrical device that impedes the flow of electrons
b. A measure of the amount of energy that each electron possesses
c. The number of electrons that pass through the wire in a specific time interval
d. Measured in a circuit using a voltmeter
2. Electric potential (Voltage) is:
a. The number of electrons that pass through a wire in a specific time interval
b. The ability of an object to conduct protons
c. The amount of energy that each electron possesses
d. The ability of an object to impede the flow of electrons
3. Which of the following statements describes the current in a series circuit:
a. The current is the same at every point
b. The current is the largest through the load
c. The current is the largest at the positive terminal
d. The current is the largest at the negative terminal
4. An acetate rod is positively charged when:
a. It has an excess of electrons
b. It has a deficiency of electrons
c. The nuclei of its atoms are positively charged
d. The electrons of its atoms are positively charged
5. Two light bulbs are connected together in series. If one light bulb burns out, the other bulb will:
a. Become brighter
c. Stay the same
b. Become dimmer
d. Go out
Fill in the blanks:
1. Grounding an electrical device means that it is connected to the ground by a
_____________________________ wire
2. The instrument that is used to detect static charge is an
3. To increase the amount of time that a battery of a specific voltage will last, the cells must be
connected in _________________________________.
4. The source of electric current in a circuit is the ______________________________.
5. The Law of electric charges states that similar charges will _________________________.
Short Answer:
1. Complete the following chart on the methods of charging a neutral object
Method of charging
Definition or description
Charge that the neutral
object gets
Charging by Friction
Charging by Contact
Charging by Induction
2. Why are dust particles attracted to a newly polished car?
3. Complete the following chart comparing a series circuit and a parallel circuit.
Series circuit
Number of paths for the electrons to
flow through
Adding more cells:
Parallel circuit
- the voltage of the battery will . . .
- the purpose of adding more cells
Multiple loads:
- voltmeter reading at the source
compared to at each load
Multiple loads:
- ammeter reading at the source
compared to at each load
Removing one of the bulbs will have
what effect on the rest.
4. Use symbols to draw a circuit diagram that includes the following:
- 2 cells connected in parallel
- 2 light bulbs connected in series
- a switch that controls both bulbs
- a voltmeter to measure the voltage across one bulb
- an ammeter to measure the current in the circuit.
Use your equation page to answer the following calculation questions:
5. A light bulb has a current of 0.9 A flowing through it. If the resistance of the bulb is 18.4 , calculate the
voltage of the source.
6. A motor has a resistance of 800 . If it is connected to a 120 V source, calculate the current that it draws.
7. Calculate the efficiency of an electric motor that produces 20 000 J of useful energy while using an input
energy of 30 000 J.
Space Unit
True or False:
1. Only Earth has gravity.
2. Our Sun is in the galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy.
3. Most stars are bigger than the Sun
4. The astronomical unit (AU) is defined as the distance from the Sun to the planet Mars.
5. An eruption of gases from the surface of the Sun is called a sun spot.
Multiple Choice:
1. The order of stars from the hottest colour to the coolest colour is:
a. Blue, yellow, red
b. Red, blue, yellow
c. Yellow, red, blue
d. Blue, red, yellow,
e. Red, yellow, blue
2. The best way to explain why astronauts in orbit appear to be floating is that they are experiencing:
a. Weightlessness
b. Zero gravity
c. Continuous free fall
d. Micro-gravity
e. None of the above
3. In the Sun’s photosphere there are areas that are cooler and appear darker that the surrounding hot areas.
There cool, darker areas are called:
a. A solar prominence
b. A solar flare
c. A supernova
d. A sun spot
e. A nebula
4. Between Mars and Jupiter there is a ring of objects which are:
a. Asteroids
b. Comets
c. Meteors
d. Meteoroids
e. Meteorites
5. When a small star the size of our Sun, dies, the final remains would be:
a. A red giant
b. A white dwarf
c. A neutron star
d. A supernova
e. A black hole
Fill in the blanks:
1. The process that stars use to produce energy is ____________________ ______________________.
2. Stars begin their lives as clouds of dust and gases which is called a _________________________.
3. ________________________________ is the force of attraction between all objects that have a mass.
4. The four planets closest to the sun are called the ________________________ planets or the
_________________________ planets.
5. The next four planets from the sun are called the outer planets or the gas giants. They are similar
because they are all made of up the same two gases _______________________ and
Short Answer:
1. List the order of the planets from closest to the furthest from the Sun.
2. Each planet in our Solar system different from the rest. You should try to know 1-2 things about each
planet. Using this information, try to identify the correct planet(s) for each part.
a. Which 2 planets have no moons? _______________________, _________________________
b. This planet is most similar to the moon _____________________________. The reason that
it’s surface is mostly craters is ____________________________________________________.
c. Which planet is completely different from the others?
d. Which planet has the largest mass? ____________________________________
e. Which planet rotates on its side? ______________________________________
f. This planet does have polar ice caps and dry river valleys
g. Which two planets have the most moons? _______________________,
h. Which planet has an atmosphere that is mostly
i. Which planet has the “Great red spot”? ______________________________
j. This planet is the least dense. It is believed that it doesn’t have a solid core
k. It was discovered because it altered the regular orbit of Uranus
l. The asteroid belt is found between which 2 planets? __________________,
m. This planet’s surface is hard to observe because it is always covered with clouds
n. This planet has thousands of rings that surround it ____________________________________
o. The four inner planets are:
p. The four outer planets are:
3. Other “space” objects can be sometimes confused. Answer the following that describes each object.
a. An object that is pulled into the Earth’s gravitational field
b. An icy object that orbits the Sun is called a
c. A rocky object that forms an orbit between Mars and Jupiter
d. A streak of light from an object falling through the Earth’s atmosphere
e. A natural object that orbits a planet
f. An object that strikes the Earth’s after falling through the atmosphere
g. A group of stars that form a pattern
h. A collection of dust, gases and billions of stars
4. Life of a star
Life stages
Early life
Major part of life
Small or medium star
Large and extremely large star
All stars begin their life as a
____________________________________. Explain what this is?
Gradually the collection of gases and dust turns into a hot, dense clump
that begins to produce ___________________________ using the process
of ______________ ______________________. Depending on the size
of the star, energy can be produced for __________ to _________ years.
Old age
When the star uses up all of the fuel (such as
______________________), it cools down and swells in size and is
called a _________________ _________________ or if it is really large a
_______________ red giant.
This is where the life of a star is quite different depending of the size of the star.
The outer layer of gases drift away. The core collapses inward, sending
The core shrinks to become a
_____________ _______________
White dwarf star eventually
__________ and _____________
the outer layers exploding as a
Extremely large:
Large star:
core packs
core packs
together to form together to form
a ____________ a ___________