Download Objectives Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Goals
Endocrine System
11.1 – Introduction
1. Define what a hormone is and give an example.
2. Distinguish between paracrine and autocrine secretions.
3. Distinguish between endocrine and exocrine glands.
11.2 – General Characteristics of the Endocrine System
1. Compare and contrast the nervous system and endocrine
2. Describe the specificity of the endocrine system.
3. List 5 functions of the endocrine system.
4. List and describe the two categories of hormones.
5. Know the major hormone glands and where they are located in
the human body.
6. Explain what a target cell is.
11.3 – Hormone Action (Describe as if you had to teach to someone else!)
1. How do steroid hormones affect target cells?
2. How do non-steroid hormones affect target cells?
11.4 – Control of Hormonal Secretions
1. Discuss how negative feedback mechanisms regulate hormonal
2. Explain how the nervous system controls secretion.
3. Draw an example of a negative feedback loop in the endocrine
system for regulating blood calcium levels and blood sugar levels.
11.5-11.10 – Endocrine Glands
1. Know the hormone glands, what they secrete, and the function
of the hormone that they secrete.
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