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02.03 Distances in Space Assignment
To prepare for this visit you will create something that you can use to teach them about what we have
learned. Here are some ideas:
video or movie
Presentation (PowerPoint or Word)
story book
You only need to create one thing. This product must include:
1. An explanation of a light year.
2. How a light year is used to measure distances in space.
3. A specific example of how light year is used in space exploration. Pick one object in space (the
nearest star, the nearest galaxy, the edge of the universe, etc.) and tell how far this object is
from earth and how long it would take light to travel there.
02.05 HR Diagram assignment
Copy and paste the questions below into a document and answer the questions using the HR diagram
below. You will need to attach the completed file to the Assignment 02.05 HR Diagram.
1. A star has an absolute magnitude of 4 and a surface temperature of 5,000 degrees C. According
to the HR Diagram list the type of star found at these coordinates.
2. A star has a temperature of 15,000 degrees C and an absolute magnitude of 2, According to the
HR Diagram state the type of star found at these coordinates.
3. A star has an absolute magnitude of -4 and surface temperature of 10,000 degrees C. According
to the HR Diagram state list the type of star found at these coordinates.
4. Describe absolute magnitude.
5. Which category contains the majority of stars?
2.07 Solar Properties assignment
You need to create 4 sets of 5 three word clues for each of the sun's physical properties.
A. Corona
1. (3 word clue)
2. (3 word clue)
3. (3 word clue)
4. (3 word clue)
5. (3 word clue)
B. Solar Prominence
1. (3 word clue)
2. (3 word clue)
3. (3 word clue)
4. (3 word clue)
5. (3 word clue)
C. Solar Flare
(3 word clue)
(3 word clue)
(3 word clue)
(3 word clue)
(3 word clue)
D Sunspots
1. (3 word clue)
2. (3 word clue)
3. (3 word clue)
4. (3 word clue)
5. (3 word clue)
02.09 Light: Fingerprint of Stars Assignment
Compare the descriptions of spectrometer readings to the examples given on the lesson page. Based on
the description please fill in what atom we are examining with the spectrometer.
1. Explain how we use a spectrometer to help us determine what stars and planets are made of?
Compare the descriptions of spectrometer readings to the examples given on the lesson page.
Based on the description please fill in what atom we are examining with the spectrometer.r
a. This spectrometer reading shows only Yellow. Our atom is most likely
b. This spectrometer reading shows some Red, Blue and Purple. Our atom is most likely
c. This spectrometer reading shows some Reds, Orange, and Yellow. Our atom is most likely
d. This Spectrometer reading shows some Red, Yellow and Blue. Our atom is most likely
e. This spectrometer reading shows some Yellow Blue and Purple. Our atom is most likely
Module 2 study guide
For the Discussion Based Assessment:
You should be able to confidently and comfortably talk to your instructor about the topics
and ideas you learned in the module.
Your answers should be conversational – meaning you would tell your instructor what
you know, like you were telling them about a movie you just watched.
Module 2 Focus/Review Items
2.01 Formation of Heavenly Bodies
 Can you explain the role that the Law of Universal Gravitation plays in the formation of
heavenly bodies?
 Can you distinguish the hierarchical relationships between the heavenly bodies? In other
words, can explain how planets, stars, galaxies, solar systems and the universe relate to
each other?
2.02 Formation of Heavenly Bodies
Can you define “galaxy”? Don’t forget gravity!
What is the name of our galaxy?
Can you describe 3 types of galaxies?
o 1.
o 2.
o 3.
What is the shape of our galaxy?
How many galaxies are there and how many stars in each galaxy?
2.03 Galaxies
Do you understand the enormous distances between objects in space?
How far is the sun from the earth?
Can you explain how light applies to the huge distances in space?
What is a light year?
Why do scientists use it to explain distances in space?
2.04 Properties of Stars
Can you identify the 4 different properties of stars?
What size is our sun?
Describe these stars:
o Neutron star:
o Dwarf star
o Medium sized
o Giant
o Supergiant
What is apparent magnitude?
What is absolute magnitude?
What determines the color of a star?
What else can scientists determine from studying the light of a star?
2.05 HR Diagram
Can you explain what a HR diagram is used for?
Can you read an HR diagram?
What does absolute magnitude describe?
Which category do the majority of stars fall into?
2.06 Life Cycle of Stars
Can you name the stages of a star’s life?
Can you compare each stage to a stage in a human’s life?
2.07 Solar Properties
Can you name and describe the 4 physical properties of our sun?.
Create a model of the sun.
2.08 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Certain _______ emit certain colors of light from the _______ light spectrum.
Can you name and compare the different characteristics of the electromagnetic
2.09 Light: Fingerprint of Stars
Can you describe how the Electromagnetic spectrum is used to study stars and planets?
What is a spectrometer?
Can you name 5 atoms and the five colors that describe them?.
Honors Students Only
2.06 Advanced Mass Determines Fate
Can you explain how the mass of a star determines where the star is in its life cycle?
Can you explain the impact the mass of a star has on the length of its life span?
2.08 Advanced: Characteristics of Light
Can you define wavelength and frequency?
Can you explain how wavelength affects frequency?
Can you explain how wavelength and frequency determine the type of light?
Can you name a light that has a high wavelength and a low wavelength?
Can you name a light that has a high frequency and a low frequency?