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1) What is a landform?
A landform is a nature feature of the land’s surface.
2) What makes up a landscape?
A landscape is made up of landforms together with its cover of vegetation, water, ice and
rock. It also includes the activities of humans and other animals.
3) What 5 factors are used to describe topography?
 General appearance
 Gradient
 Geology
 Relief
 elevation
4) Explain how a pot of soup over a hot stove element can help to
Teach us how landforms are built.
A pot of soup can help teach us about how landforms because currents carry hotter soup
toward the surface and then it cools as it moves from the heat source. This is much the
same as convection currents in the earth’s mantle that causes magma to move, and in turn
cause the plated to separate or collide.
5) What four forces create Canada’s topography?
 Mountain building
 Weathering
 Erosion
 Deposition
6) What is the difference between a “plateau” and a “plain”?
The difference between a plateau and a plain is a plateau describes an area
between mountains that are formed as a result of movements of the earths crust. A plain
is a land that is formed under a lake or a sea and is exposed when the water receded.
7) Has the earth always looked the same as it does today? Explain
No, the earth has not always looked the same, its surface has experienced many changes.
Many mountains have been worn away by erosion. Some parts of the earth have been
covered by glaciers during ice ages, and have experienced a tropical climate during other